'Although a few months ago, the world famous inventor Mr. Wang Wei developed a space shuttle that can travel back and forth between the earth and the moon in two hours.But even at the speed of the space shuttle, it will take more than four years to reach the Kuiper Belt! '

' And the space shuttle is already the most advanced space vehicle on Earth.Therefore, after a rigorous analysis, we, Mijian National Aeronautics and Space Administration, have come to a conclusion.That is, the 'artificial flying saucer' photographed by Voyager [-] in the Kuiper Belt must be the aircraft of some alien civilization! '

'From the background galaxy map of dozens of photos, it can be seen that the 'artificial flying saucer' flew from the inner solar system to the outer solar system. '

'In other words, the 'artificial flying saucer' may have explored the entire solar system!So, have we living on Earth been discovered by alien civilizations?If Earth is discovered by alien civilizations, will they send space warships to attack us? '

'The above questions we do not know.However, one thing is certain, that is, the technology of the external civilization to which the artificial flying saucer belongs is definitely higher than that of the earth civilization. '

'Although we don't know whether the external civilization has really discovered the earth, and whether it will really attack the earth.But, as human beings living on earth, we should all be united! '

'We should unite and develop technology vigorously.As we all know, the world-famous great inventor Mr. Wang Wei has mastered some technologies that surpass all countries on earth. '

'I know that those technologies in the hands of Mr. Wang Wei can bring him great wealth.But there is an old saying in China that "many people are more powerful; when people gather firewood, the flame is high."''

'Mr. Wang Wei's energy is limited after all.Therefore, we, Mijian National Aeronautics and Space Administration, hope that, for the earth not to be invaded by alien civilizations, and for mankind to resist alien civilizations, we hope that Mr. Wang Wei can publish his technology, so that all scientists in the world can jointly improve Earth Technology! '

That announcement from Mickey NASA was very long.

But the basic meaning to be expressed is that there may be aliens coming to attack the earth, and the earth's technology is likely to be unable to defend the earth.

It is hoped that Wang Wei, who currently has the strongest technology, can contribute all the technology he has mastered, so that countries all over the world can improve their military power and the earth's technology level together.

In reality, however, what Mickey NASA is saying is bullshit.

Although according to what they say, it seems that all countries in the world can benefit.

However, in fact, if Wang Wei really discloses his technology, the real benefits are only those countries with advanced technology, developed industrial base, and a strong reserve of scientific and technological talents.

And such countries, with the exception of a few developing countries like Huaxia, are basically all developed countries.

According to the understanding of Mi Jian National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Huaxia has obtained most of Wang Wei's technology, so technology has developed so fast recently.

In order to maintain the leading position of developed countries in the field of science and technology, they will find ways to allow Wang Wei to disclose the technology they have not mastered.

Not many people actually follow the official website of the Mikan National Aeronautics and Space Administration.But some media will still pay attention.

Therefore, after the announcement was released on the official website of the Mijian National Aeronautics and Space Administration, it was immediately reported by some media.

It is Mi Jian National Aeronautics and Space Administration, and the UFO of an alien civilization, and Wang Wei is also involved. This kind of big news quickly spread on the Internet.Ranwen Novel Network www.rwxsw.net

Mijian, Canada, South America, Asia, Europe, Oceania, Africa, the content of the announcement issued by Mijian NASA quickly spread all over the earth.

"Has alien life been discovered again?"

"I actually found an alien flying saucer this time, it can't be fake!"

"It's pretty clear, so it shouldn't be fake."

"Mi Jian's National Aeronautics and Space Administration is so shameless to let the nerd disclose his technology, why don't you Mi Jian disclose your technology!"

"I think Mi Jian NASA is right. If the whole world masters Wang Wei's technology, we humans will not be afraid even if we encounter aliens!"

"Mad is an idiot upstairs! Firmness is over!"

"Mi Jian is so shameless, I think the house gods just reward them with some metal rods! It's like dealing with the country of sticks!"

"There are idiots every year, especially this year!"

"After all, the old beauty is used to shameless and can't be used to them all the time!"

"Sit and wait for the nerd to slap the face, and dare to threaten the nerd! The melon seed bench is ready!"

At [-]:[-] in the evening, when Wang Wei, An Ran, Si Lu, and Ang Xue were finishing their meal, the TV on the wall was broadcasting China's news broadcast.

In the middle of the succession's dinner, the news network suddenly broadcast the announcement issued by the Mijian National Aeronautics and Space Administration, and also briefly talked about the impact of the announcement on the Internet.

"This Mijian National Aeronautics and Space Administration is too shameless! He clearly wants to get his brother-in-law's technology, but he said that it is for the earth and for mankind!" Ang Xue was so angry that she couldn't even eat her food after seeing the news.

"That's right, I didn't want to do my own research, and even called our attention. It's really insidious!" An Ran said angrily.

Seeing the content broadcast on the news network just now, Wang Wei was also speechless.

The photos of the alien flying saucer taken by Voyager [-] in the Kuiper Belt released by the Mikan NASA are obviously the space automatic exploration spacecraft that took off from the island a few days ago - Explorer [-]!

As a result, the Mijian National Aeronautics and Space Administration actually said that it was a flying saucer of an alien civilization.And it's a flying saucer that sends back information about the solar system.

This is just nonsense.

As it happened, the rice in Wang Wei's bowl had already been eaten.So, Wang Wei put down the bowl in his hand and stood up.

"Huh? Brother-in-law, have you eaten yet?" Ang Xue asked casually.

"Well. I've eaten. Now, it's time to slap the face." ,, ..

Chapter [-]: Can you be more rigorous?

Wang Wei returned to his study, and Wang Wei was about to slap his face for the announcement of Mi Jian's National Aeronautics and Space Administration.

However, Wang Wei did not intend to start the live broadcast this time, because it was unnecessary.

It's not a big deal to slap Mi Jian NASA in the face, and it won't take a few minutes.It's a bit of a waste of time to start live streaming.

Therefore, Wang Wei just planned to record a small video this time, and then send it to his meager.

Wang Wei's meager fans are more than [-] billion, and there are not many people who follow him.

Publishing news on Weibo is actually not much different from the effect of live broadcast.

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