The ten astronomical research institutes of Wang Weiite have never issued a reply under his meager note.

One wonders if those organizations don't know about meager things.

But this was quickly rejected.

Not to mention that there are billions of fans who follow Wang Wei's meager content. How many push messages will the system send out when he updates the meager content.

Even if you don't look at the number of fans, the comments below that meager article have reached hundreds of millions.

Such a big influence, even if it is a meager thing that an astronomical research institute really does not know.

But there will definitely be people in the industry who will tell them.

Therefore, there is no such thing as a situation where the top ten astronomical institutes in the world do not know the meager content.

In fact, not long after Wang Wei's meager announcement, those world-renowned astronomical institutes already knew about it.

And after seeing two star maps, I quickly recognized one of them.

That is the star map of Orion's cantilever as seen from the Earth along the direction of the Milky Way's autobiography.

But the other star map, those people from the world's top ten astronomical institutes, can't recognize where the star map is.

However, they didn't think that Wang Wei would forge a non-existent star map to play tricks on them, so those astronomical research institutions all went to analyze another star map.

As for replying to Wang Wei's meager comments?

forget it.Wang Wei specifically named them in the meager and asked them if they found anything.

Now they haven't found anything yet, so it would be embarrassing to leave a message under Wang Wei's meager.

So this weird scene happened.

Wang Wei's ten world-renowned astronomical institutes in Aite on purpose did not respond, and the other melon eaters flew up chatting below the meager.

And some people felt that the chat was not fun enough, and they even went to Wang Wei Aite's ten world-renowned astronomical institutes to comment below.

What's more, he even went to the official websites of those astronomical institutions to find a place where he could leave a message to write comments.

Of course, none of this has anything to do with Wang Wei.

The reason why he released the two starry sky maps was just to warm up the humans on earth in advance.

After he has arranged everything for a while, Wang Wei will tell the story of the discovery of the wormhole by the Explorer [-] and the successful arrival of the star field nine thousand light-years away.

So he specially designed the world-renowned astronomical institutes of Aite to analyze whether another star map was actually taken from a star field [-] light-years away.It doesn't matter.

Anyway, in the end, Wang Wei himself will announce the answer.

Of course, it would be good if someone analyzed the meaning of another star map in advance.

At least it can attract more attention.

for the rest of the time.Go to

Wang Wei sent all the Explorers [-] to [-] built during this period to the coordinates marked by Number [-].

There is no signal transmission inside the wormhole tunnel.At least with the technology that Wang Wei currently has, it is impossible to transmit signals in the wormhole tunnel.

If the Explorer [-] sends a signal directly to the earth, the earth will not be able to receive the signal until at least [-] years later.

Therefore, in order to reduce the transmission time of the signal, Wang Weida had to establish signal relay stations at both ends of the wormhole tunnel.

Two spaceships for automatic exploration are used as signal repeaters, and then two spaceships are used as the medium for carrying signals, and the information is transmitted to and from the wormhole tunnel to the other end.

In this way, the signal sent by the Explorer [-], which originally took nine thousand years for the earth to receive, now only takes four or five days.

Although the signal delay of four or five days is still very large, it is not too slow for the time to transmit signals between stars.

In addition to establishing signal secondary stations at both ends of the wormhole tunnel, Wang Wei also specially built two spaceships loaded with many animals to fly in the direction of the wormhole.

The two spaceships were named Adventurer [-] and Adventurer [-] by Wang Wei.

The mission of Adventurer [-] and Adventurer [-] is to carry various animals back and forth through the wormhole.

The purpose, of course, is to test whether the wormhole tunnel will do any harm to carbon-based life forms.

Among the Adventurer spacecraft, there is an automatic breeding system.And the resources in the spaceship are enough for the animals in the spaceship to survive for a year.

This year is enough to test whether carbon-based life forms will harm life when they pass through wormholes.

Soon, half a month passed.

Explorers [-], [-], [-], and [-] successfully arrived at the wormhole.

Moreover, according to Wang Wei's arrangement, two spaceships were arranged at both ends of the wormhole tunnel to serve as receiving stations and transmission media.

The Adventurer, which carried a large number of animals, had not arrived near the wormhole for the time being because of its late departure.But that's just a few days.

And in the past half a month, the engineering robots on the island and the moon have each built a space battleship main gun.

However, because there are no aliens from advanced civilizations visiting the area for the time being, there is no disaster to happen.

Wang Wei did not announce the main gun of the space battleship.

As a result, the strength that Wang Wei has disclosed now is enough to shock any country on earth.

As for the main guns of space battleships, which are world-destroying weapons for the earth, they should be displayed when needed.

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