As the saying goes, some people are happy and some people are worried.

Sad for those oil-rich countries in the Middle East.

Countries in the Middle East such as Saudi Arabia have also joined the scientific alliance.

However, when they joined the Science Alliance and entered the science and technology library on the official website of the Science Alliance, they immediately realized that a country like them that made a fortune by selling oil seemed to have come to an end.

Although Wang Wei has developed a controllable nuclear fusion reactor before, and Huaxia has also obtained this technology.

However, Huaxia basically only uses controllable nuclear fusion reactor technology for power generation.There is no development in the civilian field at all.

Although it is said that the energy used in the flying car made by Wang Wei is all the energy provided by the controllable nuclear fusion reactor.

But the number of flying cars is too small and the price is too expensive to deal a big blow to the traditional oil industry.

Although the global oil price has also dropped, it is not much, or even negligible, and it has hardly any impact on the oil-rich Middle East countries.

However, after browsing the technology in the science and technology library on the official website of the Science Alliance, anyone with a little vision can realize that the price of oil will definitely drop significantly in the near future.

Because, in the science and technology library, there are a series of artificial synthesis methods of petrochemical products such as artificial gasoline, artificial diesel oil and artificial kerosene.

There is no price to pay to browse the technology that Wang Wei has to offer.

So almost everyone who discovered those technologies chose to see the details.

Then they found out that the production cost is actually very low if gasoline and diesel are artificially synthesized according to that method.

Even, the method of artificially synthesizing one ton of gasoline is [-]% lower than the cost of refining one ton of gasoline from petroleum.

If the cost of oil extraction is also included, then the cost of each ton of gasoline and diesel will be reduced by more than four layers if the method provided by Wang Wei is used to synthesize gasoline and diesel.

And now this technology of artificially synthesizing gasoline and diesel has been released by Wang Wei for free.

That is, any member of the scientific union can learn and start producing.

Merchants are profit-seeking. Since the cost of synthetic gasoline is lower, who would be willing to spend more money to buy it?

After all, the money you save is your own profit.

If only one company knows about this method, it may be blocked or actually killed by all the oil tycoons in the world.Literature 520

However, this method of artificially synthesizing gasoline and petroleum has basically been in the open state.

The Scientific Union now has [-] or [-] member countries, which means that anyone in these [-] or [-] member countries can start producing artificial gasoline and diesel if they have enough wealth.

Those are tycoons who want to work together to suppress that is simply impossible.

Therefore, it can be expected that the prices of all petrochemical products will be substantially reduced in the future.

And in fact, it is.

All oil companies saw marked declines in global stock markets.

This is also because there are not many people who have discovered artificial synthetic gasoline and diesel technology.

If there are more, then the stock prices of those oil companies will fall even worse, and it is even possible to directly drop the limit.

In fact, some time ago, oil prices in China have been lowered several times in a row.

However, because of the state's regulation, the Huaxia stock market did not experience much fluctuation.

Huatian has few natural oil resources, and most of them relied on imported oil from abroad in the past.

Moreover, in order to prevent the oil from being unavailable in the future, Huaxia has stored a lot of oil reserves over the years.

But no one ever thought that, instead of running out of oil, there is a possibility of running out of oil.

Therefore, in order not to lose too much money, Huaxia naturally has to use up the previously reserved oil as soon as possible.

Otherwise, the price of oil will plummet in an instant, which means that the cost of purchasing oil in the past will not be recovered.

But even so, gasoline and diesel in China have experienced several price adjustments.And it's all down.

Half a month after Huaxia joined the Science Alliance, the prices of gasoline and diesel have dropped almost every two days.

This can make those drivers who drive a lot happy.

They don't care why domestic oil prices are falling.But as oil prices drop, they get a benefit.

This is the biggest benefit of saving money.

In fact, this means that there is a better energy source such as controllable nuclear fusion reactors for Wang Wei to choose.

Otherwise, if Wang Wei was not researching cutting-edge technology such as controllable nuclear fusion reactors at the beginning, but a method of artificially synthesizing gasoline and diesel.

Then domestic and even international oil prices must have come down early.

In fact, when there was only secondary technology in the technology mall at first, Wang Wei saw the method of artificially synthesizing gasoline and diesel.

However, Wang Wei did not choose to exchange those technologies.

Because that kind of technology does not help Wang Wei much, except that it can make Wang Wei make a lot of money.

After all, the energy levels are different.

Relying on energy from burning gasoline and diesel to maintain a magnetic shield?

No kidding, it just won't last. , , .

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