"Xiao Hei ordered to go on, increase the position of the space battleship to [-], I need to go to the dark blue star," Wang Wei said.


Originally, Wang Wei didn't want to go to the Deep Blue Star, but the reputation of the Earth has reached a saturation state. Humans from the Deep Blue Star, which is ten times larger than the Earth, are Wang Wei's next goal, and they can no longer live on Earth.

What Wang Wei needs now is a steady stream of troops, and he can't recruit ordinary people. It is impossible for a country's military strength to develop into mercenaries.

"Xiaohong went to the hacker website to recruit mercenaries. I need a lot of mercenaries, and the price will be higher."

"Yes, my master"

The earth is only a platform for himself, so Wang Wei wants to leave the earth. Maybe he can go to every civilization in his lifetime. This is his life's goal.

At the base of Deep Blue Star, more than ten orcs have been loaded into cargo ships, and they are guarded by more than a dozen weapon robots. The handcuffs that bind the orcs are all made of fine iron, so there is no need to worry that the powerful orcs can break the handcuffs.

"Do you think the house god will be happy, this is the first time we have given him a gift"

"Yes, although Zhaishen has very high attainments in the field of science and technology, he must have never seen this kind of thing."

"Impossible, a man like the nerd must have seen everything, and he discovered this planet. How could the nerd not know the creatures on this planet."

"Yeah, the house god is like a god, he has driven the technology of our earth for more than a thousand years"

The shuttle-shaped spaceship swayed and disappeared in the eyes of the explorers with blue firelight, at least to let the nerd know that we are not getting nothing here, we still give the nerd a face.

Halls is the captain of the two-hundred-person expedition. Because robots cannot appear in the eyes of humans, the robot captain ordered Halls to be the captain, also because Halls has certain leadership skills.

After a few days of climbing mountains and mountains, I finally came to the edge of the human town. Among them, the giant pythons encountered on the road were beheaded by Halls. I did not expect that the potion of the otaku would be so useful.

"Enter the human town immediately, everyone is on guard, and don't make any mistakes," Halls said with a slow and solemn expression.

Last night, because of the negligence of the sentinels, they were retaliated by the same kind of python. The team of [-] people was washed away, and they were all found this morning.

If this team had military discipline last night, they would not have been negligent, the team would not have been washed away, and the team still had a lot of money on their bodies. This is the most distressing part of being a leader. If it is a group of mercenaries, The python could be killed without casualties.

But these are all selected by the otaku. Although they have no combat power, they are top talents in various fields. They were sent by the otaku to communicate with the indigenous people here.

Halls looked down at the watch in his hand. This is a watch that can communicate with humans in the Milky Way. It can translate in real time. Otherwise, it is necessary to bring a robot to communicate with the natives.

Watching the smoke rising from the smoke in the distant town, the people walking on the stone road in commoner clothes, and the old woman supported by the little girl with double ponytails, the whole town is full of vitality, almost like a fairyland on earth.

Halls looked at the watch in his hand, although it was a translator and a watch.

"We'll go to the town at eight o'clock, don't act rashly, contact their mayor, don't cause panic," Halls ordered when it was almost time.

Although the team members are not disciplined, there is some courtesy.

In this way, the earthlings dressed in equipment walked on the stone road of the town with the latest laser gun.New Biquge Novelwww.510xsk.com

The little boy with a runny nose, looking at this group of people dressed in weird clothes, immediately jumped into his mother's arms and burst into tears.

Halls touched his nose, maybe this task is not so simple.

In less than a while, a group of people dressed in ancient European army clothes surrounded Halls and the others. Although Halls had the ability to bring down all these people, Halls did not want to cause war, because Halls was here for diplomacy. .

"We came from the other side of the sea, we are here to help you." Halls raised his hands and motioned the people behind to do the same.

The watch on Halls' hand translated this sentence, and the indigenous people were very curious about the glowing thing on Halls' hand.

The aboriginal man twittered and said that although he didn't understand it, the translator in his hand translated the content to the invisible receiver in his ear.

"Look, what they have in their hands is so strange, could it be some kind of treasure?"

"Impossible, this kind of thing is only available in our country, Enso"

"Should we snatch what they have?"

A majestic voice said, "Quiet, how can we Ensuoguo rob other people's things?"

"Yes, Captain," a group of people lowered their heads and said in a low voice.

"You said you came from the other side of the sea?" the captain said.

"Well, we were sent by the sea and established diplomatic relations with your country." Halls pushed away the soldiers in front of him and walked to their captain.

Halls looked condescendingly at the captain who lowered his head. Although Halls carried the gun on his back and bare his fists, his eyes were close to the captain's, and he wanted the captain to bow his head and admit defeat.

The captain is also hot-tempered, holding the hilt of the sword in his hand tightly, and it is possible to fight at any time.

Still the captain couldn't help the pressure, although it was only a few seconds, a victory or defeat was divided by points.

"Our mayor will be here soon, please wait." The captain turned and returned to the back.

If it weren't for the fact that the Ensuo country was in a period of crisis now, and the surrounding countries were keeping an eye on Enso's fat, I'm afraid the captain would have fought with Halls long ago.

The man in front of him represents the country on the other side of the sea. People from the country of Ensuo know that there are huge monsters in the sea, and being able to come here from the other side of the sea is enough to prove the strength of this man.

And their weapons are very strange, they are only so short.

When Halls was about to lose his patience, an old man with a white beard came to Halls with the help of others.

As a mayor, it is my daily habit to sleep until I wake up naturally, but just now I was woken up when I was in a daze, so the mayor wanted to see who has such great ability.

"I don't know where this lord came from," the mayor asked weakly.

"We are the spokesperson over the sea. I want to see your lord and establish diplomatic relations with your country." Halls could not repeat it.

If it weren't for the heavy responsibilities on his body and the task that Wang Wei had given him, Halls would have beaten the mayor and this captain a long time ago to show them what power is. , , .

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