Wang Wei picked up the rest of the fish that Mir had just fed, and then grabbed a handful to feed the fish. Seeing that the fish was indeed different from the earth, the whole body was green, even the pupils were green, and the whites of the signal eyes were white.

Otherwise, if you throw it into the water, you will think it is a green plant, but Wang Wei heard that the news he most wanted to hear was about Green Star, and he came to Triangle Star to inquire about the environment of the fairy system.

"Oh, so how did you get it from Green Star?" Wang Wei intends to ask from the side.

"It was brought by those spaceships that went to aliens to collect resources. Although the green star was blocked on the bright side, nothing has arrived here yet," Mir said with a smile.

Mil seemed to be laughing at the incompetence of the three-pointed star's government. He said one thing on the surface and one thing behind his back. When Wang Wei saw him like this, he knew that he had entered his own trap.

"The environment of Green Star is so good, how can such a beautiful fish be cultivated?" Wang Wei exclaimed.

"Yeah, if it wasn't for the desperate resistance of the rebels, we would have already become a four-pointed star," Mir said absentmindedly.

Because his son is an insurgent, if he hadn't locked him at home and went out to make trouble, he might have been arrested and locked in the air prison long ago.

Mir suddenly wanted his son to meet Misuo, and let his child Misuo target Wang Wei, turning the world of gangsters upside down just like now.

If I could have half of Wang Wei's ability, I wouldn't be as distressed as I am now, but fortunately, Mi Suo followed Mi Xiu in learning to manage the gang, but Mi Suo told himself that Mi Suo was frequently in contact with laser guns.

If it weren't for the strict procedures for managing laser guns, this kid might have stolen the gun and ran away.

"Brother, I heard that you invited guests to our house. It's really strange." Mi Xiu knocked on the door and walked in.

And Mi Xiu was followed by a young man, Wang Wei looked at the young man, as if he was a little familiar, as if he knew him well.

Miso planned in the backyard when he would be able to steal a few of his own laser guns, but his father was too strict in managing laser guns, and he had to get his father's approval before he could get laser guns.

Just when Misuo was thinking hard, his uncle came in and said that he would take him to see a talented person, and he would fight the gangsters in this city for half a day at a young age.

Misuo also wanted to see what talents people who were similar to him had. If he had the ability, he would be drawn into our rebel army. At that time, the eldest sister would definitely praise herself.

So Mi Suo followed Mi Xiu to the reception room. The first thing he saw was the old driver and the golden wolf sitting on the sofa. This was because he felt that the person on the sofa was familiar, but he couldn't remember where he had seen it.

But seeing the young figure next to his father's fish tank, all the memories in his mind came to mind.

When I received my equipment that day, I split all the laser guns into parts and put them in the backpack I just bought. It was the first time I was recognized by the rebel army, so I was very careful.Online eBook

Holding the parts of the split laser gun in his hand, he looked around to see if there were any soldiers around. After all, the soldiers treated the rebels with torture.

But when he walked to a corner, he was dragged in by two people, and was slapped by others, and the twenty or so coins on his body were robbed, as well as a backpack.

Misuo's first reaction was to go home and avoid the meeting of the rebel army, otherwise the rebel army would be kicked out of the organization if he couldn't say what his laser gun was.

Therefore, these days, they have avoided the questioning of the rebel army by pretending to be sick. It is impossible for the rebel army to visit him at his home. On the other hand, he asked his father to inquire about these two people.

But the inquiries were fruitless. The main problem was that Miso provided too few clues, and Mir didn't take this matter to heart.

"Hi, hello, long time no see" Wang Wei said to Misuo, Wang Wei's idea was to strike first.

But Misuo ignored Wang Wei and walked directly to his father Mir. Misuo bent over and told Mir about the incident in Mir's ear.

Miso hoped that after finishing this matter, his father would arrest them, but Mir was unmoved and pulled Miso down to sit beside him.

"Son, let me introduce to you, this young man is the boss of the famous Earth Gang, you will learn from him in the future," Mir said to Misuo.

The direct meaning is that you don't want to pursue this matter. He is the boss of the Earth Gang, and even your father can't mess with him casually. Mir was shocked when he heard it.

What Uncle Mi Xiu talked about the most every day in his ears was the boss of the Earth Gang, how powerful he was. Just yesterday morning, Mi Xiu told himself that the Earth Gang had conquered the Sirius Gang.

The Nine Stars Gang existed a long time ago, and it was shot down by Mir himself, but then he stopped doing it and went further. The Sirius Gang began to rise, and the four wolves of Sirius were still very difficult to beat.

On the other hand, the government does not want its own side to become bigger. If it beats Sirius and rules this area, then it is time for the government to do something to itself.

So Mir has always liked the current situation, but for many years Mir wanted to find a backer, then he could unify the city by himself, but he couldn't find it after so many years of searching.

But his son found a backer, the rebel army, but the rebel army is useless now.

Misuo nodded, agreeing with his father's idea, after all, they are not gangsters.

"Mill don't say that, I'll be embarrassed," Wang Wei said with a laugh.

Mil felt that this nerd had an unusually thick skin. Sitting on his seat and feeding his own fish, he simply regarded this place as his base camp, and he still called him by his name.

Mir took a deep breath and calmed his violent heart, otherwise his Nine Star Gang might be buried in his own hands because of his words.

"No, no, you can afford it. After all, it's a lot to be able to achieve this kind of achievement at your age, but there are very few people who can live to your status," Mir said mockingly.

Wang Wei couldn't hear his sarcasm, but Wang Wei wouldn't mind, as long as there was an old driver by his side, his safety would be guaranteed. , , .

Chapter [-]: Jiuxing Gang Compromise

Wang Wei and Mir tried a few tricks, but Wang Wei had the cheek to block him, and Mir had no choice but to give up the insult to Wang Wei and talk about some irrelevant issues instead.

Halfway through, Mill asked Wang Wei if he had breakfast?Instead, looking at Wang Wei with a look of contempt, Mir felt that his question was simply nonsense.

In the end, everyone was driven out by Mir, leaving only Wang Wei and Mir to stay in the same house, Wang Wei went back to the chair, and Mir sat on the sofa seriously.

"My son Miso is not interested in gangs, but is very interested in the rebel army," Mill said, looking up at the ceiling.

Seeing that Mir was so affectionate, Wang Wei did not disturb his memory. Instead, Wang Wei was very curious about what Mir would say next.

"My brother is getting old just as fast, his children are all female, and he is not convinced to take over the gang," Mill continued.

"So the Jiuxing Gang will be destroyed in the hands of others sooner or later, but I didn't expect it to come back so quickly. If I guessed correctly, your next goal is to destroy me, then the Jiuxing Gang." Mir looked at Wang Wei, out of the corner of his eyes. already contains tears.

In Mill's eyes, the Jiuxing Gang is like another child of his own, watching him grow up hard, but his soul is old, and there is no new soul to take charge of.

This child will die sooner or later, but Mir wants to use the Jiuxing Gang as an item for negotiation in exchange for the prosperity and wealth of his family.

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