However, those organizations and countries in the Middle East never thought that the Syrian anti-institutional forces would launch an armed attack on Syria on the day Syria joined the Science Alliance.

I don't know if the Syrian rebels are fearless or simply ignorant.

But it's not bad for someone to step up and help them test.At least in this case, even if Wang Wei really joins the war, it has nothing to do with them.

Therefore, people in the Middle East and those who are concerned about the Middle East are all quietly waiting for Wang Wei's response.

However, one hour passed, two hours passed, and until the withdrawal of the Syrian anti-institutional armed forces, Wang Wei was not seen to stand up and explain anything.

However, those organizations and countries in the Middle East are not in a hurry.

Anyway, if it's just a few days of quiet, it's considered a holiday.

After all, even if something major happens in this part of the Middle East, it will take some time to spread to China.

What's more, Wang Wei is still on a floating island isolated from the world.

What if he just didn't receive the news for a while.Haoyi

However, two hours later, all terrorist organizations and Middle Eastern countries in Syria received a shocking news.

The headquarters of the Syrian anti-institutional armed group and more than a dozen dens were all destroyed.All Syrian anti-agency fighters were killed.

Moreover, all the Syrian anti-agency fighters who were killed were all killed by cold weapons.No one was killed by hot weapons.

That is to say, there is an unknown force that, in a very short period of time, wiped out the Syrian anti-agency armed forces with nearly [-] people with only cold weapons.

This made everyone who received the news couldn't help but take a deep breath.

It is easier said than done to destroy the Syrian anti-institutional armed forces with nearly [-] armed forces.

If that big country drops a large-yield superweapon on the location of the Syrian anti-institutional armed groups, it can easily wipe out [-] people.

However, it is impossible for any country to do so.

Because the headquarters and various dens of the Syrian anti-institutional armed groups are all mixed in the refugee camps on the northern border of Syria.

Hundreds of thousands of refugees would all die if super weapons were dropped.

As for sending a team to destroy it, it is very difficult.

After all, the military strength of the Syrian anti-institutional forces is not weak. Although there are no weapons of mass destruction such as missiles, there are still armored vehicles and armed helicopters.

If you want to completely destroy the Syrian anti-institutional armed forces with nearly [-] armed forces, it will take a lot of people to send teams to destroy them.

And the Syrian anti-institutional armed forces, which now have nearly [-] armed forces, have been wiped out in a very short period of time.

This makes many people wonder what force actually has such a powerful strength.

Soon, someone locked the suspect on Wang Wei.

Syria was attacked by anti-agency forces when it became a member of the Scientific Union, and then the Syrian anti-agency forces were wiped out by mysterious forces.

So the primary suspect is naturally Wang Wei, who once put down his rhetoric.

And, according to photos of the headquarters of the Syrian anti-agency armed group, as well as other strongholds.

All Syrian anti-agency fighters who died were all killed by sharp weapons.

Either the head was cut off with a knife, or it was cut in half, or even cut in half from top to bottom.And the wounds of each corpse are very neat.

In addition, in addition to human corpses, many guns were also cut off by sharp blades.There are even many cars that are cut in half directly.

Therefore, it is certain that the weapon used by the murderer is very sharp, and the power of the murderer is also very large.

Seeing this, Mi Jian was the first to think of Wang Wei.Even they directly guessed that it was those cute and powerful fighting robots made by Wang Wei.

Because the scenes of those destroyed bases are so similar to the old neon.

Mi Jian can still save the video of the fighting robot strangling zombies in the neon.

Although other organizations and countries in the Middle East cannot be sure that this is what Wang Wei did.

However, it is an indisputable fact that the powerful Syrian anti-institutional forces were easily wiped out.

So it doesn't matter who is doing it.In short, those organizations and countries in the Middle East intend to temporarily quiet down for some time to come.

In other words, if the gun strikes the first bird, it is better to wait for other organizations or countries to come forward first.If there is no danger, they will continue with their previous activities. , , .

Chapter [-]: The oil industry cried

Sending combat robots to intervene in the civil unrest in Syria, a Middle Eastern country, is just a small episode.

This is not a big deal for Wang Wei.Even after he issued the order to destroy the Syrian anti-institutional armed forces, he devoted himself directly to the research.

As for the final result of the battle robot, Wang Wei didn't care at all.

Because the battle robot simply cannot fail.

Not to mention that the target to be destroyed is only the Syrian anti-institutional armed organization. Even if the target of the destruction is the elite team sent by Mi Jian to the Middle East, the ten Nightblade No. 2 B-type combat robots can complete the task perfectly.

Time passes day by day.There are also more and more countries that are members of scientific unions.

After each country becomes a member of the Science Alliance, the first thing to do is to let those scientists in their own country start to learn the scientific theories and technical methods that Wang Wei has released.

Those countries with low technological level learn some less difficult technologies first.

And those countries where the level of technology itself is very advanced, and the talent pool is also very sufficient, no matter what technology, they all start to learn and research.

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