"So are our current engineering robots capable of tasks on the moon?" Elder No. [-] asked.

"We haven't been able to make all-round engineering robots like those made by great scientist Wang Wei. But there is no problem with 'robots' with simpler functions and larger size," said an academician specializing in robotics.

"As for whether the moon's mineral deposits can be developed, there is no problem in theory. However, the speed may not be very fast."

"Very good. Then Huaxia must also start developing the moon as soon as possible! Otherwise, when other developed countries join the scientific alliance, our competition will be fierce!" said Elder No. [-].

"Wait a minute. There is no air on the moon, and firepower cannot be used to extract resources. Even if all kinds of minerals are mined on the moon, should we bring those primitive ores back to Earth for extraction? Isn't this cost too high!"

As soon as this question was raised, many people turned to Elder No. [-].

However, Elder No. [-] looked at the academicians of the Capital Industrial Laboratory not far away.

"Can this problem be solved?" Elder No. [-] asked seriously.

"We already have some clues. In half a month at most, we can definitely solve this problem!" The academicians of the Capital Industrial Laboratory said confidently.

"Very good! You are indeed the pillars of my Huaxia! Then we Huaxia will start preparing from now, and in half a month, we will also start the lunar development plan!" Elder No. [-] said loudly.

On the same day, the official website of the Science Alliance received applications from official institutions in Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran and other Middle East countries to join the alliance.

On the evening of the same day, official institutions from developed countries such as Mi Jian, Goose Country, Canada, Germany, France, and the United Kingdom also submitted applications for membership on the official website of the Science Alliance.

Of course, you cannot join the Science Alliance by submitting an application for membership. You must upload all the high-end and cutting-edge technologies mastered by your country to the official website of the Science Alliance.

Xiao Hei, who used to be only a rudimentary artificial intelligence, can easily invade the network of the Mi Jian Pentagon.And steal a lot of confidential information.

Although it was finally discovered, Mi Jian had absolutely no way to take Xiao Hei.

Even, until now, it is not known who the hacker who broke into their network was in the first place.

Perhaps, they also guessed that Wang Wei, who has artificial intelligence, may have done it.

But without the slightest evidence, they could only smash their teeth and swallow in their stomachs.

After all, Mi Jian himself knew that in terms of military power, they really had nothing to do with Wang Wei.

And since Wang Wei completed the task to open the third-level civilization technology, he has upgraded Xiao Hei from the primary artificial intelligence to the advanced artificial intelligence.

Then, when Xiao Hei was just upgraded to advanced artificial intelligence, he quietly invaded all the networks of all countries on the entire earth.

Even if it is a physically isolated network, Xiao Hei with advanced artificial intelligence can use the operator's mobile phone, smart bracelet, wireless network signal, mobile phone communication signal and even Bluetooth signal to invade the desired network.

And the entire invasion process was completely undiscovered by anyone from any country.

Therefore, the technology mastered by each country, and even the confidential files of each country, the advanced artificial intelligence Xiaohei has a clear grasp.

Naturally, Xiao Hei knew exactly how much of the countries that submitted applications to join the Science Alliance.

If any country wants to hoard some of their own secret technology, that's not going to work.

Because, as long as there is one cutting-edge technology that has not been handed over, Xiao Hei will not pass that country's application for membership.Diandianshu www.diandianshu.net

However, even if those countries that applied to join the Science Alliance did honestly upload all the technologies they possessed, they would not be able to become members of the Science Alliance so quickly.

After all, it is not a little bit of information to count the cutting-edge and high-end technologies of all walks of life in a country.

In particular, a lot of data still needs to be sorted out.This will take more time to upload all.

As everyone knows, almost a week has passed, and Huaxia is still uploading scientific and technological materials.

And those countries that have only applied to join the alliance now do not have the privilege of submitting their own technology after joining the alliance first like Huaxia.

They have no chance to browse other technologies of the Science Alliance for the time being until they have completely uploaded the cutting-edge high-end technology information held by their own country.

After all, they have not yet become full members of the Scientific Union.

A week later, some developing countries that had not mastered much high-end technology took the lead in successfully becoming members of the Science Alliance after Huaxia.

Then, those countries immediately began to look for the technology they needed from the official website of the Science Alliance, the Science and Technology City.

However, the talent pool of those countries is not comparable to that of developed countries, and the amount of knowledge is not comparable to that of scholars in developed countries.

So, although they became members of scientific unions earlier than other developed countries.

However, it is still impossible to eliminate the technological, economic, military and industrial gaps with developed countries in a short period of time.

However, since they officially became members of the Science Alliance, the country has quickly stabilized.

Mi Jian's team in the Middle East immediately became quiet.

The sound of gunfire and gunfire suddenly stopped.

Although this may only be temporary, it can at least show that everyone is afraid of the military power possessed by Wang Wei.

However, there are also unbelievers.That is the Syrian anti-agency forces.

Syrian anti-agency forces are still active in Syria after official Syrian institutions officially became members of the Scientific Union.

In addition, armed attacks were launched against local institutions in Syria.

The Syrian institutions and the Syrian anti-institutional armed forces, Wang Wei does not know who is playing the 'good guy' and who is playing the 'bad guy'.

However, it was the Syrian institution that submitted the application for membership on the official website of the Science Union, and uploaded all the technologies mastered by the Syrian state to the official website of the Science Union without reservation.

In other words, the Syrian institutions became members of the Science Alliance, while the anti-agency forces that were hostile to the Syrian institutions were not members of the Science Alliance.

The Syrian anti-agency forces, not members of the Scientific Union, dare to launch armed attacks on Syrian institutions.

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