However, before telling An Ran about that, Wang Wei planned to let An Ran fly to heaven.

Because a woman's willpower will become particularly weak after flying into heaven.

Things that were impossible to accept in the first place are very easy to accept in that state.

Thus, a Wushan war began.

Two hours later, the wind stopped, the rain stopped, and the dark clouds dissipated.

An Ran lay in Wang Wei's arms with an expression of enjoyment on her face.

So, Wang Wei took this opportunity to tell An Ran that he and Silu got married on the tree of life yesterday and had a substantial relationship.

Wang Wei originally thought that even if An Ran did not object strongly, he would definitely be very unhappy and upset.

However, the truth was completely different from what he thought.

Not only was An Ran not angry, but she seemed to have known for a long time that today would come.

"Hmph~ I knew that you couldn't be the only woman beside me. And after seeing Silu for the first time, I knew there would be such a day."

"But this day is actually much later than I expected. I thought she would push you away in half a month at most!"

"Huh? Anran, aren't you angry? And why do you think Silu and I will have such a day sooner or later? I only found out yesterday!" Wang Wei said in surprise.

"Angry? I want to be angry. But can magic prevent such a thing from happening... Besides, it would be good for someone to share the pressure with me, I can't stand your 'torture' by myself..." An Ran's hand was on the quilt I touched the place where the fighting spirit was still high.

"As for why I know... Of course it's a woman's intuition! Or, your 'emotional intelligence' is too stupid! In fact, everyone can see that Silu's heart is in you. Only you feel it alone It's not enough!" An Ran said.

Wang Wei pouted, he really didn't feel it before.

Sure enough, no one is perfect.Although Wang Wei's mind works better than anyone in technology.

But in terms of emotions, he is completely an ordinary emotional noob.

An Ran's hand had been gently holding the place where Wang Wei's fighting spirit was still high after the war, and even if he poked it twice, Wang Wei's blood began to boil again.

However, when Wang Wei was about to get on his horse, he was stopped by An Ran with his hands on his shoulders.

"Don't...let me go...I can't take it anymore!" An Ran begged for mercy.Please see the novel network

"Then you deliberately reignited my flame..." Wang Wei said with a bit of a laugh.

"Hmph... I just want to see if you are still capable of fighting... Who knows... You're just a beast! I don't even know how tired you are!" An Ran said angrily.

"It's my fault that I'm strong in combat..." Wang Wei said speechlessly.

"I can't do it anyway... You should go find Ang Xue..." An Ran surrendered.

"Okay... Then I'll find Ang... ah?? Ang Xue??"

Wang Wei was dumbfounded, she thought An Ran was asking him to find Silu.After all, he has already had a relationship with Silu.

However, it was only when the words were spoken that they reacted.What Ang Xue said just now was not Si Lu at all, but Ang Xue, An Ran's loli sister.

"An Ran, did you just ask me to find Ang Xue? What the hell?" Wang Wei asked in confusion.

"That's right! It's for you to find your sister!" An Ran said as a matter of course.

"What a joke! She is your sister and my future sister-in-law!" Wang Wei said with a confused look.

"Sigh... Sure enough, everyone has their own strengths and weaknesses. And feelings are your weaknesses! If you are an ordinary person, I can guarantee that you will be a bachelor in your life..." An Ran said with tears in her eyes.

"What do you mean? An Ran, don't tell me, you have already seen that Ang Xue will definitely have a relationship with me..." Wang Wei pressed An Ran's body and asked.

"Otherwise, what do you think? My sister has always been your fan, and since she moved to live with us, it has become even more out of control."

"Although my sister tried her best to hide it, I can still easily feel my feelings for you from her eyes."

"I haven't said it before because I want to have you alone for a longer time. Now that I have accepted Silu, let's just accept my sister together..." An Ran said helplessly.

Wang Wei was dumbfounded.

Things turned out like this.In just two or three days, he had two more women.

Wang Wei couldn't believe it was all true.

Seeing that Wang Wei had no reaction, An Ran poked Wang Wei's chest with his finger.

"Hey~~ I'll only give you this chance. If you don't want to go, you won't have such a chance in the future~~" An Ran reminded.

After An Ran said this, Wang Wei finally reacted.Then he leaned down and kissed An Ran's face.

"Since it's your wife's request, then of course I have to take orders!"

Wang Wei got out of the quilt, put on his pajamas, and walked towards Ang Xue's room.

An Ran looked at Wang Wei's back and felt a little lost.

Although I had long expected that such a thing would happen sooner or later, when it did happen, my heart would still be a little painful.

It's like someone else has stolen something you love.

However, judging from the degree of emotional sluggishness, there should be no other women who continue to enter between them in the future.


After Wang Wei left the room, An Ran did not fall asleep.

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