That's what the public image of Voyager [-] took in the Kuiper Belt.

They are not worried that the group of photos will cause panic among the people.Extraterrestrial creatures have appeared on Earth more than once, and even if the people now know that they are on the edge of the solar system and that NASA has photographed man-made aircraft in the Kuiper Belt region, there will be no large-scale panic events.

The people have been trained by the constant occurrence of major events related to the life and death of the earth.

Before the aliens actually attack the earth, most of the people will not have much reaction.

This is similar to the story of the wolf coming. After listening to the story of the wolf coming, you will not become flustered without actually seeing the wolf.

Alien life has been heard more and more. Before the interstellar war, even if other aliens appeared, it would not cause much shock to ordinary people on earth.

However, the release of that set of photos by the Mikan NASA was on purpose.

Mi Jian's aviation technology was once the world's first.But recently, Wang Wei first mastered aviation technology far surpassing Mi Jian, and created a space shuttle that can travel back and forth between the earth and the moon in two hours.

A few months later, Huaxia actually produced a space shuttle that was almost the same as Wang Wei.And soon after, the space station 'Huaxia Palace', which was completed by Huaxia alone, will be launched into space.

After Wang Wei, Huaxia's technology in the aviation field also instantly surpassed Mi Jian, who once led the world.

Mi Jian's senior management of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration did not believe that the improvement of Huaxia Technology was on their own.It was definitely developed in a short period of time by relying on the technology provided by Wang Wei.

Although this is just the speculation of the Mikan National Aeronautics and Space Center, but in fact their speculation is the truth.

Therefore, the Mijian National Aerospace Center is jealous, and they also want to get Wang Wei's technology, and then quickly improve their technical level in the space field.

Military threats or something have been tried before, and it didn't work.On the contrary, it will also cause a riot.

Therefore, the Mijian National Aeronautics and Space Administration never thought of using force to coerce Wang Wei.

As for the scientific alliance that Wang Wei has only recently established, in fact, many people in Mi Jian hope that their country can join the scientific alliance.For example, some scientific research workers, such as some senior officials of the Mi Jian National Aeronautics and Space Administration.

However, it is of no use to those who are willing.

The only person who can decide whether to join the scientific alliance is the current governor of Mikaen, Puchuan.

Of course, the current governor of Mejian, Putuan, is only the person in charge on the surface.It is actually Mi Jian's big financial groups that really dominate the country's decision-making.

Although Governor Mi Jian is the person with the most power on the face of Mi Jian, the person who holds the position of governor is only a person elected by Mi Jian's ten major financial groups.

Some very important decisions, if only through the agreement of the ten major consortiums, the Governor Mijan can begin to implement.

The ten major consortiums have their own laboratories and their own cutting-edge technologies in various fields.

Not to mention the disclosure of those cutting-edge technologies, even among the top ten consortiums, it is impossible to obtain cutting-edge technologies that are privately owned by other consortiums.Kanshuge

Therefore, Mi Jian has no possibility of joining the scientific alliance established by Wang Wei.

Because although they are envious of Wang Wei's technology, they are also reluctant to own their own technology.

And if you can't get cutting-edge technology from Wang Wei through the above two methods, you can only use the last method.

With righteousness, Wang Wei was forced to share those advanced space technologies.

As a result, the official website of the Mijian National Aeronautics and Space Administration immediately released a message.

'Shock!Alien civilizations visit the solar system!Humanity is about to be wiped out! '

This title is almost the same as the news headlines released by the CU Newsroom and the Fuji News Newsroom.

As a national unit of Mi Jian, as an authority in the space field, there is no one who lists such a title in order to attract research.

After clicking on this announcement, the first thing that catches your eye is the photo of Explorer [-] taken by Voyager [-] in the Kuiper Belt.

Explorer [-] is about the size of a car, with a flying saucer-like shape and nothing special around it.

It's just that at the bottom of the flying saucer, there is a word 'house' followed by the number of Explorer 1.

The word 'house' was a sudden whim of Wang Wei some time ago, and he wanted to get a mark, clan hui, etc. for his floating island.

On the Internet, everyone called him a house god, so Wang Wei decided to use the word 'house' as the symbol of the floating island.

Anything produced by Floating Island in the future will be marked with the word 'Zhai'.

And the Explorer cosmic automatic exploration spacecraft will naturally not be missed.

However, because of the angle, Voyager [-] did not capture the bottom of Explorer [-].

But in fact, even if the angle is right, it is impossible to see the text at the bottom of Explorer [-].After all, the distance is too far. The Explorer [-], the size of the sedan, is only the size of a coin in the photo, and the words on it are even more impossible to see.

Below a set of photos is what the Mijian National Aeronautics and Space Center said.

'Voyager [-] was a solar-powered cosmic probe that Micken launched forty years ago.Over the past four decades, Voyager has sent back close-up images of Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. '

'In addition to pictures of these planets and dwarf planets within our solar system, there are many pictures of different directions of the universe. '

'After four decades of roaming, Voyager [-] has finally reached the edge of the solar system, the Kuiper Belt.As long as it flies out of the Kuiper belt, the Voyager will even fly out of the solar system. '

' However, in those four decades, Voyager [-] has never photographed anything unnaturally formed.And not long ago, we just received a set of data from the Kuiper belt sent by Voyager [-], and that set of data is a set of photos taken by Voyager [-] in the Kuiper belt. '

'That's right.The set of photos released at the beginning of the article is the picture taken by Voyager [-] from the edge of the solar system, the Kuiper Belt. '

'Everyone can clearly see that there is a very obvious 'artificial flying saucer' flying away from the solar system in the photo.We can be sure that it is definitely not earth technology, but unknown alien technology!An alien civilization has visited the solar system! ' , , .

Chapter [-]: It's time to slap the face

'Everyone can clearly see that there is a very obvious 'artificial flying saucer' flying away from the solar system in the photo. '

'On Earth, there are not many countries that have the strength to make space vehicles.After we launched Voyager [-], although some countries have also launched space probes, the only space probe that has reached the Kuiper Belt so far is Voyager [-]. '

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