The policy is still to persuade to surrender first, beat the leader, do not kill, and then continue to persuade to surrender, kill if you disagree, and then destroy the tribe, anyway, orcs have a much stronger reproductive ability than humans.

Ten thousand people were divided into fifty batches, each batch of two hundred people. The main reason was that the orc tribe was too scattered. If they concentrated a little, Wang Wei could take it out in one pot.

The most troublesome thing now is to search. This continent is so big, and there is still a little search. There are dozens of people in the smaller tribes, and thousands of people in the larger ones.

The most important thing is to have a high priest, but this high priest is haunted, unless something happens to the orcs, or he will not appear.

Orcs don't believe in any gods, they only believe in high priests, but without a high priest it will not delay Wang Wei's plan.

Behind Wang Wei stood two bat drones, and the remaining forty-eight bat drones were in the back, and the people above were the best among the mercenaries, although Wang Wei's high-tech equipment would hardly cause an accident.

But just in case, the old driver picked out the two hundred most powerful people in the mercenary army. After all, these old birds are much better than those rookies.

"Let's go, don't turn on the optical camouflage," Wang Wei said.

Since the last time I went to Vail Valley, my reputation has risen by [-], all of which are the reputation of the people of Vail Valley. Now I go out by car, and it can increase by several hundred points from time to time.

Driving the hover car to fly over the land of the orcs, the land of the beasts is all forest, which makes the search more difficult, but there are search machines on the aircraft, as long as there are red dots on the machines, then there will be orcs here. , , .

Chapter [-]: Attacking the Orc Horde

Wang Wei took the people and flew on the Orc Continent. After flying, the green screen monitor finally turned on a red dot.

Looking at the number of red dots above, it should be just a small tribe with only a few dozen orcs. Wang Wei landed in front of the orc tribe's gate.

The orcs who were roasting meat immediately spotted Wang Wei, picked up the big clubs beside them, and ran to the gate of the tribe.

The orcs have a strong sense of territory and do not allow other humans or other orcs to appear in their territory. The orcs ran to the gate of the tribe and yelled at Wang Weiwei.

The tribal leader of the orcs walked out of a simple mud room. The orc leader was a circle bigger than other orcs, and even the fangs in his mouth were much larger than other orcs.

Carrying a large stone hammer in his hand, the weight is several times heavier than a wooden mallet. Other orcs cover their bodies with leaves, and he wears a leather skirt, which is enough to show the class of orcs.

"I don't know which tribe you belong to," the orc leader roared.

It was the first time that the orc leader saw this kind of orcs, and it wasn’t even a human being. Except for the two people in front of them who looked like humans, the people in the back were tightly wrapped, only showing a pair of eyes, and they didn’t know what it was. ?

"We are human beings, but I am not here to destroy your tribe, but to conquer you," Wang Wei said.

"Conquer us? Hahaha, unless you can beat me," the orc leader laughed.

The orc leader opened his mouth and shouted at Wang Wei. Wang Wei wiped the saliva that splashed on his face and signaled the old driver to come on stage.

The old driver stepped forward with a dagger. The dagger was flying in the old driver's hand. The orc leader also held a big stone hammer and looked at the old driver. Both sides were looking for a fatal chance.

In the end, the orc couldn't hold back, and smashed the old driver with a big stone hammer. The old driver ducked sideways, came to the left of the orc leader, and stabbed the dagger in his hand toward the orc's neck.

The big stone hammer of the orc leader could not be taken back, and he could not fight back a second time. Looking at the dagger that stabbed him, the orc leader closed his eyes helplessly and felt a chill in his neck. Could this be the feeling of death? It turns out that death is painless. of.

The old driver just put the dagger on the neck of the orc leader, just pierced the neck a little, and a drop of red blood fell on the front of the orc leader's chest along the blade.

The orc leader was awakened by the coolness on his chest, and he touched his whole body. Except for a dagger on his neck, he had nothing to do.


The orc knelt down, his knees sank into the underground soil, and his head slammed heavily to the ground.

"My Cangwu, I would like to lead all the clansmen to obey your orders," Cangwu said sobbing.

Wang Wei nodded in agreement with Cang Wu's move, helped Cang Wu, and wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes.

"As the leader, you will go with us next, and your clan will be placed here first," Wang Wei said.

Cang Wu got on the bat flying machine behind, Cang Wu sat on the flying machine and did not dare to stand up.

After letting Xiao Hei record the coordinates here, he continues to search. If the coordinates here are not recorded, it is difficult to find this place, so it must be marked by the coordinates.

Cang Wu shivered and sat on the bat flying machine, not daring to stand up, as long as he stood up, the fear in his heart would naturally flood into his heart.

What Cang Wu didn't know was that this was the so-called fear of heights. Other mercenaries surrounded Cang Wu, for fear that the kid would jump off his own accord. This is the trophy of the house god.

Wang Wei flew for a while, but couldn't find the orcs. After all, if he searched by himself, he could only search for the land under the aircraft. Sometimes he found red dots after scanning, and then he found out that it was an animal.Xixi Novel Network

Call Cangwu to come forward, Cangwu sits on the aircraft, and the mercenary makes a way for the house god to see.

"Do you know where there are orcs?" Wang Wei asked.

"So you are looking for orcs? I thought you were flying in the sky and playing, there is a tribe not far behind our tribe's mountain," Cang Wu replied.

Wang Wei let Xiao Hei fly back to the coordinates just now, and let Cang Wu lead the way.

After flying over a big mountain, there is a big forest behind, and in the middle of the forest is a lake, and the water inside is sparkling under the sunlight.

"This is the centaur tribe. They guard the only lake with a radius of three kilometers. When our tribe wants to fetch water, we have to hand in some food," Cang Wu said.

After being scanned by the machine, the orcs below are [-] orcs, but their appearance is different from that of Cangwu.

Cangwu looks a bit like a human, but his skin is a little red, and the fangs in his mouth have not degenerated.

Wang Wei instructed Xiao Hei to fly down and land directly on the surface of the lake, disrupting the calm lake water.

The orcs guarding the lake all gathered around, pointing at Wang Wei and the others with the big stone axe in their hands, but they were embarrassed to find that there were several times more people on the opposite side than themselves, so they could only call people from the tribe.

The urgent whistle rang here, and a group of orcs ran over after a while.

The orcs of the centaur tribe are human beings in the upper body and horses in the lower body, just like the centaurs in Western mythology.

It is like the part above the neck of a horse becomes the upper body of a human, but the speed is very fast, this is simply a group of cavalry, the power of the charge should not be underestimated.

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