However, Wang Wei could not sit still.

Before the battleships of more advanced civilizations have discovered the solar system, it is better to do a little preparation in advance.

Therefore, when the spacecraft carrying a hundred passengers just left the lunar base, Wang Wei readjusted the layout again. 135 Chinese

"Xiao Hei, let all the engineering robots on the earth that are building space battleships suspend their current tasks and start making the main guns of space battleships with all their strength!"

"In addition, all the engineering robots on the moon have also stopped all current work and started to make the main guns of the space battleship for me!"

"Although the main guns of space battleships may not necessarily be able to destroy the battleships of possible enemies, we must give it a try."

"If you don't even have the courage to fight, you won't be reconciled even if you die!"

After receiving the order, Xiao Hei immediately conveyed Wang Wei's order.

All engineering robots immediately began to manufacture the main guns of space battleships according to their new tasks.

The main gun of the space battleship is a super plasma gun with a diameter of up to [-] kilometers.

Although it can't reach the level of destroying a planet with one shot of the star destroyer, there is no problem in destroying the moon with dozens of shots.

The main guns of space battleships are powerful and bulky, and at the same time they are very difficult to build.

Even if four thousand engineering robots on earth are built at the same time, it will take at least half a month.

Wang Wei also doesn't know if it is possible to build the main gun of the space battleship before the aliens of the advanced civilization that may appear.

However, even if the main guns of the final space battleship were not built and the earth was invaded by aliens from advanced civilizations, Wang Wei would not have any regrets.

After all, he had tried.

It also took half an hour for the spacecraft to return to Earth.

The original half an hour should have passed quickly.

However, Wang Wei felt that time passed by unprecedentedly slow.

Because ever since he received the news of Explorer [-], Wang Wei has been worried that aliens from higher-level civilizations will invade the earth.

If the civilization level is similar, Wang Wei will not be too worried.

But a civilization with super-light technology is definitely a civilization above the fourth level.The level difference is too big, there is no way to fight at all.

In the spaceship, Wang Wei can't do anything.One can only pray that the space energy detected by Explorer [-] is not artificial.

With an uneasy mood, the spaceship finally reached the earth.

However, when the spaceship just landed on the sub-island of the floating island, Xiao Hei's voice sounded in Wang Wei's ears again.

"Master! Received the message from Explorer [-] again!"

Hearing Xiao Hei's voice, Wang Wei didn't react for a while.

You know he thought Explorer [-] had been destroyed.

Now that the news of Explorer [-] has been received again after half an hour.That means that Explorer [-] is likely to actually find a wormhole in the universe.

"Explorer [-] sent a lot of content this time. Explorer [-]'s artificial intelligence system said it accidentally discovered a stable wormhole tunnel."

"The other end of the wormhole tunnel is still in the Milky Way. However, it is indeed an unexpected star field that is [-] light-years away from the solar system."

"The coordinates of both ends of the wormhole tunnel have been marked."

"Explorer [-] said it will go to the nearest star system to the mouth of the wormhole tunnel to explore everything there."

"Because the distance is too far, the Explorer [-] will not continue to send signals to the earth for the time being."

"After discovering something, Explorer [-] will return to the wormhole tunnel and report back to us again," Xiao Hei explained. , , .

Chapter [-]: Two Chapters Starry Sky Map

After learning that the space energy detected by the Explorer [-] was emitted by the wormhole, Wang Wei's hanging heart finally let go.

He was really worried, worried if some alien from a high-level civilization discovered the earth.

Will the earth really have no resistance at all and be conquered by the opponent in an instant?

Well now, it is sure to find a wormhole, not to meet an advanced civilization.

In this way, you don't have to worry too much about encountering advanced alien civilizations in a short period of time.

However, although there is no threat of advanced alien civilization in a short period of time.But this does not mean that the threat of advanced alien civilization has completely disappeared.

There are a large number of civilizations in the universe.

Just like Wang Wei looking for a planet like Earth that can allow human beings to survive.

More advanced civilizations must have also been looking for new planets.

There are many star systems in the universe, and there are also many planets that can breed life.But compared with the entire universe, planets that can breed life are very scarce resources.

The more advanced the civilization, the more it needs to develop outward and occupy more resources.

A planet that can nurture life is a scarce resource that all civilizations compete for.

Therefore, although the current earth has not encountered a civilization with a very high civilization level for the time being.

But in the future, over time, Earth will definitely collide with other civilizations.

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