After getting up the next day, Wang Wei left the tree of life with Silu and returned to the floating island.

Silu was called back by the elders of Atlantis just to prepare for her wedding to Wang Wei, the emperor of Atlantis.

And Wang Wei was brought back just to complete the wedding with Silu, the former Queen of Atlantis.

Now that the two have completed their big marriage and have had the same room, there is no need to continue to stay on the tree of life.

The elders of Atlantis can handle everything in Atlantis very well, and they don't need Wang Wei, the emperor of Atlantis, to worry about it.

As for whether the elders will have too much power.

Don't worry about that at all.No matter how powerful the elders were, they could never disobey the orders of the Queen of Atlantis or the Emperor.

In the Atlantean civilization, the status of the current queen or emperor is supreme and unmatched by anyone.

No matter how great an elder's rights are, it only takes a word from the queen or the emperor to deprive that elder of his position and rights.Love 999 Novel

No matter how loyal the elder's subordinates are, if they choose between the queen, the emperor or the elder, they will never choose the elder.

Therefore, in the Atlantean civilization, as long as there is a queen or an emperor, there is absolutely no possibility of rebellion.

After returning to the floating island, Wang Wei did not immediately disclose the matter between him and Silu to An Ran.

That kind of thing is better to say while exercising in bed.

Back on the floating island, Wang Wei also had a lot of things to do.

Just last night, the engineering robot has completed the manufacture of an autonomous space exploration spacecraft.

Because there was no order from Wang Wei, the already built automatic space exploration spacecraft did not lift off immediately, but stopped on the island below the floating island.

According to Xiao Hei's meaning, the order for the first cosmic automatic exploration spacecraft to take off must of course be given by the master, Wang Wei.

In fact, Wang Wei didn't care whether the launch order for the first automatic space exploration spacecraft was given by himself.However, since Xiao Hei has this intention, and now that he is back, then it is up to him to issue the lift-off order.

So, Wang Wei, who had just returned to the floating island from the tree of life, immediately asked Xiao Hei to give the first launch order to the first automatic space exploration spacecraft.

Order it to fly out of the solar system.

There are several tasks for the space automatic exploration spacecraft.

One is to map galaxies beyond our solar system and the orbits of galaxies moving in the future.

The second is to explore the planetary environments in all the star systems passed by on the way, and record the possible mineral deposits of all the planets experienced on the way.

However, there is no need to slowly mine and confirm on those planets, as long as possible mineral deposits are marked.

The most important task is to find a planet that can replace the earth and is suitable for human habitation.

As long as you find a planet that is suitable for human habitation like the earth, then immediately use the neutrino interstellar communication technology that can only be mastered by the third-level civilization technology, and send the planet's location to the earth.

This cosmic automatic detection spacecraft is only Explorer [-], and there will be Explorer [-], Explorer [-], Explorer [-], and Explorer [-] in the future.

At that time, Wang Wei believes that another planet like Earth that is suitable for human survival will be found.

Of course, most planets that can breed life will evolve intelligent life.

If other 'humans' are found on habitable planets, then it depends.

If the other party's technology and civilization are very powerful, then let the universe automatically detect the spacecraft and directly self-destruct.

If the other party's technology and civilization are similar to or weaker than the Earth, then it depends on whether the other party is a pacifist or a belligerent.

If it is a pacifist, then try to emigrate and let the earth live with them.

If it is a belligerent, then directly colonize by force, kill the civilization of the other side, and then grab the planet.

There are not many planets suitable for carbon-based organisms to survive, and as long as they are discovered, they cannot be easily given up.

Therefore, after the emergence of a new planet suitable for human existence, there is a very high possibility that a war between civilizations will break out.

Moreover, Wang Wei is looking for colleagues on other planets, and the earth may also be discovered by other civilizations.

Therefore, the development of military power can never be stopped. , , .

Chapter 1: Explorer [-], who is about to leave the solar system

It has been a few days since Wang Wei established the scientific alliance.But for some reason, no other countries have applied to join the scientific alliance.

But Wang Wei was not in a hurry.

After all, he established the Science Alliance in the hope of cultivating more talent pools.

With Huaxia, a country with a population of [-] billion, joining the Science and Technology Alliance, it is enough to cultivate a talent pool for the time being.

Of course, it would be better if more countries joined.It doesn't matter if you don't.

And joining a tech alliance would do more good than bad for those countries.

But if someone would rather guard his one-third of an acre of land than join the Science Alliance, Wang Wei wouldn't care.

Then when we enter the interstellar era, Wang Wei will not take them to play.

After they have developed the technology to enter space themselves, they will find that there are planets in the stellar system around the solar system that have been developed by humans, and all of them have been occupied by humans.

To find available planetary resources, go further afield.

However, they who have just mastered the immature interstellar navigation technology may not be able to find new planets suitable for human habitation or planets that can be used by humans alive.

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