In the past few days, a major event has happened in China, to be precise, a major event has occurred internationally.

That is, the Mijan National Aeronautics and Space Administration, the Russian Federal Space Agency, the European Space Agency, the Canadian National Space Agency and the Brazilian Space Agency, all of which have reached an agreement with Huaxia to jointly use the 'Huaxia Palace' space station.

That is to say, except for Neon, which has perished, all the national organizations that participated in the research and development missions of the International Space Station have now established agreements with Huaxia to jointly use the 'Huaxia Palace' space station.

The International Space Station has crashed, and it will take at least ten years for those countries to rebuild a space station by themselves.

But they can't do it.Because it is impossible for those countries to watch China alone using the space station to conduct various researches.

Therefore, although those countries excluded Huaxia from the past, they did not allow Huaxia to join the construction and use of the International Space Station.But now he still shamelessly asks Huaxia to jointly use the 'Huaxia Palace' space station.

Huaxia has previously stated that it is willing to cooperate with any country that has established friendly relations with Huaxia to jointly use Huaxia's 'Huaxia Palace' space station.

Therefore, for the applications of all the former member states of the ISS Alliance, Huaxia agreed to all the applications.

It's just that the price paid by all the members of the former ISS Alliance is beyond the knowledge of outsiders.

But one thing is for sure, the current Huaxia will definitely not suffer.

After all, with China's current military strength, it is not afraid of pressure from those countries at all.

It is impossible for those countries to use force to put pressure on China now, because those big countries know that China's current military power is not afraid of the military power of any country.

If there is a real fight, it is not necessarily who will win and who will lose.

Moreover, in addition to Huaxia's own strong military power, there is Wang Wei, a super pervert, who supports Huaxia.

Wang Wei can easily destroy Neon's aircraft carrier fleet, and can destroy the entire country of sticks in an instant.

This kind of strength is something that no country dares to provoke lightly.Qishu Novel Network

There are even many people who think that Wang Wei is the illegitimate son of God, otherwise how could a person's brain be so strong.

In fact, many developed countries such as Mi Jian are very interested in the scientific alliance established by Wang Wei.

It is only for Wang Wei's request that all members must upload all the scientific theories and technologies of their own countries to the official website of the Science Alliance, which is really unacceptable.

Because each country has a lot of secret technology, it is not allowed to let any country other than its own know.

Let them go public now, which is unacceptable to almost all countries.

Moreover, Western developed countries are not like China.

Almost all cutting-edge technologies in China are in the hands of the state.Although there are many cutting-edge technologies that seem to be in the hands of some companies, in fact, Huaxia is secretly controlled.

But those developed countries in the West are different.

In those western developed countries, many cutting-edge technologies are actually in the hands of private enterprises and chaebols.

Although there are many cutting-edge technologies mastered by the state, there are also many cutting-edge technologies that are monopolized by some big chaebols.

In many western countries, chaebols develop technology, then convert technology into products, and finally sell the products to countries.

In other words, many cutting-edge technologies are not actually in the hands of the state.

Even if those countries have the idea of ​​joining the Science Alliance, but they can't hand over all the technology, they probably won't be able to pass.

But what those countries don't know is that in fact all the technologies that exist in the world have been collected by Xiao Hei.

Wang Wei asked those countries to hand over all the technology they had, not really for their technology.

But to see if they are really sincere in joining the scientific alliance.

As long as their country is not private, then Wang Wei will agree to their application.

Of course, Huaxia is a special case. When several elders signed the charter of the Science Alliance, Huaxia had not handed over all the cutting-edge technologies that Huaxia had mastered.

Because Wang Wei himself is from China, the requirements for China are not too strict.

However, after the elders went back, they immediately started sending all the technologies mastered by Huaxia to the official website of the Science Alliance.

Because several elders knew that compared with the technology provided by Wang Wei, those technologies in Huaxia were not worth much at all.

This has been verified by scientists in many scientific laboratories in China after Wang Wei published the website address of the Science Alliance.

Therefore, Huaxia will not hesitate to take out all the technologies that the country has mastered.

three days later.

"Master, the second cosmic automatic exploration spacecraft has been built. Is the target still outside the solar system?" Xiao Hei asked Wang Wei.

"Where is Explorer 1 now?" Wang Wei asked.

"Explorer 1 has already flown a distance of 1 billion kilometers. According to the speed of Explorer [-], in two days, it will reach the Kuiper Belt, which is [-] billion kilometers away from the sun. After crossing the Kuiper Belt, even if It flew out of the solar system!" Xiao Hei said. , , .

Chapter 1: The picture captured by Voyager [-]

"Explorer 1 has already flown a distance of 1 billion kilometers. According to the speed of Explorer [-], in two days, it will reach the Kuiper Belt, which is [-] billion kilometers away from the sun. After crossing the Kuiper Belt, even if It flew out of the solar system!" Xiao Hei said.

"How long does it take to get to the first star system outside the solar system?" Wang Wei asked.

"The closest star system to the solar system is the third star in the Alpha Centauri triplet, also known as Alpha Centauri C by Bayer nomenclature, and also called Proxima Centauri. The distance from Earth is about 42 light-years. "

"The maximum speed of the automatic exploration spacecraft in the universe is only one-eighth of the speed of light. It will take at least thirty-two years to reach Proxima Centauri," Xiao Hei explained.

After hearing Xiao Hei's explanation, Wang Wei almost choked to death on his own saliva.

What the heck, it would take 1 years for Explorer [-] to reach the constant information closest to the sun.

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