At all times, all around Wang Wei, within a radius of ten thousand miles, black holes of different sizes appeared, and those black holes were like devourers, big mouths of energy in the darkness, countless. The black hole was running fast at this time, and Wang Wei was also speechless at this time.

Chapter [-]: Charging

At this time, he quickly ran his own practice to the limit, and the limit of the practice caused his whole body. At this time, countless black holes began to devour at this time because it only activated the black holes, and He didn't pour all the power into the other holes, so at this moment, its whole body was filled with those crazy things, and he was like a person buried in the earthquake ruins at the moment. .

Wang Lei only opened the black hole, and the black hole is like a person's stomach. If a person keeps pushing things into the stomach, it will cause stomach bloating. Soon, he will feel that his body is in this There was also a burst of pain.

"Master, you must release all the things absorbed in your body at this time, otherwise, your life will be in danger, or you will most likely explode the black hole in your body. ."

The voice of No. [-] came out again at this time. After Wang Wei heard the voice of No. [-], he moved slightly. The next moment he no longer cared about anything, and quickly put the black hole around him. Once again, of course, this time he activated not only black holes, but also white holes. The next moment, some miscellaneous objects appeared all over his body, and these objects seemed to be restored iron. The prices of ore mounds, wood, etc., as long as they exist in nature, are all expelled by him at this moment.

Soon, his body returned to calm, but helping you at this time, it was also a head of sweat. At this time, his body continued to expand, then shrank, and then swelled and shrank again, of course, Not only is his body swollen, but the things he absorbed are also entering his body quickly, because not only the black hole appears under him at this moment, but also those rushing through his body The inexplicable white hole in it, the energy transformed.

In just a moment, Wang Wei felt the energy in his body, which was completely sufficient. At this time, he once again injected all his energy into the machine in front of him. The next moment, the battleship heard the sound of the system again.

"No., the battleship is charging 5%, 10%, 80%..."

In just over an hour, Wang Weibian felt that his body was filled with huge energy at this moment. He felt the huge energy in his body, and now he just wanted to release it, so At this time, he constantly injected his energy into the battles where the battleship was charged, and the battleship was quickly filled with energy at this time.

"The energy of the first battleship is full, the auxiliary medical system is activated again, and the quality inspection system of the battleship is activated,"

In Wang Wei's mind, at this moment, the voice from the system came again. When Wang Wei was here, the corner of his mouth was slightly flowing, showing a slight smile. He just used his own ability like this. The energy of the battleship is maintained, and the battleship is continuously consumed and replenished at this time. This is similar to the DC power supply. Wang Wei feels that the replenishment energy of the battleship and the consumption speed of the battleship are very different from the absorption speed of his own. The speed of absorption at this moment has completely exceeded the consumption speed of the battleship.LeTV novel

In his body, seven beads appeared at this moment, and the seven beads formed a shape similar to the Big Dipper at this time, circling quickly in his dantian, and Wang Lei at this time It is also all, to gather all his energy into his own body, he originally did not want to do this, but now there is no way, this thing has already appeared in his body, and the operation of those things he can no longer control his body. At this moment, Wang Weina was completely stunned and panicked. She didn't expect it would turn out like this. He really didn't know if it would blow up his body if it went on like this?

"Master, the energy of the battleship is full, you don't need to inject energy into the sword of the website now, but if you continue to absorb it like this, your body will be blasted by these energy, and your current cultivation base has reached the martial arts level. The critical point of the middle stage of the emperor, if you want to directly break through the middle stage of the emperor, then you can try to sense and break through.”

The voice of No. [-] came out at this time, and Wang Wei was also bitter at this time. He really didn't know what to do at this time. Now he really wants to put these things like this. The energy was withdrawn, and then he pondered carefully, and finally took the door, but now he can no longer control the black hole vortex in the body. There was a lot of empty space in the star field. It was a vacuum, a complete vacuum, an absolute vacuum. Wang Wei seemed to be standing quietly in such an absolute vacuum environment.

The eight people on the battleship also woke up one after another at this time. At this time, Wang Wei didn't have the time to take care of the people on the battleship, but at this time he could only quietly watch the seven people in his dantian. The beads were spinning continuously, and the movement of those beads also made Wang Wei at a loss at this time.

"Master, if you continue to absorb it like this, those energies won't do any good to your body..."

