'Xiao Hei, send a service robot to welcome Mr. Zhao Hao'


The service robot is Wang Wei's boring research and development product. He just wants to use it to make room calls, but Wang Wei found that the service robot is the best choice for massage and greeting guests.

Zhao Hao didn't want to come to take this mission, but this mission was about the military, and it put pressure on Zhao Hao, so Zhao Hao came as a last resort, because this mission was the key to the military's combat effectiveness. .

Looking at the oncoming artificial robot, although Wang Wei's robot is very realistic, Zhao Hao has been struggling for many years and can see through many things. This robot just lacks emotion.

If Wang Wei can give robots feelings, then Zhao Hao can't see through anything.

'Please move Mr. Zhao Hao to the reception room' said the robot in a soft voice.

The two men in camouflage wanted to keep up with Zhao Hao, but Zhao Hao beckoned to step back.

Zhao Hao thought that what this robot lacks is a human emotion, and he has to admire Wang Wei's scientific and technological capabilities.

Following in the footsteps of the service robots and walking in the corridor made of steel, Zhao Hao believed that even a super weapon would not be able to destroy the place, because the walls were made of rare metals.

'Welcome Mr. Zhao Hao, do you need something to drink? '

Wang Wei walked out of the secret passage in a white coat, holding a blueprint in his hand, and his eyes were directed at Zhao Hao.

Originally, Zhao Hao wanted to give Wang Wei a little slap in the face. After all, he was a member of the Chinese military. Even if Governor Mi Jian saw him, he would have to give him three points.

But I didn't expect Wang Wei to be such a wealthy person, and he directly despised himself as soon as he came up.

'If you have one, give me a cup of Dahongpao,' Zhao Hao said casually.

'Xiaohong, go and make a cup of Dahongpao for Mr. Zhao'

Xiaohong was the name that Wang Wei gave to the service robot. After all, Xiaohong was Wang Wei's housekeeper and could not have no name. Xiaohong then disappeared behind the iron gate.

Zhao Hao couldn't sneer in his heart, Dahongpao's output was not much every year, and it was also shared by the people above.

Although there are Dahongpao in the market, only those in the rainy season before the Qingming Festival can be called Dahongpao.

Xiaohong came over with a blue-and-white porcelain teacup, and Wang Wei looked at Zhao Hao quietly, wanting to see what the first Chinese diplomat had, but Wang Wei observed nothing for a long time.Tianya Micro Fiction www.tywxs.com

It seems that this diplomat really lived up to his reputation.

'Please have some tea'

Xiaohong bent forward and slowly brought the blue and white porcelain teacup to Zhao Hao.

Zhao Hao saw that the color of the tea in the cup was indeed similar to that of the special Dahongpao, and there was a scent of tea in the cup surrounding the tip of the nose, which made people feel refreshed.

'Mr. Wang, he is indeed a capable man. He can even get a special Dahongpao. I underestimate Mr. Wang.' Zhao Hao's tone was filled with a hint of shame.

'This was given to me by someone else. If I want to drink it, I'll give it to you later,' Wang Wei said lightly.

'I don't know why Mr. Zhao is here this time'

'It's like this, the official wants to cooperate with you on virtual reality technology, and is willing to pay a high price to buy it,' Zhao Hao said, putting down the teacup in his hand.

'We just want to cultivate high-end military talents through virtual reality technology, so please consider Mr. Wang, we can agree to any conditions of Mr. Wang Wei'

Wang Wei knew what the Huaxia military was thinking, and only wanted to use virtual technology to train fighter pilots, but it was impossible to monopolize this technology.

'I can promise you, but I can't sell technology to the military of other countries. Ordinary people can enjoy it, but I promise you to only open the game to them,' Wang Wei said lightly.

'Then how much money does Mr. Wang want? ' Zhao Hao said excitedly.

This task is completed, and in the future, I can move some relationships in the military, such as promoting my son to major general.

'No no no, I don't want money, I just want a person' Wang Wei raised his index finger and shook it.

Wang Wei is now rich and rivals the country is a trivial matter, as long as a small invention patent can instantly make Wang Wei the world's richest man, but Wang Wei does not need money, what is lacking now is talent.

'I just want you, Mr. Zhao Hao,' Wang Wei said.

Zhao Hao clamped his own chrysanthemum. After so many years of diplomacy, it was the first time that he saw such a strange request, and it was because he wanted the chrysanthemum of an old man like me.

'I just want Mr. Zhao Hao to go to Deep Blue Star for diplomacy' Wang Wei said lightly.

The job at Deep Blue Star requires a high-end diplomatic talent like Zhao Hao. Seeing that Zhao Hao is a diplomat, Wang Weicai agreed to meet him, otherwise the governors of many countries would not have the chance to meet Wang Wei.

"Then I will contact the top"

Zhao Hao took out the satellite phone, dialed a few numbers, and a majestic voice came from inside. After Zhao Hao finished talking about the situation, he kept nodding, and finally hung up the satellite phone.

"The above agrees. The military hopes that Mr. Wang Wei will take out the virtual technology as soon as possible."

"Xiaohong go get the chip from the bedroom"

In less than a while, Xiaohong came to Wang Wei with a small chip.

"This is the technology you need. When I need you, I will call to inform you." Wang Wei beckoned to see off the guest.

Zhao Hao also stayed for a while, but he didn't expect this mission to be completed so quickly. Seeing that Wang Wei was in such a hurry to see off the passengers, he also stayed for a while. He came to the tarmac outside and boarded the plane with two camouflage men.

"Why don't we create a diplomatic robot?" Xiao Hei asked.

"Our current technology is not enough, we must have people to establish diplomatic relations." ,, . .

Chapter [-]: Contact with the Deep Blue Star Indigenous

Only diplomacy can reduce the casualties of the population. For each death, Wang Wei's reputation is reduced, so Wang Wei needs diplomacy to avoid the death of the Deep Blue Star's population.

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