When the hatch to the outside of the base opened, everyone ran out excitedly like wild horses.

It's not their fault.After all, the lunar environment is really too mysterious for them.

Wang Wei didn't stop them either.

Anyway, there aren't any other creatures on the moon.

These people will not float into the universe, and even if they fall from the edge of the crater, they will not suffer any injuries.

Moreover, the energy space suit on each person, which is actually the metal bracelet on each person's hand, has a positioning function.

The system of the base can clearly know the precise location of each person.There is absolutely no possibility of getting lost.

Since there is almost no danger, let them play as they please.

In the past two days, Wang Wei's live broadcast has not been interrupted.

Those [-] lucky people traveled and lived in the lunar base, all of which were shown to the audience through live broadcasts.

"I'm so envious! Why is it not me who was chosen... woo woo woo..."

"I watched them play for two days throughout the whole process, so this is considered a trip to the moon."

"God, how much does it cost to travel to the moon, I want to know if we have a chance to go to the moon?"

"Obviously I don't want to watch it, but I can't help it, so angry!"

"Little Leaf, go to the moon and have fun! After you come back, you must treat our sisters to a meal! Otherwise, your conscience will hurt!"



At [-]:[-] a.m. China time on the third day, when the two-day lunar tour was over, Wang Wei suddenly received an urgent message from Xiao Hei.

"Master! Explorer [-] lost contact after detecting abnormal space energy!" ,, .

Chapter [-]: Wang Wei's worries

"Master, received a signal from Explorer [-]! Explorer [-] detected mysterious space energy!" Xiao Hei's voice suddenly sounded in Wang Wei's ear.

Exchange space battleships and automatic space exploration spaceships from the technology mall.All relevant technologies and knowledge have been firmly imprinted in Wang Wei's mind.

Therefore, Wang Wei also knows a little about space energy.

Knowing that it is the energy that is generated when moving at superluminal speed such as space jumping.

When Wang Wei used the teleportation ability obtained from the tree of life, he actually generated space energy.

However, the teleport distance is too short, so it is impossible to see whether the speed exceeds the speed of light.

In addition to moving faster than light, there is also a situation where space energy is generated.

That is the existence of wormholes around.

Wormholes are an existence that breaks space barriers and infinitely shortens the distance between two places that are very far apart.

Therefore, as long as the wormhole exists, it will always radiate space energy to the surrounding.

So, is the space energy detected by Explorer [-] generated by the super-light speed flight of the spacecraft of the alien civilization, or is it generated by the wormholes that exist nearby.

"Xiao Hei, apart from this message, did Explorer [-] send any other messages back?" Wang Wei asked seriously.

In two cases, Wang Wei did not know what kind of situation the Explorer [-] encountered.

If you encounter a wormhole, it's okay, whether it is a stable wormhole or an unstable wormhole, the benefits for the earth still outweigh the disadvantages.

But if you encounter a spacecraft with a super-light-speed flight in the shape of a civilization, then the situation is not very good.

Although the current position of Explorer [-] seems to be quite far from the earth, for a civilization that can fly faster than the speed of light, it is not far at all.

Since the other party can fly faster than the speed of light, then the technology must be several levels stronger than the earth.

At the same time, it must be much stronger than the technology mastered by Wang Wei.

After all, super-light technology can be possessed by at least a fourth-level civilization.

For a civilization whose technology is better than himself, and then knows nothing about other aspects, Wang Wei must prepare for the worst.

That is the plan to fight the opponent.

Of course, the premise is to determine whether what Explorer [-] encounters is really an alien civilization.

"The content of the message sent by Explorer [-] has no other content except that it has found abnormal space energy and the coordinates of its location!" Xiao Hei said.


Based on the current information alone, it is impossible to judge whether the Explorer [-] was lucky and encountered a spacecraft of a higher civilization.I was lucky enough to encounter a wormhole tunnel in the universe.

Still, it's best to plan for the worst in this situation.

Therefore, on the way back, Wang Wei did not sit with the hundred lucky ones.

Instead, a person walked into the cockpit of a passenger-carrying spaceship.

Although, it is still uncertain whether there are really more advanced civilizations flying to the earth.

Moreover, if a warship of a higher civilization really flew to the earth, the earth probably did not have the ability to resist.

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