Unstable wormholes also connect any two places in the universe.


It's called an unstable wormhole because it's not as secure as a stable wormhole.

Not only the space cracks and space turbulence in the wormhole channel may shred everything that enters.Even the unstable wormhole channel itself can collapse at any time.

Therefore, when any civilization discovers wormholes outside, it will use unmanned aerial vehicles to conduct multiple traversal experiments.

Only after [-]% confirmation that a wormhole is safe will that wormhole be used by the civilization that discovered it.

However, finding a wormhole itself requires luck, let alone finding a more rare stable wormhole.

However, the luck of the Explorer [-] seems to be very good.

Because the Explorer [-], which entered the wormhole, was not torn apart by the possible existence of space cracks and space turbulence inside the wormhole.

Instead, it appears in an unknown area the next second.

The surrounding infographics are so unfamiliar that Explorer [-]'s intelligence doesn't know if it's still in the galaxy right now.

Because even in the Milky Way, the map of galaxies seen in different places is completely different.

However, the artificial intelligence of the Explorer [-] is high.

After all, it was created by the technology of the late third-level civilization, and it was specially used to explore the universe.Qiushuzhai Chinese www.qiushuzhai.com

If artificial intelligence is not high enough, there will be problems.

Therefore, the Explorer [-], which came out of the wormhole safely, did not go back through the wormhole channel again.

Instead, it started to map the galaxy it saw from its current position, compared it with the map of the galaxy seen on Earth, and then calculated where it was now.

If Explorer [-] is still in the Milky Way, then Explorer [-]'s artificial intelligence can also calculate its own position.

But if it is no longer in the Milky Way, then even the Explorer cannot determine its position.

It's like giving you two pictures of two very unrelated, completely sealed rooms.

Just looking at the photos, the ghost knows where the two rooms are.

They may be two rooms next to each other, but it is also possible that one is in Mijian and the other is in Huaxia.

After half an hour, Explorer [-] finally drew a new star map and compared it with the star map seen on Earth.

As a result, Explorer [-] is still in the Milky Way.

Even, the position of Explorer [-] is still on the Orion cantilever like the solar system.

However, after the calculation and comparison of the two infographics, the artificial intelligence of Explorer [-] knew that it had now arrived at a star field nine thousand light-years away from the solar system.

Although it is still on the Orion cantilever of the Milky Way, the distance between the two is [-] light-years away.

That is to say, Explorer [-] traveled a distance of [-] light-years in one second through the wormhole tunnel.

That's the power of wormholes.A thousand miles in an instant.

After calculating its own position, Explorer [-] re-entered the wormhole tunnel from this end.

It had to make sure that the accidentally discovered wormhole tunnel was safe.

If it is an unstable wormhole tunnel, then there is no need to continue exploring this star field.

Only a stable impulse tunnel is necessary to continue exploring the star field on the wormhole.

After all, if the follow-up team can't come through the wormhole tunnel, what's the use of exploring the star field here.

In tens of seconds, the Explorer [-] shuttled through the wormhole tunnel dozens of times without any accident.

It is now certain that the wormhole tunnel accidentally discovered by Explorer [-] is basically safe.

Therefore, after sending the coordinates of the stable wormhole tunnel back to Earth, Explorer [-] went through the wormhole tunnel again and headed to that unknown star field.

On the lunar surface, a passenger spaceship carrying a hundred lucky people has landed on the first lunar base.

At this time, Wang Wei didn't know everything that Explorer [-] had discovered in the distant star field.

Although, Explorer [-] has already sent a signal to Earth.

However, the distance between the location of Explorer [-] and the earth, even if it is light, it will take nearly two days to run.

The signal sent by Explorer [-] travels at the speed of light in space, but it takes nearly two days to transmit it to Earth.

That is to say, Xiao Hei will only receive the signal sent by Explorer [-] after two days.

Only then will we know that Explorer [-] was lucky enough to find a stable wormhole tunnel.

And it reached the other end of the Orion cantilever, which is [-] light-years away from the solar system.

On the moon, after the spacecraft docked with the Lunar Base No. [-], Wang Weicai brought a hundred lucky people into the lunar base. , , .

Chapter [-]: Explorer [-] Lost Contact

No. [-] lunar base, the spacecraft has been docked with the lunar base.

The hundred lucky people on the spacecraft also all entered the first large-scale base on the moon that can allow humans to survive.

The [-] lucky people who entered the lunar base for the first time could not stop being excited.

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