"I can't sleep, I came to chat with you, and I'm also curious about the environment of Deep Blue Star," Zhao Hao said. , , .

Chapter [-]: Reaching the Deep Blue Star

"Deep Blue Star's situation is lagging behind that of Earth, but they are not only human, but also orcs, all kinds of animals, and their bodies are three to five times stronger than our ordinary people. Yes, the situation of other races is still unknown," Wang Wei said.

Zhao Hao was taken aback, it was three to five times stronger, which was indeed beyond Zhao Hao's imagination, thinking that the human race of Deep Blue Star was the same as the human race.

"That's why I'll give you an injection of physical strength medicine, which can increase your combat effectiveness by five times. That's why I will have the confidence to fight for Deep Blue Star," Wang Wei said.

Wang Wei's arrogant capital is the well-trained [-] mercenaries below, and they are equipped with the latest portable laser guns. Even if your combat effectiveness is higher than that of the mercenaries, then you will accept the baptism of [-] laser guns.

Zhao Hao couldn't consume so much information, and he was still thinking about it. Zhao Hao was sitting on the sofa and thinking quietly. Wang Wei didn't bother him when he saw this, and he was not afraid that Zhao Hao would pass this content on to others.

The power of nano-robots cannot be underestimated. It will subtly turn Zhao Hao into a loyal fan. At that time, Zhao Hao can do whatever he wants, even if he reveals Huaxia's secrets, maybe Zhao Hao will tell them all.

"Mr. Wang, I'll go back first. The amount of information today is a bit large, I have to go back and think slowly" Zhao Hao stood up and said.

After Zhao Hao finished speaking, he pushed open the door and walked away. Wang Wei looked at the scenery outside the skylight. Although it was a black turbulent flow, the black color made people calmer and allowed Wang Wei to think about his plan in Deep Blue Star.

Qian Duojin was the director of the Deep Blue Star Expedition Base. He received a message a week ago that the nerd was coming to the Deep Blue Star base. When Qian Duojin told the people at the base, everyone was excited to sleep. Without realizing it, a night party was held at the base.

Now that Qian Duojin ordered it, he has cleaned the inside and outside of the base, and specially sent people to hunt all the prey in a radius of [-] kilometers, ready to have a feast of beasts.

A small animal next to the base is dead, and even a small caterpillar will be swept away by the combat robot. This is all ordered by the supervisor of this group of robots.

Although Qian Duojin is in charge of humans, he can't control any robot. If he oversteps his authority, he will be beaten with an iron fist, and he will be shot with a gun. For this reason, Qian Duojin has lost several team members.

They are all greedy for beauty, and they are discovered by robots, so the whole team talks about sex, and the whole team has a cold personality, so money and money are also very annoying, and human reproduction may be cut off like this.

The discipline of the team is indeed chaotic, but they all have a common characteristic: they love house gods, and Qian Duojin has so many troubles every day, but as long as Wang Wei arrives, the discipline of the base will definitely be better at that time.

Just reflect on whether you can change the program, otherwise this robot will go against the sky, and it will not be able to reproduce at that time, then it will be extinct here.

The house god told me to clean up a large lawn, which should be at least [-] meters long, but here are all hills and no flat land. Eight hundred people cleaned up the hills in one night. Recently, I found that my health is getting better and better. The credit of the house god for the injection of physical strength medicine.

A spaceship slowly entered Qian Duojin's line of sight, and a small dot slowly turned into a huge spaceship. This battleship was not equipped with optical camouflage technology, so it could not be invisible, but the engine was silent and would not cause a disturbance. .

"Mastermind, stop on the flat ground below"

"Yes, execute it immediately" A cold voice resounded throughout the captain's room.

The huge spaceship staggered to a stop, and the fourth-floor deck slowly descended onto the green lawn.

Qian Duojin immediately came to the bottom of the boat, and the other [-] people stayed where they were, but the robots immediately stood in two rows, leaving the aisle out, and the guns pointed to the sky.

Wang Wei came to the deck first, followed by Zhao Hao, while the mercenary was still sitting in his original position. 4E Fiction www.4exs.com

Looking at the rows of wooden houses, Wang Wei took a deep breath. Sure enough, the air here is much better than the earth. The progress of science has to pay a price, so the earth has paid for the beautiful environment and air.

Although Deep Blue Star is low-tech, it has an enviable environment, but it will soon be occupied by itself.

This is a world of the strong, who will not sympathize with you because of your cowardice, and the best proof that technology is the force of force is the era when technology speaks.

And my arrival can make this beautiful planet develop rapidly, and the age of civilization will be shortened by many years.

"Welcome to the house god, I only warmly welcome the [-] people in the base." After saying that, Qian Duojin raised his left hand and waved it.

Later, I saw the leader speak, and the enthusiasm was stronger than ever.

"Welcome to the God of the House, Welcome to the God of the House"

A wave of voices beats a wave. After a while, Wang Weicai waved them to stop. People at the base saw Wang Wei wave, and the voice became more intense.

If it weren't for the amazing physical strength of the people here, they might have fainted.

Wang Wei walked down the ladder slowly, followed by Zhao Hao. Zhao Hao didn't wear casual clothes, but put on Wang Wei's latest technology. like a turtle.

Extend your wrist and say "Get off the boat" into the intercom on your wrist

Immediately, there were bursts of neat sounds from the cabin, and the sound of footsteps came.

The [-] people were divided into six teams, and they followed Wang Wei neatly. The [-]-square-meter flat ground was immediately blocked. The people at the base had to save their seats and go back to the wooden house by themselves.

Wang Wei scratched his head, as if he had told them to dig out the grass, but didn't let them build a house. It seemed that it was a spaceship to let them sleep for another night.

"Come here" Wang Wei beckoned Qian Duojin to come over.

"What's the matter?" Qian Duojin rushed over immediately.

"Is there anything to eat? Get some food for these ten thousand people," Wang Wei said.

Why did Qian Duojin think so much? He only prepared food for about [-] people, and he thought he could have a feast of wild animals. It would be a problem to eat half full.

If it is an experienced soldier, this kind of problem will not arise. These are all arranged by Wang Wei, and he did not think so much.

[-] people must be allocated. A small team of ten people, a squadron of [-] people, a large team of [-] people, a regiment of [-] people, a division of [-] people, a brigade of [-] people, and an army of [-] people. .

Otherwise, [-] people would leave every time I go out, so I still have the appearance of establishing diplomatic relations, which is almost like a war, so it is very important to assign official positions so that people can manage them. , , .

Chapter [-]: Establishment of diplomatic relations

Wang Wei immediately instructed Xiao Hei to do it, and the official position was based on seniority, and those with management skills were given priority. In less than a while, a list appeared in front of Wang Wei.

Wang Wei picked it up and looked at it. They were all arranged according to seniority. After confirming that there was no problem, let Xiao Hei go on the job.

In less than a while, Xiao Hei walked around in the crowd, and those who arranged official positions were given special labels.

"The red is the squad leader, the orange is the squadron leader, the yellow is the group leader, the green is the regiment leader, the blue is the division leader, the blue is the brigade leader, and the purple is the army leader. come find me"

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