It's like a meat bun, the meaning of the two is completely different to a person who is full and to a person who has been hungry for four or five days.

So, after everything was arranged on the wormhole tunnel, Wang Wei was going to let Xiao Hei publish a new content on Meager, announcing the meaning of the two high-definition starry sky images before.

Before Wang Wei's order was given, Xiao Hei's voice reached his ears first.

"Master, Huaxia National Astronomical Observatory left a comment in your meager comment area and I have you!"

"Oh? They also wrote me? What was their message? Is it an analysis of another star map?"

"Yes. And they correctly guessed the shooting area of ​​the starry sky map and the area where the photographer was located. Here is their original text:"

"'Mr. Wang Wei, the areas captured by the two star images are the same, except that one's perspective is the Earth, and the other's perspective is the star field [-] light-years away. I don't know if we're right? '",,..

Chapter [-]: The White Star

As soon as the Huaxia National Astronomical Observatory's reply came out, Wang Wei's meager, whose popularity had dropped after half a month, became a meager popular again.

"It's been half a month. Someone finally noticed it!"

"It's actually Huaxia Wentai, I really like to hear it!"

"@家神, is the answer from Huaxia Wentai correct?"

"What Huaxia Wentai said should be wrong. The shooting angle is [-] light-years away, how is that possible!"

"It's not impossible, as long as the house god uses his artificial intelligence to calculate it, and then manually draw the starry sky map according to the calculation."

"Has no one ever thought that the house god really ran to a place [-] light-years away to take such a photo?"

"How is it possible that the light has to run for nine thousand years, how does the house god go to take pictures?"

"Maybe what he wants to say is that Zhaishen has developed super-light flight technology...hehe..."

"All GG of the world's top ten astronomical institutes, the top spot was won by Huaxia!"

"It's too early to draw conclusions. After all, the house god has not announced the correct answer!"

At this time, Wang Wei had asked Xiao Hei to map his meager page information to his eyes.

Wang Wei really didn't expect that someone could actually see what the second star map represented.

But think about it, China already has two supercomputers that outperform all other countries.

Coupled with the better materials manufactured through the technology left by Wang Wei, there is no problem in doubling the performance of Huaxia's supercomputer.

With such a high-performance supercomputer, as long as the direction is not wrong, it is not impossible to identify the second star map, at most it is a matter of time.

However, the Huaxia National Astronomical Observatory actually announced the conjecture just before Wang Wei planned to announce the answer. This is really a coincidence.

Let Xiaohei edit a meager, and then Aite Huaxia National Observatory and the top ten astronomical institutes in the world before Aite.

It was finally released.

"After half a month, no one has seen the meaning of the second star map. I originally planned to announce the answer today."

"I didn't expect that just before I announced the answer, the Huaxia National Astronomical Observatory actually gave the correct answer."

"It seems that the strength of the Huaxia National Astronomical Observatory has surpassed the original top ten astronomical institutes in terms of comprehensive strength."

"Huaxia has made rapid technological progress in recent years, and the whole world has to reassess Huaxia's strength. As for other countries, you have to do your best. Otherwise, if your strength is too poor, I won't take you to play in the future!"

"Go back to those two star maps. The first one, which many people recognize, is a small part of the Milky Way observed from Earth."

"As for the second star map, only the Huaxia National Observatory recognized it."

"The area taken by the two star maps is actually the same range of star fields, but one was taken from the earth. The other one was taken from a star field [-] light-years away from the earth! "

"Maybe someone will ask if I made it up with artificial intelligence. What I want to tell you is that it wasn't made up, it was shot with a real optical lens."

"Half a month ago, the floating island received a signal from the Explorer 62 that took off from the island earlier. The content of the signal is to discover abnormal space energy fluctuations!" 62 Novels www.[-]

"It is estimated that no one knows what the abnormal space energy fluctuation means. But it doesn't matter if you don't know, everyone only needs to know that Explorer [-] has found a natural impulse tunnel."

"Then, through the wormhole tunnel, it only took one second for the Explorer [-] to fly to the star field nine thousand light years away. Then, the starry sky map was taken."

"After half a month, I have established a stable communication system on both sides of the wormhole tunnel, and Explorer [-] will report its findings at any time."

"At the same time, the follow-up Explorers will also go to another star field. Maybe in the near future, we will discover a new Earth!"

In Weibo, nine new photos were also uploaded.

The communication base stations at both ends of the wormhole, another constellation map of the star field, and a galaxy with a white star that is not too far away.

Different colors of stars indicate different surface temperatures.

The surface temperature of dim red stars is only 2000-3500 degrees.

The surface temperature of red or orange stars is 3500-5000 degrees.

The surface temperature of orange-yellow stars is 5000-6000 degrees, and the sun is an orange-yellow star.

The surface temperature of yellow stars is 6000-7500 degrees.

The surface temperature of light blue or white stars is 7500-10,000 degrees.

The star in the star system that Explorer [-] is approaching is a discolored star.

Its surface temperature is also at least [-] degrees warmer than that of our sun.

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