I was thinking about the problem along the way, and I didn't notice the destination, but I didn't expect Moses to be so hospitable. He had just driven people out of the camp, and now he has to invite them back.

"Brother, I don't know how to speak," Halls said awkwardly.

"Just say anything." Moses clapped a big hand on Halls' shoulder.

Halls was almost beaten underground, although the combat power of this planet is indeed higher than that of ordinary people on Earth, and he was injected with physical strength medicine, so he was very confident.

He almost fell to the ground with a random shot, Halls stabilized his lower plate, and then took Moses' big hand away.

"Oh, so happy," Moses said in surprise.

Halls doesn't care about the [-], after all, this is the task of the nerd, even if he is angry today, don't say it.

"It's like this, our king is here, and he wants to meet your king," Halls said.

"Then where is your king now, I want to see him too," Moses said happily.

Moses directly gave Halls a big hug. Halls felt that he was about to be strangled to death, his face was flushed by Moses, and he was almost out of breath.

Moses gave Hals an apologetic look, but he was still too happy. It seemed that it would be easy for him to explain to the king. Moses let go of his arms, or he would be killed by himself.

"Our king is on his way now, and he may arrive in less than a while. I'm here to inform you to stay and wait for our king to meet you."

"Otherwise, if you go back, it will be difficult for us to find you, so we have to come and explain it to you." Halls took a few breaths before explaining it to Moses. 29GG novel www.29gg.net

Moses nodded straight on the side. After listening to Halls's speech, Moses made a gesture to hug Halls again, and Halls was so frightened that he retreated again and again.

"Don't worry my friend, my friendship with you is sincere," Moses said with a smile.

How could Halls believe him? There were just a few bear hugs just now. If this goes on, he will not be strangled to death by him. Although the man in front of him can be a good friend, he is too polite.

After explaining it clearly to Moses, Halls left here, the house god was coming soon, and he had to create a clean environment for him.

If you want to behave well in front of the house god, you don't want to be able to have a big role in the house god's eyes, but you must behave well, or the two hundred people in this camp will have to beat yourself to death.

Halls immediately ran back to the camp, and when he saw the captain running back to the camp, he thought the captain was out for morning exercises. He just knew that this task was completed, and he thought the captain was very happy and went out to play.

But they didn't know that Halls was almost strangled to death in the house.

Halls panted for the second-in-command to come over, and then asked the second-in-command to summon all the people in the camp.

In less than a while, the team members who went out to trade all came to the open space of the camp. Halls calmed his heaving chest, coughed a few times, and was sure to be able to roar.

"Members, tell you two good news," Halls roared loudly.

The bottom was fried immediately, and the chatter was so noisy that Halls had a sore ear.

"Captain, what are the two good news?" a man below shouted loudly.

This man is a famous loudspeaker, and he is the loudest in the camp.

"The first good news is that our mission is complete and we can return to the base"

The voices are even louder below. It is not better to stay here than at the base. People here are unfamiliar, and if you are not careful, you will have to fight with people, so these days everyone is going in and out with weapons.

"So what's the second good news?" Big Mouth growled.

Halls motioned for them to be quiet, but the team members didn't give Halls any face, and the second-in-command couldn't stand it, and the incident was stunned.

Halls is the kind of talkative guy in the camp, but the second-in-command is notoriously vicious, so the team members are very afraid of the second-in-command. For the first time, Halls felt that the captain's identity was so useless.

When there was no sound at the scene, Halls deliberately sold the secret, who told them that they usually don't give themselves face, so Halls walked around the stage, just not talking about the second good news.

The originally quiet square began to be noisy again, and Halls beckoned them to be quiet again, but he didn't say that, everyone was curious, and even the second-in-command was itching.

"Captain, what is the good news, we are all dying of anxiety," Big Mouth roared.

Halls stood in front of everyone, and everyone was quiet.

"House god, I'll be here soon," Halls said softly.

But it was thunderous in the ears of the players, and everyone danced with joy.

This is the role of the nano-robots that Wang Weian put in the players' bodies, and everyone is so excited. , , .

Chapter [-]: Coming to the Town

Halls ordered everyone to start cleaning the camp, and some came out to decorate the camp. Everyone wanted to make the camp look brand new to welcome the house gods.

Usually it is messy and messy, everyone can bear it, because it is only here temporarily, but now as long as a small grass grows beside the tent, it is violently removed by the team members.

The team members were working hard, and Halls was drinking cold water in the tent. Who told you that you usually don't give me face.

The more he thought about it, the happier he became, Halls laughed out loud, and the team members who were in full swing heard the sound of laughter coming from the captain's tent, and they all felt that the captain was crazy with joy.

After Halls finished laughing, he suddenly remembered that he hadn't reported the situation to the base yet, so he hurriedly called Qian Duojin's communication phone to finish talking about the situation here, and he lay on the seat with relief and sighed.

On the other side of the base, Wang Wei wiped his mouth, then got up and stood up, but there was a pair of fiery eyes staring at him, wearing a chef's hat and an apron on his body, do you have to pay for meals?

Wang Wei was very curious to ask how much money was.

"Do you have to pay for meals here?"

"No no no, it's all free here"

Who dares to accept the money of the house god? Besides, this is not the earth, and it is useless to accept it. Even if you accept it, you must not be beaten to death by [-] mercenaries outside.

The old driver next to him can't see it anymore. It's his duty to protect the house god. You are a chef. You can stay here after serving the dishes.

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