"And us in Germany too!"

"And our UK..."

Although Wang Wei explained in the meager, except for the citizens of the member countries of the Science Alliance, everyone else is not eligible for the lottery even if they comment.

However, in addition to Chinese people, there are still many foreigners who leave messages under Wang Wei's meager message.

Never had a chance before.

Now that there is a chance, many people naturally want to travel on the moon.

After all, the earth has only one natural satellite, the moon.

And many countries have ancient legends related to the moon, making the moon covered with a mysterious veil.

Since ancient times, countless people have wanted to go to the moon to see if the mysterious moon is really as described in ancient myths and legends.

Although it is said that with the development of science and technology, the real moon has been shown in front of people.

But there are still not a few people who want to go to the moon.

Although humans have successfully landed on the moon, it is only a few lucky astronauts.

Now the greatest scientist and inventor Wang Wei on the earth wants to build a base on the moon that can allow human beings to survive.

And also let [-] lucky people go to the moon for free.This kind of opportunity is something no one wants to miss.

Although Wang Wei has clearly stated that people who are not members of the Science Alliance are not eligible.

However, it doesn't bother those people.

Isn't it just to let their country join the organization of the Science Alliance, if the country does not join, then they will go to the protest march.Second Chinese website www.dearzwxs.com

Anyway, in those western countries, things like protest marches happen quite often.

If the organization is large enough and the impact of the protest march is large enough, then even Governor Mikaen and the party behind him will have to consider the will of the people.

Otherwise, other parties wouldn't mind taking down the incumbent governor, and then using public opinion to support people of their own party.

As a result, at almost the same time, large-scale demonstrations broke out in capitalist countries such as Europe and the United States.

"Protest agencies behind closed doors!"

"Science Union is a purely scientific organization, why doesn't the country join!"

"Our country's technology is far behind, we must learn more advanced scientific theories and technologies!"

"Science should not be swayed by politics!"

"The benefits of joining the Science Alliance for our country obviously outweigh the disadvantages! The ruling party can't see this clearly, so just step down!"

Such parades can be seen everywhere in the western developed capitalist countries.

When such large-scale demonstrations occur, the ruling parties in those countries are quite a headache.

Such large-scale protest marches cannot be left unchecked.

Although ordinary people can not really overthrow the authorities.

However, in those developed capitalist countries, there is not only one party in the country.

In their country, there are often several parties running for the position of the country's top leader - the governor.

If the ruling party keeps letting those protest marches go unchecked, it is very likely that opponents of other parties will use the mass protest march to drag the current governor out of his position.

If such a thing really happens, then the ruling party in the future may not be the current party.

As a result, the governors of many countries have been anxious to discuss countermeasures with their own party members.

To do what those protesting marchers mean and join the Science Alliance.

Still maintain the previous attitude and do not join the Science Alliance.

But what should the protesters do if they don't join the Science Alliance.

Is it direct force to drive away, or what.

The ruling parties of various countries are discussing urgently.However, such a major event is not discussed in a short time.

At the same time, the Huaxia Center is also holding an emergency meeting.

However, China is different from other countries.

Other countries are just a bunch of politicians meeting and discussing.

As for Huaxia, it was a special meeting that five elders convened with all the academicians of the Huaxia Academy of Sciences.

"Everyone, you are all top scientific researchers in Huaxia. You said, when will Huaxia be able to start a development project on the moon like Wang Wei did?" Elder No. [-] asked everyone.

"Huaxia has mastered the relevant technologies for manufacturing spaceships. There is no problem at all to fly to the moon. It can be done now," said an academician.

"The technology of the spacesuit is too poor to allow people to stay in the vacuum of the moon for a long time."

"Yes. If we want to develop the moon, then we have to use engineering robots like the great inventor Wang Wei!"

"So are our current engineering robots capable of tasks on the moon?" Elder No. [-] asked. , , .

Chapter [-]: Can only destroy you

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