"Starting tomorrow, all the younger brothers will start exercising. Let your brother, Water Wolf, come to exercise," Wang Wei said.

Golden Wolf put down the knife in his hand and nodded to express his consciousness.

Golden Wolf has no interest in eating. After all, the boss is distributing tasks, and it is impossible for him to bow his head to eat. Golden Wolf immediately stood up and went to prepare for the Jiuxing Gang.

After Wang Wei finished eating, he went to his cabin. He must be going to the headquarters of the Jiuxing Gang, but he couldn't go without something, so Wang Wei started looking for things in the house.

After seeing the gift box in the room, this is the top hat that Golden Wolf gave him the day before yesterday. He has not opened the package yet, so give him this top hat.

Wang Wei picked up the gift box and walked out of the wooden house. The old driver was also dressed, and he had a laser pistol on his waist, all of which were prepared to protect Wang Wei, so there were old drivers in Wang Wei who were assured of their own safety. , , .

Chapter [-]: You have spent

Wang Wei asked Golden Wolf to drive his car. Golden Wolf's car was a golden suspension car with the icon of Sirius' gang stuck on it, and five wolves of different colors.

But the icon above was gone and was torn off by Golden Wolf. Originally, he wanted to ask Wang Wei for the icon of the Earth Gang, but Wang Wei didn't think about it, so he told Golden Wolf to use a blue and white icon.

Just let the old driver draw the Asian side. Wang Wei thought that the golden wolf would find a piece of paper to stick on it. After all, it is very expensive to maintain a suspension car.

But the golden wolf hated more than Wang Wei imagined. Anyway, his money was gone now, and Wang Wei paid for the maintenance, so he directly found a seal engraver to carve on the red suspension car.

It was painted after engraving, but it was not as ugly as imagined. On the contrary, it was a little more gentle on this hot car, like a plum blossom in the snow, so dazzling, but so beautiful.

Wang Wei was in the back seat and let Golden Wolf drive for him, and the old driver sat in the co-pilot. Anyway, Golden Wolf had nothing to do now, so he gave the driver's seat to Golden Wolf.

Golden Wolf deliberately wore a golden suit, which was specially made by Golden Wolf at the beginning. There was a dazzling pattern on the back, which made this golden suit nondescript.

Wang Wei just wanted to go with the golden wolf and the old driver. There were few people with him, which showed that he was not afraid of trouble. Besides, with the skills of the old driver, he dared to go even if he was a dragon.

In this way, the golden wolf drove the suspension car to the Jiuxing Gang. People driving cars on the road gave way to the suspension car. In this city, everyone knows that the red suspension car and the blue suspension car are not the same. So annoying.

The Golden Wolf drove at the highest speed, even if it was a red light, the Golden Wolf dared to break through. There was no way anyone could tell the Golden Wolf to take good care of the government relations, so everyone was afraid of the Golden Wolf.

But the golden wolf will not easily use the government's relationship. At that time, the government's gang will open their mouths, not only about money, but also about human affairs.

After a while, the golden wolf drove the hover car to Mir's mansion. Mir was not like the Sirius Gang, so everyone lived in the same building, and the younger brother had the younger brother's residence.

For this reason, Mill chose his house in the suburbs. Originally, he wanted to buy the land in Oak Park, but after the Sirius Gang occupied the land, Mill gave up living a Taoyuan-like life in the center of the city.

I chose the house in the suburbs, but this is not a desert, this is the north, it is not like the desert in the south of the city, but it is beautiful.

When I came to the top of a mountain where Mir was located, Mir's mansion covered a large area and was a relatively large courtyard. The door above it was written with the font of the Nine Stars Gang.

Wang Wei asked Golden Wolf to knock on the door. After Golden Wolf parked the car, he went to knock on the door. Before Golden Wolf could knock on the door, a human head emerged from it. It was the younger brother of the Nine Stars Gang.

"Hello, Bosses, I am Boss Mi who asked me to lead the way, please come in," said the welcome brother.

Wang Wei was not restrained, he got out of the car with the gift. According to the rules, Mir, the boss of the Jiuxing Gang, had to come out to greet the guests in person, but Wang Wei himself was not stingy as a guest.

After getting off the car, I walked to the door. The younger brother took Wang Wei and the three to go inside. There is a pavilion and elegant garden, and there are rockeries all over the pool. It is really unconventional in this era.

It is quite the same as the layout of ancient China on the earth. The golden wolf said that the design of Mir's mansion is all about Mir himself. 137 Novel Network www.137xs.com

Wang Wei thought that the layout inside was the same as the layout in ancient China, but after looking at it, he found that the pillars were still growing.

The rockery inside is a huge stone. It seems to be designed according to the environment here, and it has nothing to do with the design of ancient China.

After a while, the younger brother took Wang Wei to a wooden house. The younger brother pushed open the door, asked Wang Wei and others to go in, and left by himself. After Wang Wei entered, he saw that it was full of modern furniture.

Mir was standing in the room wearing casual clothes, feeding the fish, as if he didn't see Wang Wei, Wang Wei ignored Mir's reaction and sat on the only leather chair in the room.

Mir saw Wang Wei's actions out of the corner of his eye, and the corners of his eyes began to twitch. He invited Wang Wei to come here today just to see what the nerds of the Earth Gang can do.

"Brother Zhaishen, you are here, and you have lost your way. I'm sorry." Mir put down the fish feed in his hand and said to Wang Wei.

When Golden Wolf saw Wang Wei sitting on someone else's leather chair, the corner of his mouth twitched. That position was the position of the leader of the Nine Stars Gang. Sitting on it now is equivalent to telling Mir that this position belongs to him.

Mir walked towards Wang Wei, saying sorry all the time, saying that the hospitality was not good, please forgive yourself for being an old man and so on.

Then he walked in front of Wang Wei, meaning to let Wang Wei get up, and he was the one sitting in this position, but Wang Wei was unmoved, holding the gift box in his hand, and put his legs on the table.

"I'm sorry, I'm used to it." Wang Wei was embarrassed by Mill's stare, and took back his legs on the table.

Mir continued to stare at Wang Wei, just like seeing how thick the skin of this newcomer was, maybe he was thicker than the sky.

"Uh, I'm sorry, I should have given you the gift earlier." After Wang Wei finished speaking, he handed the gift box in his hand to Mir.

Mir embarrassedly took the gift box. He didn't expect this man to be so thick-skinned, but he kept staring at Wang Wei and felt embarrassed, so he advised himself not to care about young people.

"Thank you, it cost you money for coming here," Mill responded politely.

Golden Wolf looked at everything in front of him. He never thought that his new boss would gain the upper hand in this game. He used to lose face in front of this old fox.

Unexpectedly, his boss would easily resolve this kind of scheming.

Mir carried the gift box and walked towards the sofa, and tried it in his own hands. The gift in the gift box was very light, wouldn't this kid bring this gift box as a gift.

But after hearing the crash inside, Mir's heart was put down, otherwise he would give himself an empty gift box, then he would be embarrassed.

Going to invite others to be a guest in your home is like inviting an uncle. If you knew that you would not invite this young man.

Mil was sitting on the sofa. Others came to his house with luxurious gifts. Even the police chief didn't dare to sit in his seat. Young people today are so thick-skinned. , , .

Chapter [-]: Long time no see

As soon as Mir got his ass hot, Wang Wei got up to watch the fish he was feeding. Now that his ass is hot, it is impossible to get up.

"Do you like fish? This is a special product of Green Star, and I bought it at a high price," Mill said absently.

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