Under the protection of several elder brothers and sisters, no one dared to bully her, but she vowed to protect her elder brothers and sisters, so Shuilang ignored dissuasion and entered the army alone.

After several years of experience, the little boy at the time became a well-known special forces team member and enjoyed the highest honor in the country.

Water Wolf smiled helplessly, in the eyes of others he was returning home, but who knew his heartache.

"It's good to come back, I haven't seen you for a long time, you are starting to grow stronger." Golden Wolf strode to the water wolf and hugged the water wolf vigorously.

"Big brother, what about the wooden wolf and the coyote brother?" The water wolf asked curiously.

The golden wolf let go of the hand that hugged the water wolf, returned to the chair, and began to sigh. The water wolf did not understand and looked at his sister fire wolf, but the fire wolf also sighed.

The Golden Wolf was not hiding anything, just sat on the chair and began to tell everything that happened last night.

The wooden wolf and the golden wolf borrowed a laser gun and went out. Originally, the golden wolf wanted to stop the water wolf, but thinking of the face of the Sirius Gang, he had to acquiesce to all this.

Wang Wei was sitting in the office at this time, and there were fourteen people standing in front of the table. Thomas was the leader, followed by the thirteen members of the Dali Gang and the original members of Nine Snakes.

After rubbing his swollen head, it became even more swollen when he looked at Thomas. How could Thomas be selected?Wang Wei looked at the old driver, who shrugged helplessly.

"You are the main members of our Earth gang. You must train your marksmanship well, and join me in the battle for the three-pointed star in the future," Wang Wei said.

"Yes, we are sure to complete the mission," the fourteen people said in unison.

Wang Wei waved his hand and signaled that they could step back. Seeing that all the fourteen people had gone out, he let the old driver stand in front of the table.

"Why did you choose Thomas into this team because he was the boss of the original Dali Gang?" Wang Wei said after taking a sip of the tea on the table.

"God, I found that Thomas' marksmanship is better, and he only needs simple training to become a qualified sniper," the old driver said affirmatively.

In the eyes of the old driver, he has such a high evaluation. It seems that this Thomas is a good piece of material. Maybe after the forging of the old driver, it can become a good piece of rough jade.

Just as Wang Wei was thinking about Thomas's question, the old driver aimed at the floor outside the window. After seeing a flash of light, he jumped from the ground, jumped over the table and threw himself on Wang Wei.

Being pounced by the old driver, Wang Wei was hit against the wall by the old driver, and the old driver also fell not far away.

With a "bang", the chair Wang Wei was sitting on suddenly fell apart and turned into a pile of garbage.

"There are snipers upstairs opposite the house god," the old driver said solemnly.Love me e-book www.25txt.com

The old driver stood up against the wall, took out the laser pistol from his arms, took a top hat from the hanger next to him, and pushed the laser pistol out of the window.

There was no sound at all, and there was a sloping hole on the top hat. The old driver knew the floor of the opponent from the ballistics on the top hat, so he took the pistol out of the window and shot at the top of the building opposite.

After firing two shots, he rolled to the opposite door, while Wang Wei himself walked along the wall to the corner, so that the opponent would not be able to find his position.

The old driver opened the door and ran out. He should have gone to find his opponent, so he had to sit against the wall. It seemed that the revenge of the Sirius Gang had arrived, but he didn't expect it to be a deadly move.

Water Wolf was very annoyed when he saw the first shot. He was known as a sharpshooter in his special forces. He only needed the first shot to kill the enemy, perhaps because it was a laser gun.

He continued to stare at the target's window. He didn't believe that the opponent didn't pass by the window. When he saw a little black in the window, the water wolf thought it was the target's hair, so he shot it.

A figure quickly flashed past the window opposite, and two shots were fired at his position. If he had a strong sense of crisis, he had narrowly avoided these two shots, or he would have died before he was ready to start.

After seeing the figure roll to the door, Shuilang knew that he had met an opponent. It seems that this place is also Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. Judging from his appearance, he should be chasing him, so he will just wait for him on the roof. .

In the army, he is famous for his marksmanship, but his body skills are also notorious. Water Wolf is trying his best to train himself, just to protect his brother and sister.

The old driver rushed out, came downstairs and ran across the road, entered the opposite building, and ran up quickly, he must catch the person who wants to threaten the house god.

The old driver reached the roof of the sixth-floor building in less than a minute, and saw the man sitting cross-legged on the roof with a laser gun beside him. It seemed that it was the perpetrator.

Not so nonsense about the time, the old driver rushed over and slashed at the opposite door with a whip. For those who wanted to kill Wang Wei, the old driver would not let them go.

Seeing that the opposite was so cruel, the water wolf rushed straight to his face as soon as he came, wanting to kill himself with one blow, and the water wolf jumped up in a hurry to avoid the blow.

But the whip leg of the old driver turned in one direction in the air and killed the water wolf again.

As soon as the water wolf jumped up, he was killed by this move before he could stand still. He had to put up his arms to block the blow, but the old driver's strength was too great, and the water wolf was kicked to the ground.

The water wolf just wanted to stand up and continue to fight, but the old driver quickly came to the water wolf and stepped on the water wolf's neck firmly. As long as the water wolf dared to resist, the old driver could give a fatal kick.

"I admit defeat" Water Wolf said through gritted teeth.

When he entered the army, he trained himself to be a man. His outstanding performance in the army was recognized by the superiors above, and he was promoted to the special forces.

In the special forces, he is also a leader, but in front of this man, he only blocks the next blow, and there is nothing left.

The old driver trapped the two arms of the water wolf together and escorted the water wolf downstairs. The water wolf was very curious about who this man was.

"Which unit you belong to, maybe I know you when you say it," Shuilangjiao said almost.

But the old driver didn't say a word, and his strength increased a little, so he should respond to the water wolf's question. , , .

Chapter [-]: Things are messed up

After two minutes, Wang Wei tentatively stretched out the top hat he had just pierced through, but there was no response, and then stretched out his hand again to make sure there was no enemy.

He drew the curtains, turned on the lights in the room, tidy up the scattered room, and looked at his chair. If the old driver caught the enemy, he would have to pay ten times the price of the chair.

Sitting in his chair, there was a big hole, which made it uncomfortable to sit. Wang Wei tried to flatten it with his butt, but the hole was missing a lot of cotton.

Wang Wei rubbed the hole on the chair, and suddenly the door was kicked open, and he saw the old driver escorting a man in, with a bland appearance, neither thin nor strong.

"God, it's this kid who is sniping at you upstairs opposite, what should I do now?" The old driver made a wiping gesture on his neck after he finished speaking.

"Which one are you from the Sirius Gang, or the killer invited by the Sirius Gang?" Wang Wei asked.

Water Wolf had no choice. If he didn't tell the truth, he might be secretly executed by the man behind him.

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