These people also quite agree with Governor Mi Jian's proposal to establish a project to develop the moon.

After all, the earth's resources are limited, and sooner or later human beings will develop into space.Three K Novel Network

The moon is the closest celestial body to the earth. Although it is only a satellite of the earth, the reserves of various minerals on the moon are amazing, and it is also rich in helium, the raw material for nuclear fusion.

The moon has great development value.

Moreover, the development of the moon can also accumulate experience for humans to develop other planets.Preparing for the future human expansion into space.

However, it is impossible for Mi Jian to reach the level of Wang Wei in a short period of time.

Even Mi Jian has not been able to catch up with Huaxia in the development progress of the moon for a long time.

That's because there is no technology related to controllable nuclear fusion among the technologies disclosed by Wang Wei.

While there are obvious technological breakthroughs in battery technology and even nuclear fission technology, the more advanced controllable nuclear fusion reactor technology has not.

Just a gap in energy is enough for Mi Jian to catch up for a long time.

If you master the technology of controllable nuclear fusion reactor.Mi Jian is confident that in the technology field that was previously surpassed by Huaxia, they can surpass Huaxia again in a short period of time.

This is Mi Jian's confidence in his own heritage as the world's No. [-] scientific and technological power.

However, all the technologies in the later stage of the second-level civilization will not be made public by Wang Wei in a short period of time.

After all, he now has a lot of technology or technology in the late second stage of civilization.

For example, engineering robots, combat robots, and space shuttles, as well as the technology of controllable nuclear fusion reactors that Mi Jian wants most now.

Only after Wang Wei's own technology, most of which has been updated to the third-level civilization technology, will he disclose the technology in the later stage of the second-level civilization.

Moreover, the technology in the middle stage of the second-level civilization has been enough for those countries to digest it for a long time.

As the saying goes, you can't make a big fat man with one bite, and the same is true of scientific and technological knowledge.

After he has accumulated a sufficient talent pool, Wang Wei will only disclose more advanced technologies. This is the best choice.

The next day, many people woke up early.

Because today is not only the day when Wang Wei sent a hundred lucky chosen people to the moon.At the same time, it was also the day when Huaxia launched the lunar development plan and delivered the first batch of materials to the moon.

Such an important day, of course, many people do not want to miss it.

However, there are still many people who are not in good spirits.

Especially some of the lucky ones who were selected were so excited that they couldn't sleep last night.

As a result, in the daytime, he stared at a pair of bloodshot eyes.

Of course, there are some lucky people living in Europe or the Americas that are even worse.

Wang Wei's departure time is [-]:[-] noon in Huaxia, and the pick-up time will be advanced according to the location of the selected person.

Twelve o'clock at noon in Huaxia, for Europe and the United States, it is night or early morning.Then they have to wait for the flying car sent by Wang Wei to pick them up in advance, so that they have no time to sleep at all.

However, no one will give up the opportunity to go to the moon because of this little difficulty.

After all, so far, only a dozen or twenty people have ever landed on the moon.

They were lucky enough to be chosen to travel to the moon, how could they give up so easily.

Even if you drink coffee and don't sleep, you have to grit your teeth and persevere.

At ten o'clock, Huaxia Science and Technology Channel began to broadcast the ceremony of Huaxia's official launch of the lunar development plan. , , .

Chapter [-]: No one's live broadcast

Huaxia Science and Technology Channel, starting from ten o'clock, began to broadcast the matters related to Huaxia's lunar development plan.

From the launching ceremony, to the spaceship built by Huaxia with the technology of building a space shuttle, the first batch of materials and some single-function 'engineering robots' were sent to the moon.

The whole process was passed on to everyone through the lens of Huaxia Technology Channel.

There are still two hours before the twelve o'clock that Wang Wei said.

Therefore, most people's attention has been attracted to the Huaxia Technology Channel.

Many people want to see what level of space technology Huaxia has mastered.How far is it from the technology mastered by Wang Wei?

And countries such as Mi Jian want to see how much Huaxia's technology in the space field has surpassed them.

But after seeing the live broadcast of Huaxia Technology Channel.Ordinary people, especially the Chinese people, can't help but feel a little disappointed.

Because only from the volume of the spaceship.If Wang Wei's space transport ship is an aircraft carrier, then Huaxia's spaceship is at most an ordinary passenger plane.

As for the others, the material can't be seen.

However, compared with the equipment prepared by Huaxia, the equipment prepared by Wang Wei is a lot worse.

Take the most basic engineering robot as an example.

Huaxia's 'engineering robot' is not a robot at all, at most it can only be regarded as a mechanical vehicle with multiple mechanical arms.

Compared with the real engineering robot, it is simply weak.

However, at least Huaxia can start the lunar development plan, while other Omega homes have not yet moved.

This is something to be proud of for the Chinese people.

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