No. [-]'s voice came out of Wang Wei's mind again and again this time, and Wang Wei was also bitter for a while at this time. Before she could react the next moment, No. [-] let out a light yawn:


"What's the matter?" Wang Wei was clenching his teeth at the moment, looking at himself closely. The beads in his dantian were spinning. At this moment, Doctor Qing, who heard the number one in his mind, was a little puzzled, and directly Asked out.

"Master, your physical condition is different from other people's. Your current ability and the energy you absorb in your body are also different from other people's at this time. You need to put these seven in your body. Fill all the beads and let them all reach a complete state, and the black hole vortex in your body will completely stagnate, but this process will take a certain amount of time, depending on your current cultivation level and the current situation we are in. From the looks of it, it takes about a day for you to be able to completely control the power in your body, so that the power in your body can be completely stopped at this time."

After listening to No. [-]'s words, Wang Wei really wanted to scold her mother. At this moment, she really didn't know what to do. This is true of No. [-]. It's better not to say now, he has to ask for it. Staying in this state for a day, and within this day, I still don't know what will happen in my battleship.

Chapter [-]: Eight wounded

"Persia? What the hell is going on?"

The other seven people in the battleship surrounded the guy who woke up first and asked such a question, but the guy named Persia was also bitter at this time, and then he woke up. The matter was told to the other seven people. After hearing Persian's words, these seven people were all horrified.

"You mean that this battleship has an owner, and that the owner of this battleship saved us?"

"Yes, it is so"

"Then where is he now? When we woke up, we saw you alone in this place, but we didn't see him."

"He went out, and I don't know what he went out to do"

Persia said such a sentence at this time, and all the seven people in the room were silent at this time.

"What did you say, he left the battleship alone?" A bearded man asked such a question at this time, but the guy named Persia nodded firmly and replied at this time:


"How is this possible? How can there be people in this world who can walk in space? And where we are now is outer space. In this outer space, even our astronauts wear the latest research findings. clothes to be able to walk, and we've all been awake for so long, he should be back by now if he's really in this place.

But we didn't see him."

The other people were also puzzled at this time, and the guy named Persian was also silent for a while at this time, and then he said:

"Maybe something happened to that person."

After he said these words, everyone was silent for a while, but the woman named Dusha spoke directly at this time:

"I think there is a possibility. After all, this is outer space. Did our battleship encounter an accident in this outer space before? If that person..."

Before he finished speaking, the other people in the room were also silent for a while. To be honest, they didn't know what to say now. The previous scene reminded all of them now. Sometimes I feel a little scared, the terrifying attack energy, even the space and space equipment with the most IQ in the world that they possessed in the first place, was almost swallowed by the huge energy, and even their warships were like that. Destroyed, but now they have survived, but they were saved by that person, they just don't know how that person is now.Infinite Novel Network

"We now have to accompany you to leave this place, find a way to get in touch with Earth IQ, and report our experience in outer space to Earth IQ to let people on Earth know about it."

After being silent for a while, the big beard changed his mouth and said such a sentence directly, and then the other people were silent for a while at this time. After discussing it for a while, they wanted to find the control button of the battleship. , but several people searched for a punch in this place but found nothing.

"This battleship should not be the product of our earth. With the current technological level of our earth, we cannot build such a powerful battleship."

When a guy said such a sentence at this time, other people were also silent for a while at this time, yes, in terms of the current technological level of the earth, if you want to develop such a warship, it would be Absolutely impossible, but if this battleship is not a product of the earth, then where would you and others be?Could it be that you and others are on the alien battleship?

After reaching such a conclusion, all the people were silent for a while at this time, and they really didn't know what to do at this time.

In fact, what they don't know is that this battleship is actually a product of the earth. They only know that Wang Wei has transformed it with the technology taught by Xiaokui, and that there is Xiaokui's invincible and only brainless existence. He is here. At the same time, he also gained a new understanding of some technologies that completely surpassed modernization. Otherwise, how could he study the space elevator of the Arabian Nights?

Wang Wei knew that Xiaokui was definitely not that simple, and he didn't know what happened to Xiaokui's defeat.

Xiaokui helps him, then he has a new research direction on this battleship. After their improvement, this battleship has become the perfect incarnation of the system, and his points can be completely exchanged from the system. It is expected that It is better to say that it is a virtualized number or something like this battleship.

In a sense, this battleship does not exist at all, but a virtual illusion created by Wang Wei himself.

These people went around this place for several times, but they did not find the control room and control of the battleship, which made a few people completely at this time not knowing what to do.

"Does master want to know what those eight guys are doing in your battleship?"

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