"What are these black spots?" Wang Wei asked.

The technician slowly enlarged the picture, and the original black dots were fishes.

"It's scaled up by one unit," the technician said.

Wang Wei knows that a unit is the size of a person, and the fish in the picture has a size of [-] units.

"Are these whales?" Wang Wei asked.

"It's just an ordinary fish, and there are bigger fish," the technician said.

After finishing speaking, the technician turned out a picture, and the fish on it had already accounted for a thousand units.

Although the deep blue star is ten times the size of the earth, the indigenous people are the same size as the people on earth. The underwater creatures are already so big, and the terrestrial creatures are a little bigger, but they can understand.

Why is the fish so big, but the deep blue star is also big, only humans are the same height.

"It seems that the fish on this planet are the overlords," Wang Wei said.

"Then let's forget about this matter, and we will study it later."

Perhaps the evolutionary route of this planet is different from that of the earth. Human beings on earth are the only overlords. On the deep blue star, humans are like small animals on earth, but they have a relatively high IQ.

The reason why the humans of the deep blue star can survive until now depends on the fish not coming ashore, otherwise the human race would have been extinct long ago.

Wang Wei walked out of the technical department, thinking along the way, why is it different from the evolutionary route of the earth, since there are humans, then the products should be the same.

Shaking his head, forget about it, let's go back to sleep.

The ten-day period has come. Wang Wei dressed himself up in front of the mirror. If Ensuo's allies do not agree, he can only take coercive measures.

Taking the old driver to the suspension car, Wang Wei did not intend to take Moses and Evelyn, they needed to learn the knowledge of the earth as soon as possible.

Xiao Hei drove the levitating car in front, Xiao Hong was a service robot, so he didn't take it with him. Wang Wei and the old driver sat in the back row with ten bat drones in the back.

The mercenaries on the bat aircraft wiped their laser guns. After a few days of fusion, the mercenaries also became active and chatted about their respective topics.

With a group of people and horses, they flew to the King Enso Palace. Today is a sunny day and a cloudy day.

As an ally of the Ensuo country, the Qiangwei country will support whatever he does when he is the king, but today the behavior of the Ensuo country is very strange, and he actually wants to introduce new allies to join.

There are only two alliances in the entire continent. I really can't think of any allies that can join. My own alliance is a peaceful faction, and the hostile alliance is a militant faction, but the two alliances form a delicate ending.

That is, no one hits anyone, and whoever hits will help whomever, so the militant faction has wanted to stir up trouble in recent years, so that they have a reason to share the big cake of the peaceful faction equally.

Could it be that the militant faction was persuaded by Enso?Impossible, the Rose King shook his head. , , .

Chapter [-]: Negotiations

The kings of [-] countries sat below, but no one dared to sit in the chief position, not even King Enso, the initiator of this time, dared to sit, so people were talking about who has such a power.

In fact, Wang Wei has been at the scene for a long time, but he just wants to appear at the end and become the finale. The kings present know what the kings of various countries look like, so Wang Wei must be the focus.

The time has come, so everyone is quiet, if this ally joins, then the peace faction will not have to fight for at least a few decades, so everyone still expects members of this militant faction.

Wearing a suit, Wang Wei walked into the sight of the members of the peace faction.

The members of the Peace faction have never seen such strange clothes. If this is his ally, he can forgive him for his clothes.

To wear strange clothes on this solemn occasion, the most important thing is that this is not any king on this continent at all.

"Welcome Mr. Wang Wei from Earth" Enso XXI stood up and clapped his hands.

The other kings were at a loss. Although they had never seen this person, after all, there was no such face in the king, but in order to save the face of Enso [-], everyone stood up and clapped their hands.

Wang Wei was also not angry, after nodding his head, he pulled away from the main seat and sat down directly.

But the other kings are not happy anymore, they clap your hands directly to save the face of Enso [-]. Anyway, you should return the favor, just like the boss.

Those who bowed their heads and talked, didn't care whether Wang Wei was above.

"Do you know who this is?"

"I don't know, is Enso XXI confused?"

The king of the Rose Kingdom patted the table and stood up, pointing at Enso XXI and said

"What do you mean, are you inviting an ally or an uncle?"

Enso XXI was also very embarrassed. This uncle came in, and he didn't lose face, so he just sat like this and didn't say anything.

"Everyone, I am the representative of the earth. I came to you to cooperate with you, but I am technical cooperation, not military cooperation." Wang Wei stood up and said.

"What is technical cooperation, do you know?"

"It's a tall name, and you don't understand it."

"As if you knew it"

"Technical cooperation is to mine resources on your land and develop technology," said Wang Wei.

Don't do it below, you have little free land, and you still have to mine resources in your own country. This is simply crazy.

A few people stood up and prepared to leave. This is an alliance. This is simply a robbery. It seems that when I go back, I should consider whether to let Enso XXI stay in the alliance.

Wang Wei clapped his hands, and the old driver kicked the door straight in. The loud noise made everyone stop.

Wang Wei found the laser gun from the old driver, loaded it, and shot it at the stone wall behind it. The smoke was filled with gunpowder, so no one could react yet, and he was stunned by the loud noise.

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