No. [-] said such a sentence in Wang Wei's mind at this time, but Wang Lei had no time to care about No. [-]'s words at this time.

At this moment, Wang Wei felt his whole body swell. Even at this time, he felt that his energy was about to be fully communicated to him. He needs to release energy now, but the energy delivered by the battleship has reached saturation, and it has even completely exceeded. With the energy required for the battleship, Wang Wei was also speechless at this time.

However, he still has his own way, that is, in the vacuum zone he created, constantly venting, constantly using the energy in his body, bombarding the outside world, in the vacuum environment, its The energy was released at this time, but it was quietly watching in the air, as if it was floating there, without any movement at all.

At this time, Wang Wei also rushed towards the moving energies. Those energies quickly drew holes on his body, and Wang Wei accepted it like this. , these traces that the energy source has made on itself.

Even sometimes, Wang Wei would continue to bombard those energies. He hoped that the bombardment of those energies would cause some trouble in this vacuum zone, or that two energies collided together to produce an explosion.

Chapter [-]: Vacuum Energy Release

However, he was disappointed. The energy it released collided with that energy, but it was straight and motionless in the air.


Wang Wei's eyes were full of astonishment. She didn't expect that the vacuum that she had created would turn out to be such a result, and the energy transformed into her body, and that energy, at this time. It is also in a static state. Only when he moves quickly and slams into the energy at this time, the energy will leave a shallow scratch on his body, but Wang Wei's own repair ability is also at this time. It is manifested, the huge repairing ability can completely release it, the openings created by the static energy are quickly healing at this time, and the blood surging out of Wang Wei's body is at this time. Also still.

"What exactly is this?"

At this time, Wang Wei asked such a sentence again, but at this time, No. [-] answered his question in his mind.

"Master, this is a vacuum zone, everything here, all objects are in a static state, and although your collision can cause some slight damage to your body, in the vacuum zone, even if Injuries don't heal so quickly, and you can heal in this place, which means that you are consuming energy yourself"

When Wang Wei heard this, he couldn't help but be stunned for a while. He was also consuming energy, which means that he was also consuming energy at this time. Of course, his own number energy was also vividly reflected at this time.

But even so, the huge amount of energy in his body could not be dissipated. At this time, Wang Wei was desperately running towards the front. At this time, Wang Wei's breath was all in the air. Still motionless in the middle, this phenomenon made Wang Wei speechless for a while, but now he is in urgent need of discovery, constantly running, and constantly channeling the energy in his body along his hands, fists and feet , and so on, all the pores that can be distributed on the body are distributed.

"Master can't run anymore. If you run again, you will run out of this new jade. If you want to go back to where you were before, then you have to go back"

No. [-] said such a sentence in Wang Wei's mind at this time, but Wang Wei didn't care about No. [-]'s words at all and ignored him at all. A piece of star field is constantly withdrawing back under his feet, but at this time he continues to run forward.

After an unknown amount of time, he suddenly felt a kind of chaos in the energy around him at this time.Love me e-book

"This is the chaotic magnetic field, where all the signals, all the energies, are in a state of chaos and fury."

At this time, No. [-] said such a sentence again, but Wang Lei ignored him at this time. He was still running fast in this chaotic aura, and his fist was in this chaotic aura. It was also waving quickly and constantly. Those chaotic auras were constantly surging at this time, and gathered towards his body, but Wang Wei was still like this at this time, constantly waving his own aura. Fists, hands and feet, he let his energy quickly move towards the surroundings at this time, bombarded the past, and the forces that were squeezing him were also blasted away by him at this time.

"Master beware"

No. [-] reminded, but Wang Wei ignored No. [-]'s words at all. At this time, she was still so crazy, constantly waving her fists in this place, using her own energy, and bombarding the front. However, he did not regret it, every time he attacked, every time he completely emptied his energy.

I don't know how long it took, and Wang Wei finally felt that he was a little exhausted. It was only at this time that he felt the chaos of the energy around him, but now he was already in this chaotic area. .

"This is where?"

The sober Wang Wei felt the chaotic aura around him and the extremely unstable space in this place, so he asked this question.

