Suddenly, An Ran's eyes widened as if she had seen a ghost. , , .

Chapter [-]: Change Development Strategy

After Wang Wei left the room, An Ran did not fall asleep.

Suddenly, An Ran's eyes widened as if she had seen a ghost.

Wang Wei had been clearly for a while, but her body suddenly had a strange feeling.

It was the kind of pleasant feeling that belonged to the body only when she and Wang Wei were having sex.

However, now Wang Wei is not here.There were no other people around, and An Ran didn't have to do anything, how could she suddenly feel that way.

An Ran couldn't figure it out.However, there was no chance for her to think.

An Ran clearly felt a wave after wave of waves rushing towards the beach, and even if she wanted to stop it, she couldn't stop it.

Enron fell.It wasn't until an hour later that the uncontrollable feeling gradually subsided.

But after the strong feeling subsided, An Ran did not lie down on the bed to rest.

Instead, she put on her nightgown and walked towards Ang Xue's room.

An Ran didn't know what was going on, but she didn't plan to stay in the room by herself.

Perhaps, her subconscious has not been satisfied, so the body will have that strange reaction.

So, she went to Ang Xue's room to find Wang Wei, and then continued with the previous things.

An Ran came to Ang Xue's bedroom.

Because there will be no outsiders in the palace, and there are a large number of combat robots guarding the palace, so everyone does not have the habit of locking the door.

An Ran put her hand on the handle and gently opened the door.

After the door opened, no strange sound was heard.

An Ran walked in, but suddenly felt the same feeling hit again.Then his feet went soft, and he almost fell to the ground.

But fortunately, An Ran supported the wall in time, so that he stabilized his body and did not fall.

An Ran walked into the inner bed with difficulty, and then found the two people who were fighting fiercely on the bed at this time.

An Ran didn't know if the two people on the bed had noticed her at this time, but she walked towards them slowly.

But An Ran had just walked to the bedside when suddenly a strong hand grabbed her hand and pulled her into the battlefield.

Two hours later, the war was over again.

An Ran and Ang Xue both lay wearily in Wang Wei's arms.

At this time, An Ran finally realized why she suddenly had that strange feeling before.

It was entirely because Wang Wei and Ang Xue were fighting, and then she would have the same feeling as Ang Xue.

In the same way, when she was fighting Wang Wei in the past, Ang Xue would also feel the same as her.

Only then did An Ran know why Ang Xue's feelings for Wang Wei had changed from admiration to admiration at the beginning.

Even later, Ang Xue Mingming had already guessed the connection between their twin sisters, but he did not say it or leave.

Instead, he secretly enjoys the happiness shared from An Ran in his room every night.

Thinking of this, An Ran had a feeling of blush.

She really didn't expect that every time she and Wang Wei did something she liked before, someone would secretly feel it nearby.

Simply, too ashamed.

However, she has now accepted Ang Xue, and the two have fought together as teammates.

There is no need to be shy anymore.Dream Literature Network

And in the future, battles like today will probably happen from time to time.

After all, An Ran and Ang Xue, no matter who they were, could not withstand Wang Wei's artillery attack alone.

After a while, the people who had gone through several battles finally fell asleep, and the sound of breathing in the room calmed down.

Wang Wei enjoys the blessings of Qi people on the floating island, while Mi Jian is saddened by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.

The announcement of the photo taken by Voyager [-], which was previously released by the Mijian National Aeronautics and Space Administration, spread quickly on the Internet.

In just half a day or so, it spread all over the world.

However, in comparison, Wang Wei's updated meager content spreads much faster than Mi Jian's National Aeronautics and Space Administration.

In just a few hours, it has spread all over the world.

That is to say, the announcement issued by the Mi Jian National Aeronautics and Space Administration was severely slapped in the face by Wang Wei less than [-] hours after it was released.

They said that alien civilizations were photographed arriving at the border of the solar system, and they were slapped in the face.

They say that no one on Earth has been able to build a vehicle that would reach the edge of the solar system, the Kuiper Belt, at this point in time.Then got slapped again.

Although Mi Jian has become accustomed to being shameless, as an authority in the space field, as a worldwide scientific authority.

Making such a big mistake, there is no way to easily fool the past.

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