Wang Wei stood on the roof of the suspended car and flew into the sky.

"My believers, I will accept the mess left by Hal and take a step closer to sheltering you," Wang Wei said while standing in the air.

The wings of the holographic image appeared behind Wang Wei. These wings were a little bigger than Hal's. The golden sunlight fell on Wang Wei's wings, making Wang Wei's image more perfect.

The people below looked at each other in dismay. The god they believed in turned out to be a servant of the gods, and the real master appeared.

"I'm sorry my god, please forgive my disrespect to you just now"

"My God, did you come to this world to protect us?"

"God bless me and bless my family"

Wang Wei let the suspended car fly into the Vail Valley, and the wings behind him disappeared.

Slowly Wang Wei descended into the Vail Valley.Going out to the high-level outside, all return to the inside, and the gods of our beliefs have changed. Is it to test our loyalty? , , .

Chapter [-]: The people who rule the deep blue star come

Wang Wei descended slowly, waiting for the high-level officials of the Holy See to come here before Wang Wei got out of the car.

Looking around, I found the words "Xanadu" in it. If it wasn't for technology, I really wanted to live here forever.

So people gathered around, all of them old people, all of them half submerged in the loess.

"Now you have to believe in me, you know?" Wang Wei said.

A group of old people nodded, but one of them did not lower his head.

This is the second-in-command of the Holy Cult of Howl. The secret was told to him by the Pope inadvertently, but he is still curious as to how the Pope died.

Wang Wei didn't deliberately make things difficult for him, what did he mind with an old man?Do you mind who gets into the ground early?

"From now on, you will destroy everything of the God of Hal and replace it with my appearance. Do you have any opinions? And spread this out today," Wang Wei said.

A group of old people nodded. It turned out that the real god was so young, so Wang Wei told them to withdraw, and only the second-in-command of the Holy See remained in place.

The eyes of the second-in-command of the Holy See are full of confusion. If there is no God, then there will be such a thing today, and there is still a God. ,

Wang Wei saw this old man staying here but not leaving. Could it be that he was questioning me?

"Do you have anything else to do here?" Wang Wei asked the old man.

"Are you really a god?" The old man raised his head and asked Wang Wei.

Wang Wei nodded, what is God?It is the achievement of science and technology, and the sky falls into the earth, so what kind of technology can't be completed?

After the matter here was dealt with, Wang Wei was ready to leave here and return to the base.

Outside the Vail Valley, a suspended car parked here, and Wang Wei opened the door and went in to do it.

The bat flying machine not far away is slowly flying, a huge machine is so eye-catching, this is the benefit of technology, religion or anything is just a lie.

Wang Wei wondered, do the gods on earth also have high-tech, just the deification of ordinary people, or do they have the same purpose as their own, even defrauding reputation points?

After arriving at the new base, the place is in full swing, and you don't need to be bitten by mosquitoes in the wild. It is your nature to live in a house.

Deep Blue Star is inferior to orcs. This is a bunch of uncivilized people, and they do not have high IQ. They only have animal instincts, but they are also the best solution.

They advocate force and respect strength, so they don't need any deception.

But there are too many scattered, all exist in small tribes, it is difficult to search, if humans are launched to search, then war will usher in.

Orcs are the most fierce in internal fighting, but they are also notoriously unanimous externally. As long as humans attack a small tribe and the result is not wiped out, then the result is a counterattack of the orcs.

After solving the orcs, Wang Wei will go to the beach to study why fish are the overlords of this planet. If it wasn't for fish that couldn't come ashore, human beings would have been extinct long ago.

It's better to get rid of the orcs first, and worry about those behemoths in the sea. 62 Novels

I have no sleep today, and I have been thinking about how to deal with the orcs. In a daze, Wang Wei fell asleep.

The next day, when Wang Wei wanted to go to the lawn, he remembered that he had moved to the palace, so he had to put out the idea of ​​walking.

Wang Wei is messing around everywhere. The palace here is more luxurious than other palaces. They are all squeezed out by the people. Wang Wei believes that if he does not come, then this country will also usher in a war.

When passing the corner of the castle, a person bumped into Wang Wei, but Wang Wei was fine. On the other hand, the other party was knocked to the ground by Wang Wei, and his eyes fell to the ground.

He picked up the glasses and put them on his head, and after seeing that it was Wang Wei, he immediately said sorry to Wang Wei.

"This is the resource map we made overnight," the man in glasses said to Wang Wei.

Wang Wei took over the blueprint in his hand. The various resources on the blueprint were drawn with different color pens, but the resources on this planet were too rich. The rare metals on the earth were all ordinary metals.

There are also some that have not been seen before and must be brought back to study. If the technology here is developing rapidly, then these metals can be of great help.

"Let Qian Duojin inform various countries to mine these materials, and tell their king that the materials will be stacked in their countries, and we will pick them up regularly," Wang Wei said.

The next step is to open a factory, forge metal, and generate electricity. The country must develop rapidly, but Wang Wei now lacks a large number of talents.

It seems that I have to go back to Earth, bring back some people, and go back when the problem of the orcs is solved.

Wang Wei held a meeting and handed over the opening of the factory and power generation to Qian Duojin, but there was not enough manpower, so he could only start from his own country.

When the orc business is done well, and when we go back and bring some people back, then this country has developed a similar situation, and it can also be used as a template for other countries to follow.

The next thing is the orcs, the old driver continued to follow Wang Wei to fight everywhere.

Ten thousand people continue to search for orcs in batches, and they are afraid of all the orcs. They continue to gather together and establish a network of orcs. At that time, managing the orcs can be a little easier.

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