Mi Jian and other developed countries were slightly relieved after seeing the strength of the Huaxia Lunar Development Team through the Huaxia Technology Channel.

In fact, in the field of space technology, Huaxia has not left the developed countries in Europe and America too far.

In addition to space vehicles and energy, Huaxia's technology in the space field is basically at the same level as Mi Jian.

This immediately reduced the pressure on Mi Jian a lot.

Because the gap between the two does not seem to be insurmountable.

At half past ten, the second spacecraft made by Huaxia flew to the moon with a large amount of materials and engineering equipment.

Of course, it is different from Wang Wei.Huaxia's spacecraft also carried five senior engineers.

After arriving on the moon, the five senior engineers will arrange those engineering equipment according to the actual conditions of the moon.

After all, in the field of artificial intelligence, Huaxia is far worse.

It took two hours for Huaxia's spaceship to fly from the earth to the moon, so after the spaceship took off, the Huaxia Technology Channel ended the live broadcast.

It's just that in the later time, the progress of Huaxia's spaceship will be broadcast from time to time.

Until the Huaxia spacecraft finally successfully landed on the moon, the launching ceremony of Huaxia's lunar development project was officially completed.

At eleven o'clock, Wang Wei's live broadcast room started.

However, Wang Wei did not appear in the live broadcast.Small snail Chinese website www.xwnzw.com

Even, the scene of this live broadcast was not on the main island of the floating island, but on a secondary island that was only a quarter of the size of the main island.

On that sub-island, parked a spaceship about the size of the second spaceship built by Huaxia.

That spaceship was a passenger-carrying spaceship specially built by Wang Wei in order to send the lucky [-] people to the moon this time.

It's like a passenger ship and a cargo ship.Passenger spaceships are equivalent to passenger ships, while space transport ships are equivalent to cargo ships.

Although this passenger-carrying spaceship was built to send those [-] lucky people to the moon base this time.

However, this passenger spaceship can carry more than a hundred people.This passenger-carrying spaceship actually has [-] passenger seats.

In this way, when there are more human living bases on the moon or other planets in the solar system, it will be much more convenient to transport a large number of humans to those bases.

However, in the live broadcast, there was no one on this sub-island except the passenger-carrying spaceship.

Wang Wei wasn't there either, but the live camera's perspective was moving around the spaceship at a steady speed.It's like showing you that spaceship.

"What's the situation? Zhaishen turned on the live broadcast and ran away?"

"I may have watched a fake otaku live broadcast..."

"God, what about Feitian? Will you show us a spaceship?"

"That's right! Although this spaceship looks awesome, it's boring to just look at it!"

"Don't worry, there's still an hour before twelve o'clock, the house god and those lucky ones should be out soon."

For half an hour, the passenger-carrying spaceship was placed in Wang Wei's live broadcast room without interruption.

Not to mention that Wang Wei has never appeared, even among the [-] lucky ones who have been selected, none of them have appeared.

During this half hour, the audience in the live broadcast room complained and urged all kinds of things.

But the amazing thing is that the number of viewers in Wang Wei's live broadcast room has not decreased because of this, but is still increasing rapidly.

No one appeared in the live broadcast for half an hour, but the number of viewers reached more than one billion. This is probably the most bizarre situation in the history of the live broadcast industry.

Finally, at exactly [-]:[-], a flying car stopped beside the passenger spaceship.

Then, a girl got off the flying car and walked straight into the entrance of the spaceship.

"Oh!! Beautiful young lady!"

"Is it the lucky one who was chosen?"

"It must be, I have never seen this young lady by the house god before!"

While the audience quickly sent the barrage, another flying car after another landed next to the passenger spaceship one after another.

Then one selected lucky person got off the flying car and walked into the passenger spaceship.

"Why, the lucky ones selected this time are basically all young ladies?? Insiders, insiders!"

"There is definitely a big inside story! I counted, and among the [-] lucky ones selected, there are only [-] males, not even [-]%!"

"Behind this lottery, there must be an unknown YD transaction!"

"And dirty PY deals!" ,, ..

Chapter [-]: Energy Space Suit

One after another, the flying cars stopped beside the passenger spaceship.

Five, ten, fifty, one hundred.

It was not until the hundred lucky people who were selected entered the passenger-carrying spaceship on the sub-island that Wang Wei walked out of the elevator in the laboratory.

Stepping on the hoverboard, Wang Wei flew over from the main island to the sub-island.

Behind him, 2B and ten other battle robots followed.

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