Nightblade No. 2 B-type combat robots are the main melee combat robots. Although they are also equipped with laser pistols for long-range attacks, they usually do not like to use them.

All Nightblade No. 2 B-type combat robots like to use the special cold weapon for melee combat.

Therefore, when attacking the convoy, the Nightblade No. 2 B-type combat robot did not use the laser pistol, but drew out the long sword on its back and launched a surprise attack on the convoy.

Adnan is sitting leisurely in the jeep.

Suddenly, he seemed to feel something passing by his side.

Before he could react, the jeep he was riding in suddenly turned into two halves and fell to the ground and slid forward.

Adnan had no habit of wearing a seat belt at all.Therefore, after the jeep fell in two halves, Adnan, who was sitting in the passenger seat of the jeep, was directly thrown out.

After rolling on the ground for a distance of ten or twenty meters, it stopped.

When Adnan's dazed head recovered and got up, he saw a scene that he would never forget for the rest of his life.

A convoy of twenty jeeps, all of them seemed to have been slashed by a sharp blade in the middle.

Adnan was lucky.He was sitting in the passenger seat and had no serious injuries other than a fall.

And some people who happened to be sitting in the middle of the jeep, that would be miserable.Just like a jeep, it was turned into two halves.

It just died.Still others are just a fraction of their bodies on the other side of the Jeep's centerline.

As a result, those people's arms or feet were cut off, but they did not die, but lay on the ground and wailed.

It is precisely because of the mourning of those who were injured but not dead that this place became even more terrifying.

Adnan's eyes jumped.

Because he saw that the heads of a soldier who was still alive suddenly fell from their necks.

It was as if an invisible executioner was beheading these people.

The entire convoy was in chaos, and some of the people who survived at first began to flee to the surroundings, and some raised their guns and opened fire indiscriminately around them.

However, that didn't stop the stealthy battle droids from taking their lives.

Adnan's eyelids twitched, he swore he had never seen such a bizarre scene.

I can't see the enemy, I can only see the people on my side being beheaded one by one.

Adnan wanted to escape, but his feet would not obey.

The decapitated man was getting closer and closer to Adnan.It was as if an invisible god of death was approaching him.

Finally, Adnan overcame the fear in his heart and turned to run away.

However, just when he turned around, he suddenly felt that the world was spinning.

At the same time, there was a body without a head falling backwards in his sight.

After a few seconds, Adnan's entire world turned black. , , .

Chapter [-]: Cowardly Middle East

The ten Nightblade No. 2 B-type combat robots were very fast, and in a very short period of time, all the ten bases including the headquarters of the Syrian Anti-Agency Armed Forces were removed.

In addition, even the stragglers of the Syrian anti-agency armed forces who were performing tasks outside were all beheaded by ten Nightblade No. 2 B-type combat robots.

In this operation, ten Nightblade 2 B-type combat robots beheaded a total of [-] Syrian anti-agency militants.

Although it is not known whether there are innocent people among these people, one thing is certain, the [-] people who were beheaded were all closely related to the Syrian anti-institutional armed groups.

After completing the task, the ten Nightblade No. 2 B-type combat robots left Syria and returned to the floating island.

It's just that the ten Nightblade-2 B-type combat robots who completed the task left lightly, but what they did was to drop a bomb in Syria, the Middle East, and the world.

The Middle East is chaotic, very chaotic.

Some well-known terrorist organizations in the world, such as Al Qaeda, Taliban, IS, etc., are all located in the Middle East.

In addition, Mi Jian also used military force to intervene in the Middle East.This makes the Middle East even more chaotic.

However, after Syria and other countries in the Middle East announced their official membership in the scientific alliance, almost all of the Middle East was temporarily quiet.

Whether it's al Qaeda, the Taliban, IS, or Mijan's troops in the Middle East, or those countries that are in civil war, they've all been quiet for a while.

Few of these people are fools.They were all very restrained.

Because they don't know whether Wang Wei will really intervene in the war between the member states of the Science Union and the non-member states of the Science Union as he said before.

After Wang Wei's battle with the Neon aircraft carrier fleet and the subsequent destruction of the Bangzi Kingdom, no one would think that Wang Wei's military strength is poor.

On the contrary, no one would really want to use force against Wang Wei.

It's just that those organizations and countries don't know whether Wang Wei really did what he said.

Therefore, those organizations and countries in the Middle East were temporarily quiet.

Of course, peace is only temporary.

They are waiting, waiting for someone to get impatient and exchange fire with those members of the Science Alliance in advance.

This is to confirm whether Wang Wei, who is extremely powerful in military power, will really interfere with their affairs in the Middle East.

If there is an exchange of fire between non-Science Union member states and Science Union member states, but Wang Wei does not move, then the Middle East after a short period of peace will be chaotic again.

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