Hearing the roar in the room, the corner of Wang Wei's mouth rose slightly. Who told you to mess with me? , , .

Chapter [-]: Lao Tzu is back

When I came to the door, I looked at the twelve corpses in front of me. Who told you to stop your progress? As for the twelve laser guns, they were equally carried by Wang Wei and the old driver.

Each of Wang Wei and the old driver had eight guns, seven laser guns, and one laser pistol, [-] guns in total.

As for why he didn't kill the golden wolves, the reason was very simple. There were so many younger brothers that he could catch a lot of them at a time, but it was hard to find warriors, so Wang Wei would only conquer them, and killing them would be his own loss.

Carrying a laser gun on his back and six laser guns in his hand, he walked out of the headquarters of the Sirius Gang, went to the place where Wang Wei had parked, and looked into the park, where there were still people searching.

I really wanted to dig three feet into the park, but Wang Wei and the old driver threw all the laser guns into the trunk of the car and let the old driver drive away.

After a period of careful driving, no one from the Sirius Gang caught up, and the old driver drove the car to the base of the Earth Gang and came to the base of the Earth Gang.

From the outside, it was dark and dimly lit inside, and I couldn't see anything clearly. Wang Wei walked to the door and started knocking, but there was no sound inside.

Wang Wei felt a burst of anger in his heart. I asked you to guard the base, not to hide in the base. Wang Wei stood outside the door and felt that Thomas inside was a muscular man with developed limbs and a simple mind.

"Thomas, open the door, I'm back," Wang Wei shouted loudly.

There was a rustling sound inside, as if someone was moving inside, but there was no movement at the closed door.

"Thomas, there seems to be the boss's voice outside, don't we open the door?" said a younger brother.

"What are we going to do, what if it's just like the boss's voice? Then aren't we deceived? Then we have only one ending, that is, annihilation," Thomas said when he was young.

Wang Wei retracted his ear that was attached to the door. The Thomas inside is simply a fool. Who would be bored to lie to you, such a fool, is simply beyond stupid.

Wang Wei took out a laser gun from the trunk. Wang Wei felt very aggrieved. He had to use this mode when he returned to his base camp.

It seems that Thomas really used the brain water in his brain to drink the muscles in his arms as milk.

Wang Wei held a gun and shot at the lock cylinder of the door. The lock of the door was broken, Wang Wei kicked the door open, and the moonlight behind him shone his figure on the floor of the hall.

"Come on, someone's coming in, let's go hack him here and let them know we're not to be messed with," Thomas said.

"Big Brother Thomas, it seems that the boss is really back," said a younger brother.

Thomas took a closer look and saw that it was Wang Wei. He threw the gun in his hand and walked towards Wang Wei. With the help of the faint light of the moonlight, Wang Wei could see Thomas and a group of younger brothers squatting at the entrance of the stairs.

The old driver who came in turned on the lights in the hall, and sure enough, Thomas was squatting with someone, throwing the gun and walking towards him.

Thomas came to Wang Wei, his eyes were red, and he was always looking to see if Wang Wei was injured. Wang Wei was stared at by his eyes, but punishment was inevitable.

Originally, in this battle, nothing was lost. He even lost a lock when he got home. Thomas was called by Wang Wei to bring the laser gun behind the car at once.

Thomas stumbled in with thirteen laser guns in his arms. After reaching the center of the hall, he threw all the guns on the ground.Read the novel www.duduaa.com

"Boss, where are so many guns coming from?" Thomas asked, and the rest of the younger brothers also looked at Wang Wei curiously.

"I took it from the headquarters of the Sirius Gang," Wang Wei said.

The younger brothers looked at Wang Wei with admiration on their faces. The headquarters of the Sirius Gang was able to retreat completely. It seems that this boss is really unusual.

Next, let the old driver take care of these guns, and then let the old driver choose [-] guns that can shoot, and then distribute these guns.

Then Wang Wei went upstairs to rest. As for the broken door, he asked the old driver to work the night shift and guard the door tonight, and the other younger brothers went back to rest.

The next day, Wang Wei got up early, pushed open his door, and saw Thomas dragging his tired body into his door. Wang Wei felt that today was a good day.

But others don't think so. At the headquarters of the Nine Stars Gang, Mir was getting up to feed the birds, and Mi Xiu walked in in a hurry, as if the sky was about to fall.

"Big brother, the Sirius Gang is in chaos now, and the backbone is basically hospitalized," Mi Xiu said anxiously.

"Isn't this a good thing? Why are you so flustered?" Mill threw all the feed in his hand into the birdcage.

"Two people from the Earth Gang turned the Heavenly Wolf Gang upside down and retreated. Twelve people were killed and twenty injured," Mi Xiu said.

Mir will not calm down at this time. He knows the strength of the Sirius Gang. The fact that the latter gang can compete with himself can prove the strength of the Sirius Gang, but it was turned upside down by two people.

Then this new type of gang, the strength of the Earth Gang should not be underestimated, it seems that I have to inquire about this gang.

Compared with the Nine Stars Gang, the Heavenly Wolf Gang was in a lot of chaos. Dozens of brothers were injured and hospitalized, and twelve brothers died, but he still had to pay for the medical expenses of the other's younger brother.

I just want to teach the opposite party a lesson. Now that I have gotten such an end, maybe the Nine Stars Gang will be very happy now.

Golden Wolf was sitting in the office, and the body outside had been buried, but he could still smell the blood outside, and when he thought of this, he held his head and sighed.

At this time, Huolang came in, with a happy smile on his face, as if nothing happened last night. Looking at his own sister, although his temper was a little bit angry, he regarded Huolang as his own sister.

"What's the matter? Fire Wolf, so happy," said Golden Wolf with a sigh.

Now his stall is a mess, and the wooden wolf has been trampled on and broken his hand. He has to stay in the hospital for several days, as well as the consumption of a group of younger brothers in the hospital, as well as the pensions for the twelve who died.

Just thinking about it, the head is big, the coyote is taking care of the wood wolf in the hospital, and now as long as the fire wolf is by his side.

"Big brother, Water Wolf is back, he came back early," Fire Wolf said excitedly.

The water wolf is the weakest of the five wolves. When he was a child, he wore one eye and was often bullied. It was the other four wolves who helped the water wolf, protected the water wolf, and treated the water wolf as his own younger brother.

After the water wolf became an adult, he broke away from the protection of the five wolves and joined the team to sign up as a soldier. There was no news for so many years. , , .

Chapter [-]: I admit defeat

Golden Wolf sat on the chair and looked out expectantly. Fire Wolf also opened the closed door, and an ordinary young man appeared at the door. His face also lost his eyes, but these ordinary eyes were full of confidence.

"Brother, I'm back," Water Wolf said excitedly.

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