The old driver just wanted to draw a gun, but fortunately Wang Wei's eyes were fast, otherwise it would be difficult to explain what the old driver did dangerously.

"This brother, I don't know what you want to do?" Wang Wei asked gently.

But in the eyes of the chef, the otaku is simply a goddess, so gently ask yourself if the otaku likes him, and if the otaku wants to do this, then he is not unacceptable.

"God, can you sign a name for me? I adore you very much!" After the chef finished speaking, he looked at Wang Wei affectionately.

Wang Wei was frightened by the sudden wink. Is this chef gay? He quickly took a pen from the side and signed it for the chef.

"Is the food I made delicious?" the chef said affectionately.

Wang Wei couldn't wait to leave this place right away, so he just answered casually.

“Delicious and very tasty”

Wang Wei hurriedly took the old driver and Qian Duojin out of the restaurant, really afraid that the old driver would do something wrong.

What Wang Wei doesn't know is that this is a moth made by nano-robots. As long as nano-robots are equipped, they will worship the house gods excessively. However, for people with firm will, they just feel that they will stick to Wang Wei and act as Wang Wei's guardian. .

But for those who are not determined, they will only worship Wang Wei excessively.

The communication phone on Qian Duojin rang, and he ran to the side to answer the phone. After a while, Qian Duojin ran back and stood behind Wang Wei.

"The mission at the camp has been completed, and the duke has been left behind. Maybe we can buy some food on his territory. Otherwise, if we eat beast meat every day, the team members will not be able to eat it," Qian Duojin said.

"Yes." Wang Wei nodded. 315 Chinese website

It's true that you can't eat beast meat all the time, or else some disease will occur, then you will die before you start your career, so let the team members replenish the energy of grains.

"Then get ready and go," Wang Wei said.

The old driver went to the mercenary side to select people. After all, this time, the power to protect is needed. This is not the earth, so be careful everywhere.

I sent Qian Duojin to the warehouse of the battleship to take out the hover car and the bat aircraft. The bat aircraft was developed by the future transport force. It is an aircraft with a length and width of [-] meters.

If there is an accident, the bat aircraft can open the protective cover at the fastest speed to protect the soldiers.

The suspension car is seated by oneself. As a leader, it is impossible for him to stand in the army. If he goes out to negotiate, he will feel that he has no confidence.

After Wang Wei waited in place for a while, the old driver came over with a thousand mercenaries, and Qian Duojin also sent someone to drive the car in front of Wang Wei. The suspension car is a four-seater, so Wang Wei and the old driver, the small one. Black, little red sits.

And Qian Duojin is waiting at the base and will notify Qian Duojin at any time.

In less than a while, ten bat drones were filled with a thousand people, and Wang Wei was also sitting in the suspension car, Xiao Hei and Xiao Hong were sitting in the front, and Wang Wei and the old driver were sitting in the back.

Enter the coordinates sent by Halls just now, and Xiao Hei will act as the lead driver and set off with these thousand people.

The ten bat drones were filled with people, each wearing the latest helmets, night vision and aiming.The armor is made of the latest materials and can completely resist bullet attacks.

These people are Wang Wei's treasures. Otherwise, Wang Wei will have to replenish troops from the earth, so they are equipped with armors developed by Wang Wei.

A group of mighty people broke through the forest barrier and flew directly from the high altitude of the forest, otherwise they would have to walk a long way.

Wang Wei is not afraid of being seen by others now. He must come to this planet powerfully, let everyone know that my house god is coming, and let everyone know about him, then his reputation value will skyrocket.

After a while, Wang Wei arrived at the camp and flew directly over the square to let them know how powerful their weapons were, and the hover car landed below.

Halls and Moses greeted the arrival of the house god in the square, but they didn't expect the house god to be so powerful and flew directly into the sky, letting the whole town know that the house god was coming.

This town was originally a remote town, and it was far away from the big cities. The information obtained was handed down by others. Even if the King of Ensuo changed, it would take three months to know.

The land area is large, and the speed of information dissemination is full, so the villagers came out curiously and looked at the bat flying machine in the sky.

Everyone pointed below, and some people said that it was the coming of the god Howl, and everyone knelt on the ground and prayed for their wishes.

The suspended car slowly descended to the height of Halls. The old driver jumped directly, pulled the laser gun on his back, and alerted the surroundings.

After Wang Wei went underground, he relaxed his guard, opened the car door, and Wang Wei stepped out.

"Welcome to the house god, I represent our camp so everyone welcomes the house god," Halls said.

"God of the house? I welcome you too," Moses said.

"Yes." Wang Wei nodded.

"I don't know which country you are the king of?" Moses asked curiously. , , .

Chapter [-]: A Magical Life

"I don't represent any country, I represent the entire planet," Wang Wei said loudly.

"Then which planet country do you represent?" Moses asked in a low voice.

Moses felt that this group of people was really not simple. It turned out that the person just came up with some strange things, and this group of people sat directly on the flying things.

It's really a worthwhile trip to come here this time. It's okay to shine and dig the ground. There are even those who can fly. I believe that the king will be very happy to see this group of people.

"I represent the earth," Wang Wei replied.

Wang Wei did have the courage to represent the earth, but he didn't have that ambition. If he had the ambition to conquer the entire universe, he would not have been so polite now if he had summoned people to reach the Deep Blue Star earlier.

"Oh" Moses nodded suspiciously.

In his own worldview, there are only countries and continents. The continent is the largest and the country is the smallest. However, this is the first time the earth has heard of it, so Moses still pretends not to understand, and it is not an evil force anyway.

If they have malicious intentions against their own country, they will call the capital of Ensuo country directly, and they will not notify anyone to tell them that they are here to establish diplomatic relations, but they do not understand the meaning of establishing diplomatic relations.

It should be similar to an alliance. If an alliance is formed, it is a good thing. If the Ensuo country is handed over to such an ally, then the combat effectiveness of the own country will increase rapidly.

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