Therefore, it does not matter if the economic and cultural development is slower.However, technology and military must develop as soon as possible.

Especially Wang Wei who has the system, no matter now or in the future, he must manufacture the most powerful weapon he has mastered at the fastest speed.

Instead of slowly building space battleships that are useless in a short period of time like they are now.

Compared with the space battleship, the main gun of the space battleship is what Wang Wei needs most now.

Therefore, although the danger of being invaded by a more advanced civilization is temporarily relieved.

Wang Wei, however, did not lift the previous order to the engineering robot.

Now, whether it is on the island or the moon, a large number of engineering robots are doing their best to manufacture space battleship-class main guns.

Although the earth is safe for the time being, there must be a sense of crisis.

Of course, the earth crisis is over, and Wang Wei doesn't have to worry too much about the safety of the earth for the time being.

So, one hundred lucky people who participated in the free two-day tour of the lunar base were sent off the spaceship, and after taking a photo with everyone, a flying car was arranged to send everyone back.

After that, Wang Wei did not get into the laboratory immediately.

Instead, two pieces of content were continuously updated on the meager side.

The first meager content is related to going to the moon to play.

"The first two-day free lunar tour has been successfully completed. From now on, the lunar tourism project will be handed over to Zhaishen Technology."

"In the future, any friends who want to go to the moon to play can consult and book on the official website of Zhaishen Technology."

"Because of the cost, the cost of a trip to the moon is [-] RMB per person. Of course, this is only the travel fee. Some other expenses on the moon will be announced on the official website of Zhaishen Technology."

Another meager piece of content is the two ultra-high-definition pictures of the galaxy map taken by the Explorer [-] from the other end of the wormhole and the information map observed on Earth.Butler

"Two star charts, I don't know if anyone found anything! Smiley~"

At the same time, in the second meager content, Wang Wei also named the top ten astronomical institutes in the world.

In fact, the reason why Wang Wei was able to cite those international organizations in China's meager position.Or because of his own relationship.

Because Wang Wei has always updated his scientific research trends on Weibo, almost all scientific research institutions have registered their official Weibo.

The purpose, of course, is to pay close attention to Wang Wei's meager dynamics.

See when he has something new born again.

Wang Wei's two meager contents were like two bombs detonated in an instant.The meager servers were almost squeezed out.

"The light toll is only [-] RMB, so expensive!"

"Excuse me! Which country doesn't cost tens of millions of dollars to launch a rocket? And it's still US dollars. The house god only charges [-] yuan to send a person to the moon. It's a blood loss!"

"For renting a motor car in Huaxia, the charge for [-] kilometers is about [-] yuan, and the average is [-] cents per kilometer. The distance between the earth and the moon is [-] kilometers, and the average is only [-] cents per kilometer. Is this too expensive?"

"Looking like this, damn it! The toll charged by the spaceship of the house god is actually the price of a green leather car?"

"The house god also provides a round trip, and only charges a dime for one kilometer together! With such a low toll, there is no one on the whole earth!"

"One hundred thousand, it's not very expensive, it's just a year's salary. Save it, go to the moon to play, I can make it for a lifetime!"

"One hundred thousand yuan, my salary for three years... uuu..."

"Our country's lunar base has just started construction, and the foundations are not completed. But even if the country's lunar base is completed, the cost of landing on the moon will definitely not be cheaper than the house god."

"Stop dreaming, the country's lunar base must be used as a laboratory! Build a lunar base for you to play with, and this kind of thing can be done by a nerd!"

"Speaking of which, Zhaishen has updated a meager article with two high-definition sky maps. Zhaishen asked who can find something from the starry sky map, and who can take a look at it?"

"It's useless to hang up, you have to be proficient in astronomy!"

"Let's go! Change positions!"

"By the way, is there anything special about these two starry sky maps? Isn't the sky full of stars?"

"Upstairs, it looks like a layman! As a senior in the Department of Astronomy, I can tell you that I am also confused when I look at these two photos."

"For sure, one of them is a photo of the Milky Way. The other one can't be seen, and it can't be seen as the star field at all."

"Yoyo upstairs, much better than the senior in the Astronomy Department above!"

"There are so many astronomical institutes in Aite, which means that these two photos must have hidden secrets, and they must not be visible to us laymen!"

"Speaking of so many astronomical institutes, how come no one said a word?"

"I guess I can't see anything, so don't dare to say anything..."

After Wang Wei made the meager messages, he didn't care about them.

Those two high-definition sky maps, even those top ten astronomical institutes in the world, will definitely not be able to find anything in a short time.

Even with supercomputer analysis, nothing would be discovered in a matter of days.

And it's a few days, which is the time it takes to use their strongest supercomputer to verify the conjecture after guessing the relationship between the two star maps.

Therefore, during this period of time, Wang Wei concentrated on his own affairs. , , .

Chapter [-]: Guess it

The two star maps published by Wang Wei on Weibo, and the one from the top ten astronomy researchers in the world.

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