Chapter [-]: Departure

On a certain island on the earth, there is a huge warship sitting on a neat lawn that has been repaired here.

This is the [-]-person warship built by Wang Wei. This ship is fifteen times larger than the explorers' warships. Equipped with Wang Wei's latest weapons and various technologies, it is the most advanced weapon on earth.

Standing in front of this giant ship, Wang Wei was also very excited. The furthest Wang Wei was on the moon, he never thought that he would go further this time.

Xiaohei and Xiaohong must be brought, but Wang Wei's base just wants to leave a few robots, and it's enough to be able to defend the base.

And [-] people stood on the size of five football fields. Wang Wei felt a sense of pride in his heart. The equipment was the latest, and the darkness was overwhelming, which made people feel fearful.

The people watching in the live broadcast of Zhaishen are all swiping the barrage.

"This is the army of the otaku. If I have these people and equipment, I can make the neon fall in an hour"

"The upstairs is too crazy, I only need half an hour"

"I just want to stay home, everything else belongs to you"

Wang Wei took a look at the live broadcast room, and they all praised Wang Wei, but Wang Wei was not as excited as before. Instead, going to Deep Blue Star was what Wang Wei cared about most.

The space battleship is equipped with the latest third-level technology, and it is not a problem to destroy a planet the size of the moon. It is [-] stories high, [-] meters long, and has a huge gun barrel.

The mercenaries lined up, walked slowly into the cabin, stretched out two robotic arms in the corridor of the cabin, injected stamina medicine on their left arm, while the other arm quietly placed a nano-robot.

Although the mercenaries are all veterans, they have no knowledge of the nano-robots installed, thinking that it is a potion injected with physical strength medicine. After all, the mercenaries are only master murderers, and they don't know anything about technology.

If the mercenaries find something weird, as long as they dare to resist, the robots with laser guns at the door and iron-clad robots can immediately kill the mercenaries. These robots have imported the martial arts of various countries and the key to holding guns, so this is Wang Wei's capital, Even if this is a pirate ship, it must be on board.

This is a helicopter that appeared in the distance, Wang Wei's mouth grinned, and it finally came.

The camouflage helicopter landed not far away, and Zhao Hao got off the helicopter, wearing a suit and carrying a suitcase in his hand, as if he was going on a public tour.

"Welcome Mr. Zhao Hao, hahaha"

Wang Wei smiled heartily, and Zhao Hao responded with a smile.

Zhao Hao put the suitcase on the ground and gave Wang Wei a big hug. Each had his own thoughts, but Wang Wei was not afraid. He had a nano-robot himself and could control the thinking of others. This is the power of technology.

Zhao Hao was assigned the above task to spy on Wang Wei and casually inquire about Wang Wei's purpose. It would be best if he could come back alive to return to his life. If he couldn't come back alive, he would be a martyr.

After ten thousand mercenaries entered the cabin, only Xiao Hei, Xiao Hong, Zhao Hao and Wang Wei were left standing on the lawn.

"Mr. Zhao Hao, please take a look at the scenery here, maybe I will never see you again in the future."

Wang Wei has no worries in his heart, and this time the three of An Ran will also go to Deep Blue Star together.

As long as you have the ability to protect your relatives, then you will be eligible to pursue love. If this place is discovered by a high-level civilization that day, this place may become a slave planet.

The higher you stand, the greater your responsibility.Good novel

"Mr. Zhao Hao, come on board, maybe you will like another planet," Wang Wei said with a smile.

But Wang Wei is also reluctant to give up. He doesn't know if he can come back after this time. The concept of Huaxia's fallen leaves returning to its roots has long been ingrained.

This is what the voice in his own blood told him, and it is impossible to forget in this life. Wang Wei looked at the direction of his home, when he could come back.

After Zhao Hao went up to accept the same treatment as a mercenary, although Zhao Hao was a diplomat, he also needed the ability to protect himself, so the injection of physical strength medicine was essential.

After seeing Zhao Hao enter, Wang Wei also slowly approached, the hatch was slowly closed, and the lights in the battleship also turned on one by one. Wang Wei entered the elevator and pressed to the top floor.

Open the captain's door to the cabin, there is no extra equipment inside, just a full monitor screen, and a rudder.

This spaceship is all controlled by robots, and the one who drives the spaceship is controlled by voice. Only Wang Wei can take off. Unless permission is obtained from Wang Wei, the spaceship will not move.

On the monitor screen, the mercenaries are sitting quietly, like a group of dead people. The discipline of the mercenaries is high, and the commanders of the mercenaries are directly assigned by Xiao Hei.

"take off"


The huge roar resounded through the entire island, and the spacecraft was made of very good materials, with outstanding sound insulation and defense, so the people sitting inside could not hear anything.

The figure of the earth is getting smaller and smaller under the curved display screen of the spacecraft.

The orc corpses that were sent back from the Deep Blue Star a few days ago were all dissected by several senior biologists. The organs inside are the same as those of animals. The blood circulation ability of a single person is particularly strong, which greatly improves the combat effectiveness of the orcs.

The more this is the case, the more curious Wang Wei is about Deep Blue Star, and the more determined Wang Wei is to go to Deep Blue Star.

In the past, the pictures of passing through the wormhole were all pictures sent back by Exploration No. [-], and there was no shock in front of them.

The spaceship came to the coordinates of the wormhole. There was no prominent place here, only a small black wormhole. Wang Wei felt that the universe was so magical. A small black hole can transmit such a big thing to thousands of people. light years away.

The spaceship slowly fell into darkness, and the mercenaries below did not change much. The calmness of these people was beyond Wang Wei's imagination, like a group of stone men.

"Bang Bang Bang, I'm Zhao Hao, please open the door!"

There was a knock from Zhao Hao outside the door, Wang Wei motioned for Xiaohong to open the door, and Zhao Hao came in wearing a gray casual suit with a smile on his face.

"I didn't expect the inside of the wormhole to look like this." Zhao Hao looked up at the scenery from the skylight above his head.

"Yeah, the universe is so magical," Wang Wei said.

Zhao Hao saw that there was no seat in the captain's room, so he had to stand awkwardly.

Wang Wei clapped his hands, Xiaohong immediately carried a cowhide sofa behind Zhao Hao, and Zhao Hao also took the opportunity to sit down.

"Why did Mr. Zhao come to see me?"

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