Not only did I go to the moon for free, but I also got an energy space suit worth hundreds of millions.

Why does this kind of good thing only happen to those [-] lucky people?

Countless people who were watching the live broadcast suddenly cried out in their hearts.

A passenger spaceship is flying towards the moon.

Because it is a passenger-carrying commercial spacecraft, it carried more than [-] people.

Therefore, the spacecraft did not increase the speed to the highest.

However, the current speed is still not comparable to the aircraft of other countries.Even the speed of the space shuttle is much inferior.

After all, it takes at least an hour for the space shuttle to fly from the earth to the moon.

And this passenger-carrying spaceship, even if the current speed is not the highest speed, it only takes ten to twenty minutes to reach the moon.

After the spaceship flew out of the atmosphere, everyone lay on the windows and looked at the beautiful earth outside the window.

The glass of the spacecraft can filter cosmic radiation and adjust the incoming sun's rays to ensure the absolute safety of the people inside the spacecraft.

In the far outer space of the solar system, Explorer [-] still flew at the highest speed to the nearest star, Proxima Centauri.

Although after half a month of flight, Explorer [-] has already flown a very far distance from the solar system.

However, the distance to Proxima Centauri is even further away.

It takes 42 light-years for a beam of light to travel from the Sun to Proxima Centauri.

The top speed of Explorer [-] is one-eighth the speed of light.

Therefore, the Explorer [-] flew for half a month, and the distance it flew was basically equivalent to the distance that light traveled for two days.

Light took 42 years to run the distance, and now it's only two days.

That is to say, compared to the distance between the sun and Proxima Centauri, the distance that Explorer [-] has flown in the past half month is completely negligible.

However, the Explorer [-], which was flying at high speed in the universe, suddenly detected a faint space energy.

The technology at the peak of the third-level civilization, although it does not have the ability to manufacture curvature engines, superluminal engines, and space transmission.

However, it also felt a little change.

Knowing that whether the speed exceeds the speed of light or the emergence of such a magical thing as a natural wormhole, it will generate powerful space energy.

And now that Explorer [-] has detected space energy, it means that there is either a spacecraft of a civilization around it that is flying faster than the speed of light and is about to appear here.

Or, there are wormholes around.

As a result, the intelligent system of Explorer [-] decelerated immediately and sent the information back to Earth after the calculation of ten thousandths of a second.

If there is an alien civilization flying around the solar system through curvature, then the other party is likely to have unfriendly purposes for the solar system.

Therefore, the Explorer [-] must let Wang Wei know in advance, so that there is time to make the spring quilt in advance.

And if there are only wormholes around, then Explorer [-] needs to let Wang Wei know.

After all, natural wormholes are unavoidable. , , .

Chapter [-]: The Star Territory Nine Thousand Light Years Away

Explorer [-] appears incomparably small in the vast universe.

Immediately after detecting the space energy, Explorer [-] sent a signal to Earth.

When the space energy was discovered, the coordinates of the position of Explorer [-] were sent back.

And just less than a second after the Explorer [-] sent the signal, the Explorer [-], which was flying fast towards Proxima Centauri, suddenly disappeared in space.

Yes, it just disappeared.Inexplicably disappeared.

In this universe, there are no aircrafts such as spacecraft of other civilizations.

That is to say, the space energy detected by Explorer [-] is not generated by the curvature flight of an aircraft of a civilization.

It should be emitted by a naturally formed wormhole.

After that, Explorer [-] suddenly disappeared, which also proved that there should be a wormhole in that location.

Because the Explorer [-] probably flew into the wormhole and disappeared.

There are two types of wormholes naturally formed in the universe, one is stable and the other is unstable.

Once a stable wormhole is formed, it will not collapse.

And he connects two places in the universe.

These two places may be very close, so close that there is no distance between the two stars.

But the two places where the wormhole connects could also be very far away, from the Milky Way to other galaxies like the Milky Way that are infinitely far away.

In addition, another feature of stable wormholes is absolute security.

Any object entering from one end of the stable wormhole will definitely come out safely from the other end of the stable wormhole in the next second.

In addition to stable wormholes, wormholes fall into another category.

That's an unstable wormhole.

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