The first base built by humans on the moon that can allow humans to survive normally.

They were fortunate enough to be the first to use it.

After they go back, their experience should last a lifetime.

Entering the lunar base, no one can feel any difference between the environment in the lunar base and the environment on Earth.

Whether it's gravity or air composition, I can't feel any difference at all.

If I have to say anything, it is that the air here is cleaner.

There is no smell of dust in the air, no smell of car exhaust, and no smell of factory smoke.

Among the lunar base No. [-], the first floor is a residential area, and the second floor is a commercial area.

The living quarters are the large number of rooms for the people who live in the base.

Those rooms are like every business hotel on earth.

It's just that the decoration style and all the equipment inside are the same as the dormitory provided to those researchers on the floating island.

All appliances in the room are smart appliances.

The second floor is much more interesting than the first floor.

The second floor is like a large shopping mall, with restaurants, clothing stores, supermarkets and entertainment venues.

Of course, all the places on the second floor are operated by robots [-] hours a day.

Most of the shops and entertainment facilities in the second-floor commercial area are no different from those on earth.

There is only one place that is not on earth.

That's the gravity-free room.

A gravity-free room is a huge room with an area of ​​[-] square meters.

Everyone can experience the feeling of total weightlessness in this gravity-free room.

It is [-]% safe to experience complete weightless entertainment in a gravity-free room.

And if you feel that playing indoors is not exciting enough, you can also apply to go outdoors, that is, to go out of the lunar base to truly experience the real environment of the moon.

Of course, going to play outside the base must be accompanied by a robot.

However, even if accompanied by a robot, there is still a certain degree of danger.

For example, being killed by a meteorite that hit the moon.

After all, the dense craters on the moon are no joke.

Of course, the possibility of encountering danger is very small.But this danger has to be told to everyone.

Also, the moon has no atmosphere.

Therefore, outside the base, the universe and the sun can be directly seen.

The above is during the day. If it is night, what you see is the dark universe, the earth reflecting sunlight, and the stars in the sky.

Whether it is the sun, the earth or the stars in the sky, some people will find it very beautiful, but some people will find it a little scary.

Especially when I jumped hard on the moon, and there was nothing around, I looked at space as if I was going to fly into space.

Although this is impossible.Happy novels

However, some people with poor psychological quality will still have a sense of fear.

Therefore, Wang Wei has a piece of advice for everyone, that is, don't play if you feel scared.

Who knows, everyone has a strong request to go outside the base to play.

Well, after all, it's hard to come to the moon.If you just stay in the moon base all the time, there will indeed be a feeling that you have come for nothing.

What's more, if you go outside the base.Not only can it take pictures, but it can also carry some lunar dust and some small lunar rubble back.

In this way, it is considered that this person has been to the moon.

As a result, one hundred lucky winners and Wang Wei, as well as 2B plus ten battle robots, all entered the decompression room together.

The decompression room begins to quickly evacuate the air in the room.

As soon as everyone felt it, a layer of silver-white energy film composed of a large number of transparent lattice-like small lattices immediately appeared on the surface of everyone's body.

That membrane is the energy spacesuit.

With this energy sky suit, they can survive in the temporary space environment.

Everyone looked at the layer of energy film covering themselves in surprise.

It is impossible to see that this layer of what looks like a light curtain can allow them to survive in a vacuum environment for seven days.

Someone tried to touch the film on the other hand.

It turned out that when the two hands were about to touch each other, the energy film that wrapped the two hands suddenly merged into one, and then the two hands could touch each other at zero distance.

And when the hands are separated, the energy film that has been fused together will be separated again, wrapping the two hands separately.

Everyone could not help but sigh the magic of this energy space suit.

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