Chapter [-]: Moon Base Completed

In fact, in addition to artificial gasoline, diesel and other technologies, there are many other technologies in the science and technology library on the official website of the Science and Technology Alliance.

Those technologies also have a certain impact on other existing fields.

However, compared with the oil industry, the impact on other fields is much smaller.

After all, before the oil energy, no country in the world could find other energy sources to completely replace it.

As a result, the price of oil and its by-products has never been lower.

Gasoline, diesel, kerosene, etc. can now be obtained at much lower prices than before.

In order to compete, fuels such as artificial gasoline and diesel will naturally fight price wars with established oil groups.

People such as Mijian's oil tycoon are better.Even if oil prices drop, they have money to go into other areas.

The same can still continue to make money, but the speed of making money may not be as fast as before.

The most tragic are those countries in the Middle East that rely on oil as their pillar industry.

After all, after the profit of selling oil has been greatly reduced, their barren countries are almost all desert Gobi Desert, and it seems that there is no other industry that can be used as a pillar industry.

Fortunately, they have also accumulated a terrifying wealth.As long as they are willing to invest, they can also spend money on other industries in their country.

Days are still passing by, and during this time, some big news will always pop up from the member countries of the scientific union.

And some ordinary investors who speculated in stocks watched the ups and downs of the broader market with pain and joy.

When some stocks hit the limit, a group of people began to line up on the rooftop.

The daily limit of some stocks, and the late-night food stalls are suddenly full of laughter.

Soon, some professional stock speculators found out.

The rise and fall of stocks during this period is entirely related to the scientific and technological library on the official website of the Science Alliance.

For example, some people have previously revealed that the technology of artificial gasoline and diesel will greatly reduce the cost of gasoline and diesel.

As a result, the stocks of those old-fashioned oil companies fell all the way down, even directly to the limit.

Then someone discovered the technology of synthesizing high-quality steel at low cost, and the stock market jumped again.

However, this time, the stocks of those steel groups are not the limit down, but the daily limit.

As soon as the technology to synthesize high-quality steel at low cost broke out, many steel groups issued a statement that they were learning that technology.

And have the confidence to deploy new production lines to produce higher quality steel within one to two months.

Therefore, for these reasons, some smart investors are browsing the content in the science and technology library on the official website of the Science Alliance all the time while investing in stocks.

Although those technologies are of no use to ordinary people.

But this does not prevent them from combining those technologies with stock market information to speculate on stocks.

Not to mention, there are quite a few people who have made money using this method during this period of time.

In the blink of an eye, another week has passed.

It has been half a month since Wang Wei sent [-] engineering robots to the moon.

After half a month of development, the moon has completely changed.The first reading network

Mining plants and various mineral refineries have all been built and are all up and running.

It is not engineering robots that work on the mining farm, but mining robots built by engineering robots.

In fact, the mining robot is not so much a robot as it is a mining machine car.

The distribution of mineral resources on the moon has been explored.

Mining farms and corresponding smelters are built near the most abundant deposits of various resources on the moon.

The mining truck can automatically drill holes, then find the location of the underground ore deposits, and use the laser cutter and mechanical arm to easily remove the ore from the rock wall.

After a mining truck is fully loaded, it will quickly return to the ground to unload the ore in the mining plant.

The mining field crushes the ore, and then the different crushed ore is sent directly to the smelter not far away through the crawler.

Through this model, various smelters can produce [-] tons of high-quality steel in a single day.

The daily output of other high-quality metals also has tens of thousands of tons.

This kind of output is already comparable to the output of the top steel groups in China.

Because there is no shortage of resources.

Wang Wei built several production lines of engineering robots directly on the moon, vigorously producing engineering robots.

And after the construction of various factories, most of the engineering robots devoted themselves to the construction of human survival bases on the moon.

Three thousand engineering robots built it with all their might, and in just one week, a double-layer base was built on the moon.

The single-storey area of ​​the base is [-] square meters, and the double-storey area adds up to an area of ​​[-] square meters directly on the avenue.

Because there are many resources on the moon that are not related, the space transport ship sent another material to the moon after that.

The second space transport ship was loaded with all the materials that were not found on the moon.

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