Wang Wei saw that he was so confused, but he couldn't explain it himself. Could it be to explain to him that you are a planet, and that there is a planet that reproduces human beings like your planet thousands of light-years away.

These things should be picked up from a young age. After forming an alliance with the countries of this planet, Wang Wei will transmit knowledge to these children, teaching them that there are people outside people and mountains outside mountains.

Otherwise, let this planet continue to teach, when will we understand water conservancy power generation, and when will we be able to drive a car, so education should start from childhood, starting from a baby.

"Then get in the car," Wang Wei said.

The rear of the suspension car is very wide, but only two seats are installed for comfort, and it will be wide for three people.

"What is this? Pegasus? But why doesn't it have legs and a head?" Moses asked like a curious baby.

Wang Wei didn't blame him either. After all, if you ask a primitive man to drive a car, he will smash your car, because he doesn't move how the car works. If you want to make this deep blue star develop to the level of the earth.

I feel that I have a long way to go, but for the sake of my reputation, to develop to a high-level civilization, these hardships are worth it.

The old driver standing below was getting annoyed. When he was a mercenary in the past few years, who would dare to sweep a few bullets away from his mother-in-law and let him say one more sentence to count himself as a loser.

Seeing that Moses was still asking questions below, the nerd could bear it, but he didn't have the kind of good temper, and wasting the nerd's time, which was very precious, and it was more annoying to ask.

For example, how did you make your leather shoes, how could they look so good, and the clothes are so black.

The old driver couldn't help himself, and immediately put him in the middle of the back seat. Moses was sandwiched between the house god and the old driver, as if the power was turned off, and he didn't dare to say anything.

Moses looked at this fierce and wicked brother, and was too frightened to move. If he was in a bad mood and killed himself, who would take care of his wife and children.

"Little black drives," Wang Wei said.

Xiao Hei's head turned [-] degrees and asked.

"God, we don't have coordinates," Xiao Hei asked.

"Yeah, let this duke show us the way" Wang Wei asked Moses sideways.Literature under Pen 88

Wang Wei was used to Xiao Hei's model, but the Duke was stunned. He reached out and poked Xiao Hei's artificial skin. It was indeed warm, and he was astonished.

Wang Wei saw that he thought he was frightened by the old driver, and when he approached the old driver, he was ferocious.

Wang Wei pushed Moses, but he didn't move at all.

"Do you know the road?" the old driver asked.

"I know, I know" Moses nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.

"Move the display to the back," Wang Wei said.

A virtual screen was displayed in front of Moses, the road below, and it was very clear, even a bird chirping on a tree could be seen clearly.

"Let's go," Wang Wei said.

The suspended car slowly lifted into the air, the people below looked at the sky, and the prayers below became louder.

The hovering car accelerated and flew away, but after a while it began to slow down. If the fastest speed of the car was used, it would not take a few hours to reach the capital of Enso Kingdom.

But the problem was that Moses couldn't see clearly. He had to see the familiar road signs to know the road. Even Duke Moses didn't know how the road was so long.

Originally, the duke could read the map of the country, but if he just needed to change it, Moses should be able to read it.

But Moses was famous for playing in the country of Ensuo, and even the king was ruined by him. Otherwise, with the urination of other dukes, he would have called people to see him long ago, and he would not be like Moses at all.

The entire Ensuo country has been conquered by the Duke, and all the strange ones are taken back, but he doesn't look at the map, but if he knows the road signs, he will not know that he will fly to the sky one day.

Looking at the road signs below, it was only after identification that Moses knew the direction.

Wang Wei raised his head and asked Xiao Hei.

"How many days will it take us to arrive?" Wang Wei asked boredly.

"Maybe a few weeks," Xiao Hei replied.

"Duke Moses, just point in any direction and let's fly by ourselves. If you were at your speed, I could draw several maps of your country," Wang Wei said.

Duke Moses pondered for a long time, determined a general direction, scratched his head, and was still not sure which direction it was.

"It seems to be the south," Moses said suspiciously.

After Xiao Hei determined the direction, he accelerated to where to fly, but after flying for several hours, he saw countless scenery.

But looking at the iceberg in front of him, Wang Wei still had black lines all over his head.

"Duke Moses, for the first time I wondered how you got your title," Wang Wei said suspiciously.

"My title was earned on the frontier. When I got lost, I joined the enemy's camp, but I killed a hundred guards by myself, and their leader was beheaded by me," Moses said proudly.

"Later, my great reputation spread to King Enso's ears, and then his sister took a fancy to me and became my title. My life is magical," Moses continued. , , .

Chapter [-]: See the King

The Duke of Moses danced and lectured on the fun things of his life.

Wang Wei could only hold his forehead beside him and sigh, knowing that he would hit their capital directly from that small town, the big deal is a forced alliance, and then install nano-robots in their king's head.

"Xiao Hei flew back, flew to the position just now, and then flew everywhere, showing all the towns and cities on the screen," Wang Wei said helplessly.

But Moses, as if he didn't realize it, told the old driver about his legendary life. Later, when the old driver was about to draw a gun, he turned his head and continued to talk to Xiaohong.

It was the first time that Wang Wei saw the robot shut down automatically, but Moses didn't notice that Xiaohong was shutting down, so he kept talking.

The entire continent was flown by Wang Wei and the others. Finally, the map of the entire continent was drawn. In the end, it was found that it was not far from the north, so the gold content of Duke Moses was really suspected.

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