Wang Wei activated the auto-follower and started recording video.

"Hi! Hello, everyone. I'm Wang Wei. I've been busy doing research recently, and I didn't plan to broadcast live or update Weibo."

"However, when I was having dinner in the evening, I suddenly saw a news broadcast on TV. The content was that the Mijian National Aeronautics and Space Administration issued an announcement that the Voyager [-] space probe launched by Mijian [-] years ago was in the Kuiper Belt. The flying saucers of alien civilizations were photographed."

"Then they trumpeted that the earth is in danger, and that aliens are going to attack the earth. I told you, Mijian, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, don't make trouble."

"It's not that they haven't seen aliens. There are alien spaceship remnants on the moon. Mi Jian also found traces of life on Mars."

"Well...Although alien civilizations are a certain danger to the earth, we humans don't have the ability to resist at all!"

"For example, the extremely aggressive alien creature Calvin was discovered on Mars. Although it destroyed the International Space Station, it was not destroyed in the end!"

"Besides, the Mijian National Aeronautics and Space Administration wants me to disclose the technology I have mastered. Don't make trouble, advanced technology is not something that everyone can master!"

"Just like when I discovered the wreckage of an alien spacecraft on the moon. It was also the study of alien spacecraft. I quickly acquired an advanced anti-gravity system, but Mi Jian seems to have not made any progress so far."

"When researching the same alien technology, different people get completely different results. So if you want to vigorously develop technology, you still have to rely on your own knowledge!"

"But then again, it's very easy to learn the advanced technologies that I have mastered, just join the scientific alliance I founded."

"As I said before, I will disclose a lot of the technologies I have mastered to the members of the Science and Technology Alliance. As long as they join the Science and Technology Alliance, all members of the technology I have announced can learn for free."

"But you Mi Jian are unwilling to join the Science and Technology Alliance because you don't want to give up your own useless technologies. Can you blame me? You don't want to pay the price, and you want to get benefits. How can there be such a good thing in the world."

"Oh! By the way, there is also. I deliberately looked at the photos released by the Mijian National Aeronautics and Space Administration, which means that the photos of alien flying saucers were taken."

"At first, I really thought that the Mijian National Aeronautics and Space Administration had photographed the UFO in shape. However, when I saw the photo, I suddenly found out why the UFO looks so much like the cosmic automatic detection spacecraft that I just left the earth a few days ago-- What about Explorer One?"

"Then my AI told me that what Mjian's Voyager [-] was photographing was the Explorer [-] that I launched two days ago. Because, at the same time, my Explorer [-] also captured Mjian's wheel. Walker One."

Speaking of which, a 3D image rose from Wang Wei's desk, and the content of the image was exactly when the Explorer [-] ascended from the island.Wanbar Novel Network

"In other words, the Mijian National Aeronautics and Space Administration did not photograph any aliens at all, just my cosmic probe."

"Well... there is one last sentence. Then the Mijian National Aeronautics and Space Administration is also a leader in the space field, and it is also the highest aerospace agency in Mijian. Can you be more rigorous when issuing announcements in the future! It's easy for you to do this. Do you know what causes panic!"

After finishing the shooting, let Xiao Hei upload the video captured by the automatic follower to Wang Wei's personal Weibo.

The text content is simple.

#MijianNASAAre you sure what you photographed is an alien flying saucer? #

Click Publish.

There are more than [-] billion fans who follow Wang Wei's account. After Wang Wei updated the content of Weibo, more than [-] billion system messages were released immediately.

Of course, although more than three billion system messages were pushed out in an instant, it did not mean that more than three billion people saw Wang Wei's new meager message immediately.

However, even if only one-tenth of the fans who follow Wang Wei saw his meager note, they would directly turn this meager note into the day's hottest.

Therefore, under the meager content that Wang Weicai just updated, the comments instantly increased in units of [-].

"The plot turned too fast! Who said that no other aircraft on Earth could have reached the Kuiper Belt? Who!!"

"As a worldwide space research organization, can you be more rigorous!"

"Mi Jian NASA: Huh? Why does my face hurt? So I was beaten!"

"Don't want to pay the price but just want to get the benefit, it's shameless!"

"Seeing so many scolding Mi Jian, then I'm relieved!"

"Since everyone is scolding Mi Jian, then I won't do it anymore. I just want to ask the nerd, you are going to leave the solar system, when will we ordinary people be allowed to go to space and play?"

"This proposal is good. I just want to go to the moon and play!"

"Although I also want to go to space, just think about it. Not to mention going to the moon, even if it is just to experience a low-orbit flight, the cost of a single person is as high as [-] million US dollars. It is simply not affordable for ordinary people. Yes!"

"And not everyone can enter space. Even if you have money, you need to have at least half a year of professional training before entering space, otherwise even rich people will not let you go up. After all, space has no gravity, in case of death What to do in space!"

"There is a gravity system inside the spaceship of the otaku. You shouldn't be worried about that."

"Even if you don't have to train you're rich. It costs twenty million dollars just to go into space, let alone to the moon!"

"Alas... it seems that there is no drama in this life." ,, . .

Chapter [-]: It doesn't matter if there is one more person

After Wang Wei updated the meager news, he did not continue to pay attention to the reaction of Mi Jian's National Aeronautics and Space Administration.

Anyway, the purpose of the announcement issued by the Mijian National Aeronautics and Space Administration must be impossible to achieve.

Moreover, this institution affiliated to the Mi Jian country is a top existence in the space field, but it was ridiculed by Wang Wei for not treating science rigorously.

Mickey NASA must be feeling as bad as eating flies right now.

As for how they will deal with public relations in the future, that is not something Wang Wei needs to manage.

After uploading the video to Weibo, Wang Wei left the study and returned to his bedroom.

An Ran had also returned to her and Wang Wei's room.

As soon as he returned to the bedroom, Wang Wei rushed towards An Ran.

Wang Wei did not intend to hide the fact that he married Silu and had a relationship on the tree of life.He was going to confess to An Ran directly.

After all, An Ran was his real girlfriend.In any case, she is entitled to know this matter.

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