It can be said that Zhaishen Technology can fully represent the highest technology on earth.

Because, the man standing behind Zhaishen Technology is Zhaishen.That is the man who has abolished the solar system, discovered and will occupy a new planet of life.

The official website of Zhaishen Technology does not have a message function.

However, the official website of Zhaishen Technology has a sub-site with community functions.It enables all members of Zhaishen Technology to chat, make friends, feedback questions, etc. in the community.

Usually, the daily active number of the Zhaishen community is only about [-] million, which is still the number of online users in the world.

And since the hardware department of Zhaishen Technology announced the news about virtual reality technology four days ago.

The daily number of online users in the Zhaishen community has exceeded [-] million every day.Small snail Chinese website

What is the concept, it means that five percent of the total global population land on the Otaku community every day.

And the topics discussed by those people are all topics related to virtual games.

Compared with [-] billion, [-] million seems to be very little.

But in reality, it's not much at all.

You must know that the official of Zhaishen Technology has only released a notice about virtual reality technology.

Now even the video and even the pictures related to the virtual game are not displayed.So many people have already chosen to follow.

If the official will use the equipment and test games during the test, as well as the documentary filmed during the test, it will definitely cause a greater response.

"Since the announcement has been issued, then with the consistent style of the house god, the finished product should be almost the same!"

"I think it won't be long before I can play virtual games, and I can't stop the chicken moving."

"Be careful upstairs, if you don't rest, be careful to break it!"

"Zhaishen Technology has developed a virtual helmet, so what about games? You can't play games without equipment."

"Worry about it. With the strength of Zakushen Technology, it is not easy to turn any game into a virtual game!"

"If this is really the case, then I hope to virtualize Lu and Lu, and I am a hero. That feeling... tsk tsk tsk..."

"Fuck, if you want to virtualize, you should also virtualize the Call of Duty. Think about the feeling of experiencing the battlefield yourself, it will be very cool!"

"No, no, no! World of Warcraft should be virtualized, that kind of grand Western fantasy world. It's a shame not to experience it in person!"

"Experiences like Tomb Raider should be virtualized..."

"Should virtualize something like Grand Theft Auto..."

"Poisoned milk powder should be virtualized..."

Soon, posts in the community discussing when virtual games can be played became posts about what games should be virtualized first.

Because in the eyes of everyone, Zhaishen Technology has released the news.Then it means that there is definitely a [-]% certainty.

Even, the virtual helmet may have been produced now.

So they don't worry about being able to play virtual games at all.

They just wish the first virtual game they played was something they liked to play.

But although they are arguing in the otaku community.

But in fact, when Zakushen Technology starts to sell virtual game helmets, no matter what type of game it is, they will definitely buy it back to experience it.

In fact, not only game fans have been very active these days, but also countries such as Huaxia and Mijian.

They all know the benefits of virtual technology, so after learning that Zhaishen Technology has mastered virtual technology, they all want to cooperate with Zhaishen Technology.

Wang Wei has long mastered a lot of technology that they have not mastered, and these countries know it.

But there is nothing they can do if Wang Wei doesn't take it out.After all, Wang Wei is strong and they are weak.

But now it's different.Although Zhaishen Technology also belongs to Wang Wei, it is indeed a company.

Since Zhaishen Technology announced the news of this song, it means that this technology is to be used for business.

Since it is used for business, of course, it can also carry out technical cooperation with them.

As a result, representatives of many countries all flocked to Zhaishen Technology. , , .

Chapter [-]: Diplomats

In the center of a small island surrounded by sea water, a steel castle stands, surrounded by four-meter-high robots. This is another base for Wang Wei.

At this time, a camouflage helicopter flew in from overseas. This is a helicopter transformed by Huaxia from the Science Alliance. It can use optical camouflage. This is the technology of the Science Alliance that Huaxia has developed the fastest.

The camouflage helicopter slowly landed on the apron. Two men in camouflage uniforms quickly jumped down to guard the surroundings, and then a middle-aged man in a suit and gold-wire glasses walked down slowly.

'Don't panic, this is Wang Wei's base, our ally' said the man with golden glasses calmly.

'Yes, sir' said the two men in camouflage together.

Jinsi Nan looked up at the flight monitor not far away, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, full of confidence.

Wang Wei was watching this scene on the monitor at this time. Originally, Wang Wei did not want to come here, but Xiao Hei reported that Zhao Hao, the most famous diplomat in China, applied for a meeting, and Wang Wei had to pay attention.

Zhao Hao made a name for himself in the diplomatic world at a young age. Now that he has entered middle age, his current diplomatic skills must be perfect.

A conspiracy arises spontaneously in Wang Wei's heart.

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