This is ignoring Wang Wei's words.To be more serious, this is simply provoking Wang Wei's existence.

If that's the case, then you can only destroy the opponent.

So, after Xiao Hei's order, ten battle robots left the floating island. , , .

Chapter [-]: Invisible Death

In the evening, ten Night Blade 2 B-type combat robots left the floating island.

It first flew into the stratosphere, then flew towards Syria at a top speed of Mach [-].

The distance of more than [-] kilometers took only two hours.

In other words, it was around seven in the evening when the ten Night Blade No. 2 B-type combat robots left the floating island, and it was already dark.

But after arriving in Syria after a two-hour flight, Syria, which is five hours later than Huaxia, was only about four o'clock in the afternoon local time when ten combat robots arrived.The sky is still bright.

The Syrian rebels' attack on local Syrian institutions has only just ended.

The streets were full of thick smoke, scrapped vehicles, and dilapidated buildings, all of which told everyone that a fierce battle had just happened here.

Syrian anti-agency militants have all withdrawn.

However, this did not stop the ten Nightblade-2 B-type combat robots arriving in Syria.

When the Syrian anti-institutional forces launched their arms against local Syrian institutions, the satellites on the space-based weapons floating in space had already recorded all the battles on the ground.

The identities of every member of the anti-institutional armed forces who participated in the battle have all been found out.

In the end, the withdrawal route of the Syrian anti-institutional forces and their current location were all recorded by satellite.

At this time, all this information has been transmitted to the system of the ten Nightblade No. 2 B-type combat robots that arrived in Syria.

The ten Nightblade-2 B combat droids did not immediately attack the retreating Syrian insurgents.

Instead, it used a network of satellite signals to hack into the communications equipment of evacuating Syrian insurgents.

These ten Nightblade 2 B-type combat robots will eliminate all the Syrian anti-agency forces at one time.

Also known as killing chickens to warn monkeys.The purpose is to tell everyone that what Wang Wei said will definitely be done.

Whenever a member of the non-Scientific Union starts a war against a member of the Science Union, then Wang Wei will join the fight, and the weapon will be on the side of the Science Union member.

As for those who oppose the Scientific Union, there is no need to exist.

Soon, ten Nightblade 2 B-type combat robots invaded the communication system of the head of the Syrian anti-agency force who was retreating at this time.

And successfully found all the bases of Syrian anti-agency forces.

Although it is said that the main purpose of the Night Blade 2 B-type combat robot is for combat.

But their current systems are, after all, the essence of advanced artificial intelligence.

Although the intrusion method is not as good as Xiao Hei, an expert, there is no problem in invading the network of any country on the earth.

After all, where is the level gap?

Just like playing an online game, there is no suspense in the ending between a [-]-level full-level RMB player and a novice player who has just reached [-]-level.

"The positions of these people are relatively scattered. I think it's better for ten people to act separately. This way, the speed will be faster."

"Agree, resolve the battle as quickly as possible!"

After the decision, the ten Nightblade No. 2 B-type combat robots all activated the optical camouflage module, and then flew in different directions at an extremely fast speed.

It even produces a powerful sonic boom because it instantly breaks through the speed of sound.

A convoy of twenty jeeps is driving on the Gobi Desert.

The owner of this convoy is the Syrian anti-institutional force who just attacked a local institution in a small town in Syria.

Adnan was in charge of the operation.Also the squadron commander of the team.

Like this kind of armed attack involving hundreds of people in one operation, they will carry out several times a month.

And some small armed attacks occur every week.When it is dense, it happens once a day or two.

This operation was very successful. One hundred soldiers participated in the battle when they came, and there were more than ninety soldiers when they returned.

Only a few soldiers died.Miaobi Pavilion novel

Although many people were injured, there were dozens of people.

But they do more damage to the enemy.

Almost all the agency officials in that small town were killed.If it weren't for the fact that the battle time could not be dragged on for too long, after all, an air strike would be too troublesome.

Otherwise, they would have already attacked that small town.

But although they have withdrawn now, they still firmly believe that they will be able to overthrow the Bashar regime.

However, Adnan didn't know that a terrifying existence was flying towards them at this time.

Supersonic flight produces very loud sounds.

However, it is precisely because the flight speed exceeds the speed of sound.So, they can only hear the sound of breaking the speed of sound only after the supersonic object has flown for a period of time.

So, unnoticed by the entire convoy, a Nightblade 2-B combat droid launched a surprise attack on the convoy.

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