As a result, the Mijian National Aeronautics and Space Administration could only stop the announcement that was issued less than twenty-four hours later.

And, re-issue an apology announcement to publicly apologize to everyone.

However, in the apology announcement, the Mijian National Aeronautics and Space Administration pushed the incident to the poster of the announcement.

Everything is the personal operation of the person who posted the announcement.Has nothing to do with Mickey NASA.

That's right.Mijian NASA is looking for a scapegoat.

I don't know how much benefit Mijian NASA gave to the announcement poster, in short, that person admitted it himself.

Acknowledging that he did it all on his own.Has nothing to do with Mickey NASA.

From this, it seems that the scapegoat knows no borders, and even Mi Jian has a zero-hour job.

The next day, before going to the laboratory, Wang Wei gave Xiao Hei another order.

That is, the task of reassigning existing engineering robots.

The number of engineering robots has now reached six thousand.

These [-] engineering robots, in addition to building various factories for refining and synthesizing advanced materials, are also building spaceships for automatic exploration and spaceships.

Among them, the number of engineering robots that build space warships is the largest.There are nearly four thousand engineering robots.

Even so, engineering robots are actually the slowest to build.

After all, the largest space battleship that can accommodate [-] people is very large in light volume.

Not to mention other complex functions.

Therefore, the space battleship will definitely be the technological product that Wang Wei has built the longest in history.

However, Wang Wei has discovered that even if it is to be built in a space battleship.At most, they can only take humans around in the solar system.

If you really want to go outside the solar system, it will be a wanderer.

So Wang Wei decided to change his strategy and first develop the resources of other planets, dwarf planets, satellites and asteroids in the solar system.

Wait until the prestige is enough, directly exchange for the space jump technology, and then go to other star systems. , , .

Chapter [-]: Lunar Development Program

According to Wang Wei's order, Xiao Hei selected [-] engineering robots out of the [-] engineering robots in the construction of the space battleship.

Let these engineering robots set out to build a spaceship in space.

Space transport ships don't need to be overly complicated.Only need to have the basic ability to travel between the planet and space.

Then, having a huge capacity to carry cargo will do.

Space transport ships, not even life support systems and space for humans to live in.

Because the driver of the space transport ship can be completely replaced by a robot.

Space transport is very simple to build because many unnecessary functions are eliminated.

Even if a space transport ship is built at the level of the third-level civilization, the time to build a space transport ship under the same conditions is much less than the time to build a space shuttle.

After the space transport ship is built, it will start transporting various materials to the moon.

Of course, this is only an initial investment. As long as various factories on the moon are built and materials can be extracted from various minerals, the earth will no longer need to provide a large amount of various materials to the moon.

At that time, the earth only needs to transport some resources that are not available on the moon to the lunar base.

The order was issued, and a thousand engineering robots immediately began to implement it.

In just two days, a space carrier that can hold [-] standard containers was built by engineering robots.

In fact, the reason why the construction is so fast is mainly because the construction process of the space transport ship is too simple.

Also, space transport ships are bulky though.But in fact there is no complicated function.

Ninety percent of the area is even a warehouse for loading goods.As for the warehouse, it has absolutely no technical content at all.

The construction process is simple, and the natural construction speed is also fast.

After the thousand engineering robots built the space transport ship, they began to load the previously empty containers with advanced materials that were later processed in the factory.

After spending a few hours doing this, the container full of materials was shipped to the space carrier.

As for the reduction of advanced materials, the construction speed of space battleships will be reduced, which Wang Wei does not care about.

After all, even if the space battleship is built now, it will not be of much use for the time being.

After all, unless it is a last resort, there is no need for Wang Wei to lead hundreds of thousands of human beings to start a wandering life in the universe.

After loading enough materials on the space transport ship, Xiao Hei selected a thousand engineering robots from the engineering robot team that built the space battleship.

Then, together with the previous thousand engineering robots, and then one hundred combat robots, they entered the cargo bay of the space transport ship.

The greater the number of engineering robots, the faster the development of the moon.

As for why the battle robot is dispatched, although it is very likely that it will not be used, it is better than nothing.

Anyway, just in case.

After all, engineering robots are not good at fighting. In case of any accident, it is better to leave professional things to professional people.

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