Flying at the top speed of the explorer, it only takes eleven seconds to fly from the earth to the moon.And it would take thirty-two years to fly to the nearest star system.

Thirty-two years, although it is nothing to Wang Wei, who has achieved a thousand years of life.

But for other human beings on earth, for An Ran, Ang Xue and others, almost half of this life has passed.

Even if Explorer 1 is very lucky to find a planet similar to Earth suitable for human existence in the planetary system of Proxima Centauri.

It would take more than thirty years to transport humans there.

This is a fart.This is a task that generations have been unable to accomplish.

This means that Wang Wei doesn't have much knowledge about the universe. Although he knows that the universe is big, he never thought that the universe is actually so big.

In this way, it is not realistic to want to quickly explore the universe before mastering technologies such as warp engines, jump engines, superluminal engines, and interstellar teleporters.

Unless a naturally formed space-time wormhole is discovered by great luck, and that space-time wormhole is still a safe space-time wormhole, it is possible for humans to reach other galaxies in a short time.

And the technology that can traverse ultra-long-distance space jumps in a short period of time does not exist in the technology of the third-level civilization.At least it is estimated that the fourth-level scientific and technological civilization must be turned on to be able to exchange.

It seems that Wang Wei's goal of getting out of the solar system cannot be achieved in a short time.

Even if the space battleship is built, it is only the most basic space roaming.

After leaving the solar system, it takes more than [-] years to roam in the vast space to reach the nearest star system. It is better to continue to accumulate prestige on the earth, and then directly start the fourth-level scientific and technological civilization.

Then buy technologies like Warp Drive, Jump Drive, etc. from the Tech Store.

Traveling to a different star system that way would be greatly shortened.

It now takes decades to reach the nearest star system to the solar system, and with space-hopping technology, it may only take a few minutes.

However, since Wang Wei has not been able to contact other star systems in a short period of time, it is better to develop the planets in the solar system first.

"The goal of Explorer 2 is set to all planets, moons, and finally asteroids in the solar system. Confirm all planets, moons, and asteroids that may contain minerals, and confirm the accurate environment of all planets and moons! Then count humans on it. The feasibility of survival!" Wang Wei ordered Xiao Hei.

"Yes! Master!"

Although it takes more than three decades for the Explorer series spacecraft to travel to another star system closest to the solar system.

But in fact, the speed of the Explorer series spacecraft is not slow. You must know that the speed of the Explorer series spacecraft is more than [-] times higher than that of the space shuttle.Tomb Raiders Novel Network

It can only be said that the universe is completely beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

Even Wang Wei had no idea of ​​the vastness of the universe before he came into contact with space knowledge.

However, at the speed of the Explorer spacecraft, it only takes more than a week to fly from one end of the solar system to the other.

Although it is still early to explore galaxies beyond the solar system, it is very simple to explore the planets, moons and even asteroids in the solar system.

Humans have landed on the moon, unmanned probes have landed on Mars, and 'close-up' pictures of other planets in the solar system have been taken.

However, humans do not actually know any exoplanets.

The closest moon to humans, humans know its shape and the material on the surface in some areas.Not much is known about the resources that exist on the Moon.

Mars is even more so, only knowing the temperature of the surface of Mars and the existence of life like Calvin, humans have no understanding of the resources that exist on Mars.

As for the more distant planets, the degree of understanding is even lower.

Although it is unlikely that large-scale colonization of other planets in the solar system is possible, there is no problem in establishing a survival base for small colonization and mineral mining.

At least doing so would reduce the rate of environmental damage to the planet.

In other words, Wang Wei's construction base will be transferred from the earth to other planets such as the moon, Mars, and Jupiter.

However, Wang Wei himself mainly has to stay on the earth. After all, compared with other planets in the solar system, the environment of the earth is the best.

Two days later, fourteen hours after the Explorer 1 launched by Wang Wei entered the Kuiper Belt.

Mikan NASA suddenly received dozens of strange photos sent back by Voyager 1.

Voyager 1 is an unmanned outer solar system space probe developed by Micken NASA.Launched forty years ago, its current location happens to be in the Kuiper Belt region.

Among the dozens of photos sent back by Voyager 1, a man-made aircraft can clearly be seen.

Moreover, it can be calculated from the background stars of the hundreds of photos that the flight path of the artificial aircraft is from the inner part of the solar system to the outer part of the solar system.

And the opponent's flight speed is quite fast, the speed is almost one-eighth of the speed of light.

Even the high-energy telescope on Voyager 1 took just a few dozen pictures before the mysterious man-made vehicle disappeared from Voyager 1's field of view.

Knowing this result, people who have never been to NASA were immediately taken aback.

It took Voyager 1 [-] years to fly from Earth to the Kuiper Belt.

Afterwards, although some countries on Earth have successively launched some spacecraft to fly outside the solar system, they are not as far as Voyager 1.

Natural Voyager 1 has also not taken pictures of those vehicles.

And now Voyager 1 has photographed a man-made aircraft for the first time, and that man-made aircraft is still so fast.

This time Mijian NASA is not calm.

This will not be an alien civilization coming to the solar system! , , .

Chapter [-]: NASA's Announcement

A decision was made after a meeting with the top management of the Mikan NASA.

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