The spaceship took off from the island, flew out of Earth's atmosphere two minutes later, and slowed down to land on the Earth-facing side of the moon a minute later.

This is the speed of the spacecraft of the third-level civilization technology.

If there is no earth's atmosphere, and the space transport ship is flying towards the moon at the highest speed, it will take only eleven seconds to fly over the distance between the earth and the moon.Written

However, there is an atmosphere on the earth, and space transport ships cannot accelerate indefinitely.

After exiting the earth's atmosphere, it just accelerated and then slowed down for a while, so it took three minutes to land on the moon.

The space transport ship landed, and the robots began to remove the containers in the space transport ship one by one.

Because the gravity on the moon is much lower than that on Earth, the robots can move faster.

When the container was halfway through, one of the combat robots took pictures of the scene on the moon from multiple angles.

Then send the data back to Earth.

That battle robot did so, of course, was also ordered by Wang Wei.

In order to obtain space jumping technology as soon as possible, thus opening the interstellar era.Wang Wei must do everything possible to increase his reputation.

Therefore, Wang Wei may not have updated the meager once a month, but after a few days, he updated the new content again.

"My friends, your nerd, I'm finally ready to develop the moon. I not only want to develop lunar resources, but also build a base on the moon that can allow human beings to survive."

"When the moon base is built, I will select [-] lucky viewers from this meager comment below and give you a [-]% free three-day trip to the moon."

"So, friends who are interested, please comment quickly. As for those who are not interested, don't comment. Otherwise, you won't go if you are drawn, and you will be wasting your quota!"

"By the way, the [-] lucky audiences are limited to citizens of the member states of the Science Alliance. If not, even if they are drawn, they are not eligible."

"Finally, to all the countries on earth, I will go to the moon to play first! Come on!"

At the meager end, is a set of nine photos.

And the content of the photo simply shocked everyone's eyes.

I saw that on the moon, densely packed robots were carrying containers down from a huge spaceship.

A large number of containers have been placed on the barren ground.Looking around, there are at least thousands of containers.

Although Wang Wei has also landed on the moon before, and he has also broadcast the process live.

But compared to now, it was nothing compared to that time.

For the first time, only two people, a space shuttle.

And this time, a huge spaceship and thousands of robots appeared directly.

This gap is simply an earth-shaking change.

Although there is no starry sky or the earth in the background of those photos, no one would think that those photos of Wang Weifa are fake.

Because it's not necessary at all.And Wang Wei didn't lie either.

Since Wang Wei said that he would start developing the moon, it must be developing the moon.

In particular, Wang Wei also said that he would build a base on the moon that would allow people to live there.

And one hundred lucky viewers will be drawn from the commenting fans and sent to the moon for free.

Suddenly, countless people went crazy.

PS: Recommend a book, "Earth OL's Immortality".Author sister, you can play. , , .

Chapter [-]: Protest March

After Wang Wei's Weibo was posted, countless people were immediately excited.

In particular, Wang Wei said that one hundred lucky viewers should be selected from the comments and given them a two-day trip to the moon for free.

This made many people who had only read Weibo before but never commented on Weibo to leave their own comments.

As a result, the meager content Wang Wei just released reached the hot topic list at a very fast speed, and it is still climbing up at a very fast speed.

Then, Wang Weicai just released this meager content not long ago, and he quickly eliminated the meager content that Wang Wei posted two days ago, standing at the top of the hot topic list.

"I'm going to the moon! Pick me pick me!"

"I am a dead house god! You must choose me!"

"As a fan of the otaku, I am very proud! Because the otaku has left the technology of all countries far behind!"

"Isn't it just the knee, I don't want it, can I..."

"My mother asked me why I was kneeling to write a comment. After reading the meager content of the otaku, my mother also knelt down beside me."

"There have been [-] million comments, and I don't know if I can be drawn!"

"I just wanted to ask if there is any gravity on the moon base of Zhaishen? Can you experience the feeling of jumping four or five meters high? Do you need to wear that heavy space suit? How much does it cost to go to the moon in the end? You can go directly to the money!"

"The local tyrants were found upstairs! But why did the local tyrants grab the opportunity with us civilians... woo woo..."

"It's been [-] million comments, I'm sure I won't be drawn, sad..."

"I'm from Mi Jian, but I'm also a fan of Zhai Shen, you can't directly exclude us Mi Jian fans like this!"

"And us in France too!"

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