At this time, the guards of various countries standing outside rushed in immediately and saw the huge hole after the smoke dissipated, so everyone was speechless.

The power of the laser gun was adjusted to the maximum by Wang Wei, which is why it caused such a large amount of damage.

"This is what I call technology joining the alliance, I don't know what you think," Wang Wei said lightly.Chase Yo Literature

Although the kings were shocked by this kind of damage, if they wanted to develop their own land, they would not do it in death, in case it was a trick of the militant faction.

All the kings are preparing to leave this place with their own guards. After all, their own land is hard-earned by their ancestors. If you say mining, you are mining, but you are still not a king.

Wang Wei saw that they had made up their minds, and it seemed that he still had to show them a little more, otherwise they would not agree.

Wang Wei took out a handful of melon seeds from his pocket, which he took out for boredom.

"You do your best to protect this melon seed. If I win, you will listen to me. If I lose, I will provide you with such a gun for free," Wang Wei said.

All the kings were moved by what Wang Wei said. Such a thing is powerful and tormenting. If you equip your own army, can the militant faction lose?

"Doesn't matter what method we use?" said one king.

Wang Wei nodded, this is the way Wang Wei came up with without dying. After all, everyone is Wang Wei's reputation in the future, so Wang Wei is very happy to minimize casualties.

"Ten days later, I will go to your country to fetch melon seeds one by one. You should try your best to protect the seeds." After Wang Wei finished speaking, he walked out the door with a laser gun.

Originally, Wang Wei didn't want to give them ten days, but it would take ten days for them to come here, so it would take ten days for them to go back and prepare.

Ensuo XXI quickly followed Wang Wei out and stopped in front of Wang Wei.

"I am willing to mine my country for you"

King Enso [-] put a melon seed into Wang Wei's palm, but he saw the power of Wang Wei, let alone a country, maybe even the entire continent could not stop Wang Wei's attack.

Wang Wei threw the melon seeds into his mouth and left with the old driver.

I need to prepare for the war in ten days. After the peace faction is resolved, there is only the militant faction, and then I can deal with the orcs.

It seemed that he had to get rid of the militant faction in ten days, and ten days could not be wasted.

After returning to the base, I asked Qian Duojin to improve the food for the mercenaries. They will go to the battlefield tomorrow, so I need to give them some motivation.

The next day, Wang Wei got up early and came to the lawn of the base.

Ten thousand mercenaries are standing on the bat aircraft, so everyone is ready to go.

After a hundred bat drones increased their horsepower and followed Wang Wei's levitating car, Wang Wei took out a map of the mainland, which showed two or three colored circles. The land of the war faction, orange is the territory of the orcs.

For countries in the coalition of militant factions, there is only one word "fight"

If they don't fight, they will make small moves for themselves in the future and beat them down, so that they can hand over all the resources with peace of mind.

The first country is Gale Enemy. This country is the closest to Wang Wei, so let's take Gale Enemy.

King Enso XXI marked all the capitals of the country on it, much better than his Lu Chi brother-in-law.

The Gale Empire has strong winds every winter, and the icy wind is very unpleasant. That's why it is necessary to join the militant faction. The soil of the peaceful faction is very fertile.

So we have to fight it out, otherwise the people will have to live in such a hard place.

Wang Wei didn't even turn on the optical camouflage, so he swaggered over and let the people on the continent know that I am here, so that my reputation will soar in the future. , , .

Chapter [-]: Missionary

Wang Wei flew directly from his base to Gale Empire with his Bat Legion. On the way, the huge Bat Legion did not escape the eyes of the common people.

"Look, there are big flying iron blocks there"

"You stupid boy, that's not a big iron block, it's a dark cloud."

"Didn't you see anyone?"

"Is that the God of Hal? Yes, it is definitely the God of Hal. Did you hear my call? I just made a wish to the God of Hal last night"

"Howl has come to save us"

A large number of ordinary people fell to their knees, chanting to protect their own weather and good harvest.

Wang Wei turned on the loudspeaker on the suspended car. The loudspeaker can amplify his own voice a hundred times.

"I'm your god, but it's not that I'm not called Ha'er, I'm a house god," Wang Wei said.

The people looked at each other, what happened to our god, isn't it called Hal?Are those believers lying to us?

Wang Wei asked Xiao Hei to drive off the car, let Xiao Hei turn on the optical camouflage, and jumped on the roof by himself, so that others could see Wang Wei who could fly.

The house god slowly descended, and people were even more excited. It turns out that the god is just like us, did you think it was a three-headed liar?

The common people walked towards Wang Wei, and when they walked in front of Wang Wei, they knelt on the ground, chanting their wishes.

A little boy with big eyes looked at Wang Wei, his blinking eyes full of yearning.

"God of the house, can you let me study? I don't want to live my whole life in a daze," the little boy shouted excitedly.

The woman kneeling beside him pulled the little boy and pulled the little boy to his knees, slamming his head on Wang Wei.

"I'm sorry my god, my child offended you, please forgive him"

Watching this scene, Wang Wei didn't feel good in his heart, but for his own goals, he had to do it, but I will change you to a better world, which is the benefit of believing in me.

Wang Wei jumped off the roof of the car, and in front of the woman in the aisle, he supported the woman with both hands, and the woman also stood up.

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