Because no other data is marked in the photo, there is no way for others to know what the size of the white star is.

Ordinary people don't care about that data, though.

They only know that the spaceship made by their house god has actually flown to the star field nine thousand light years away.

Does this mean that the earth will soon enter the interstellar age?

"I feel so excited when I think about it! When I was a child, I didn't even know what a mobile phone was. It's only been more than [-] years, and human beings are about to enter the interstellar age. It feels like time flies so fast!"

"It shouldn't be so soon to enter the interstellar era. Although the otaku went to a very distant star field by accident, it is impossible to carry out large-scale immigration without the discovery of life planets."

"Humanity is about to enter the interstellar era, but I haven't even done an airplane... woo woo..."

"My hometown doesn't even have asphalt kilometers... I cry..."

"To tell the truth, can the house god also help the mountainous area? The mountainous area is poor."

"I seem to hear a joke upstairs. The nerd is a scientist, not a politician or a philanthropist. As long as the nerd does a good job in science, it is enough to make technology develop rapidly!"

"Don't you know that there is a public welfare organization called Zhaishen Charity? In less than two months, more than [-] primary schools have been built for remote mountainous areas."

"No. I've never heard of it."

"Charity is not hype, everyone who doesn't need it knows it."

"Science and technology rejuvenate the country, education is the first. A good house god, you are a fan!" ,, . .

Chapter [-]: Is there life?

Wang Wei looked at the reputation value in the system that had reached [-] billion, and Wang Wei was both relieved and speechless.

Fortunately, after this period of constant work, the reputation value finally exceeded [-] billion again, reaching the highest ever of [-] billion.

What is speechless is that, like now, a big event is done in ten days and a half, but the reputation value is only more than [-] billion.

Only reached [-]% of the requirements for opening the fourth-level scientific and technological civilization.

To save [-] billion reputation points, I am afraid there is still a long way to go.

The engineering robots on Earth are still building the main guns of space battleships.

Although it is said that there is already a space battleship-class main gun on the earth, but this is not enough.

Wang Wei plans to build a ten-seat eight-seat one, and then let those engineering robots re-build the unfinished space battleship.

Only on the moon, there are still [-] engineering robots building space battleship-class main guns.

As for the remaining engineering robots, as well as the newly produced engineering robots that are still increasing, some automatic combat spacecraft and small and medium-sized manned spacecraft have begun to be built.

Explorer [-] is not far from the galaxy where the white star is located.

In two days at most, it will enter the star system centered on the white star.

Twelve planets have been observed in that star system.

If you are lucky, you might be able to find one of the twelve planets that gave birth to life.

With a little luck, even finding a few planets with life is not out of the question.

Just like the solar system, including the ruined star Atlantis, Calvin's Mars with suspended animation, and now the Earth with the most life.

If you are very lucky, then the star system closest to the mouth of the wormhole tunnel that Explorer [-] is about to arrive at may also have multiple galaxies that harbor life.

Once a planet with life is discovered, Wang Wei will immediately dispatch an advance team to that planet.

Sending an advance team requires not only diplomats, but also force for deterrence.

Therefore, whether it is a spaceship for manned people or a combat spaceship for combat, it must be built.

While Wang Wei is vigorously building tools such as naval guns and spaceships, all countries that have joined the Science Alliance are also developing rapidly.

The total population of China is two billion, accounting for one-fifth of the global population.

Therefore, Huaxia has never lacked talents.

Perhaps, the teaching method of Huaxia's previous cramming and assembly line unified teaching method made many talents not well utilized.

What you learn in school is completely useless after graduation.

In order to make money, in order to survive, no matter what you study, you go to run the business.

But it's different now.

There is Wang Wei, a great man in the field of science and technology, as an example.

In addition, because Huaxia is a member of the Science Alliance, any Huaxia can access and log in to the Science Alliance's scientific library.

There are not only a large number of scientific theories in the scientific library, but also a large number of scientific technologies and scientific and technological achievements.

Any Chinese and any citizen of any member state of the Science Alliance can learn those technologies.

Therefore, during this time, various inventions emerged in an endless stream around the world.

There are inventions of little use, and inventions of great value.

Most of these inventions were invented by college students in various places, or even some technical nerds.Xiaoshuowa novel network

And those inventions do not need to go to any patent office to apply for domestic patents and international patents.

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