"You are not alone!"

"You're not alone +1..."

"You're not alone +10086..."

"If I say I've been drawn by a nerd, will someone hit me? ヾ(=ω=)o.

"How dare you come out after being drawn, brothers!"

"Come on, tell me your address, and I'll go see you!"

"I curse that brother who was drawn, there is no little Jiji..."


The entire internet is about Wang Wei's meager content.

And after the hundred people learned that they had actually become the lucky ones, they were immediately excited and couldn't stop.

I'm afraid, the hundred lucky people will definitely not be able to sleep tonight.

As for whether anyone will miss tomorrow's trip to the moon because of insomnia tonight, it is unknown.

But if such a situation really happens, then it is certain that the person who misses the trip to the moon tomorrow will definitely regret it for the rest of his life.

[-]:[-] pm China time.

As soon as the Huaxia News Network started, it reported an explosive news.

According to the consultation of the five elders of Huaxia, Huaxia established a lunar development team half a month ago.

After half a month of preparation, Huaxia will officially launch the lunar development plan at [-] am tomorrow.

At the same time, at [-]:[-] tomorrow morning, Huaxia's lunar development team will use the Space Shuttle [-] built by Huaxia Haozhi in two months to deliver various building materials and 'engineering robots' to the moon.

In other words, excluding Wang Wei's 'person', China is the first country to develop the moon.

For a time, the world shook again. , , .

Chapter [-]: Mi Jian is not reconciled

After the news spread that China would also develop the moon, other countries were in an uproar.

It doesn't matter if Wang Wei has the strength to develop the moon. After all, the technology mastered by Wang Wei is too advanced and incredible.

However, the Huaxia Organization suddenly announced that it would develop lunar resources.This is really unacceptable to many countries.

After all, at present, the technologically advanced countries in Europe and the United States do not have the strength to develop the moon.

And to learn this news, the most unwilling is naturally the former world's strongest Inter Mi Jian.

As the world's largest power, it has always been careful to guard against China, the rival country that poses the greatest threat to them.

However, the various preventive measures taken before have not had much effect at all.

In recent years, China has been rapidly catching up with developed countries in terms of economy, military, technology or whatever.

Especially this year, the development of Huaxia Technology is particularly rapid.The development of science and technology has also led to the rapid development of military power.

Not long ago, Huaxia alone completed the construction of a space station, and its technology in the space field has caught up with Europe and the United States and other countries.

It didn't take long for Huaxia's technology in the space field to develop so fast.

Not long after the completion of the construction of the space station, a lunar development project has been established.And it will officially start tomorrow.

This means that China has completely surpassed developed countries such as Europe and the United States in the space field.

I don't know if other countries can bear it, but Mi Jian certainly can't bear it.

Huaxia has established a project and launched a lunar development project.In order not to fall behind China, Governor Mi Jian, Pu Chuan, also decided that Mi Jian must also establish a project and start a lunar development project.

Lunar resources must not be exclusively enjoyed by Huaxia alone.

However, setting up such a large project to develop the moon is not that simple.

Even the proposals put forward by Governor Micken need to be implemented by Congress.

Moreover, even if they pass the Congress successfully, it depends on whether their country's scientific research institutions have such strength.

However, for the sake of Mi Jian's face, even if the technology of their scientific research institution is not supported for the time being, they have to set up this big project like Huaxia.

It was like the space race between Mikan and the Soviet Union.In order to prevent rival countries from surpassing themselves in a certain technological field, they must also increase human and material investment in this field.

Be sure to stay ahead in this important area.

At least, they can't fall behind their opponents.

The Governor of Mijian, Puchuan, convened high-level scientific researchers from all aviation-related institutions in Mijian.

These include the Mikan NASA, the Houston Space Center, the Mikan NASA Johansen Space Center, the Ganedi Space Center, and more.

Some of these institutions focus on the research and development of aviation technology, and some focus on the launch and control of spacecraft.

But in general, people in these institutions are quite familiar with space technology.

It has spread all over the world that Huaxia will also start to develop lunar resources.

These professionals in the space field naturally know the news.

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