"This is the chaotic star field. It is a naturally formed chaotic area in a dark corner of the gamma galaxy. Of course, in this area, there are also many star explosions. It is because With the explosive power of these stars, the chaos of this star field has been created, and the level of confusion in this piece of mind has reached the ability that a Martial Emperor Peak Realm can withstand. You are now in the early Martial Emperor area. In the mid-term, you are still unable to resist this chaotic force. If you have been bombarding this place before, causing some chaotic forces to stabilize, it is estimated that you have been torn to pieces by these chaotic forces now. You, get out of this chaotic place as soon as possible."

Wang Wei was stunned at this moment, and then he quickly walked towards the periphery. Of course, at this time he was already a little powerless, but in order to survive, he also fought hard, but just as he moved When he took two steps, the chaotic airflow around his body was squeezing towards him again. Wang Wei no longer had any worries at this time, and quickly activated his own power, crazy. began to use his own strength to resist the opponent.

I don’t know if it was because Wang Wei was really not working hard, or because the chaos in this chaotic star field was so chaotic that Wang Wei was moving forward quickly at this time, taking his own steps, of course his In the body, the spiritual power at the moment is already all, and he has emptied it out, but this empty spiritual power is not so simple, even if it is completed, with the rotation of his spiritual power, the few in his body are reversed. At this time, the ball also started to move quickly. At this time, Wang Wei suddenly felt that his body was full of power. The next moment, he saw the scene in front of him again. get him.Shocked, because the vortex-like things around him at this moment are spinning again at this moment. The vortex of the black hole is extremely powerful, but Wang Wei is horrified at this time.

Chapter [-]: Chaos Star Territory

He didn't expect that his black hole vortex was actually in this chaotic star field, and could devour these chaotic airflows.

Just when it was perfectly shocked, this chaotic star field began to be violent again. At this time, Wang Wei was also shocked. He did not expect this place to be so capricious. The black hole around him was quickly swallowing the opponent's power at this time. Wang Wei really felt refreshed at this time. This time he didn't have the pain before, but he enjoyed it very much. This made him feel refreshed. Wang Wei couldn't help being a little shocked at this moment. The next moment, the new 12 beads in his dantian started to run wildly at this time. Wang Wei, whose 12 beads were arranged in a strange way, couldn't help but at this moment. Eyes widened, he did not expect the scene in front of him to be so powerful, and the route of those strangely running beads was running fast and constantly at this time, and the airflow in his body was also crazy at this time, Towards his body, it began to gather.

"Master, hurry up and break through to the strength of the mid-term emperor of the emperor in one fell swoop"

No. 12 in his mind came out with such a voice again. After Wang Wei heard this voice, he did not dare to neglect. The next moment he was fast and running. Various elements and breath seemed to be troubled at this time. They were generally sent to his body, and they were distributed to the 12 beads in a neat and orderly manner, and the [-] beads also started quickly at this time. up and running.

At this moment, Wang Wei felt that all the pores of his own were very comfortable at this time, and the rotation of those beads drove the cyclone around him, and at this time, it started to run continuously, and those running cyclones were in this It quickly condensed and dissipated quickly again. At this time, Wang Wei's heart was also shocked. He did not expect this place to have such an effect. Could it be that he wants to break through in the future? Or if I want to cultivate in the future, do I have to practice in this chaotic river?If that's the case, then wouldn't oneself become the only need in this history.Only those who can cultivate.

Just when Wang Wei was thinking wildly, at this moment he felt the strong sound of running water coming from his dantian all the time, which made him a little horrified. It started running like crazy. His body had become a medium at this time. At this time, he was an uncle for a while. At this moment, Wang Wei felt that there was no other than uncle or uncle. What did he feel? At this moment, Wang Wei's eyes widened involuntarily. The surprise in his heart at this moment was no less than the kind of breath he had heard before that he had survived from the turbulent watershed.

At this time, Wang Wei was sitting cross-legged at will, quietly feeling the changes in his body in that place. At this moment, he really felt that he was stronger again, if he really broke through to that level. , then even if Duma wants to find trouble for himself, he has to weigh it to see if he can be his opponent.

At this time, tens of thousands of stars and the fragments of these stars were rushing towards his body madly. Wang Wei felt the power of the Pantuo in his body at this time, and he felt that his current strength, If he uses his fist to bombard something, then he will definitely be able to easily bombard an object and turn it into scum. He even has a feeling that if he is facing the previous Duma now, he will not be able to. It would be so difficult, and even those robots developed by Duma might not have any effect on him at this time.

"Haha, I didn't expect this time to be a blessing in disguise. It really deserves to be Huang Zongxi's strength. If such strength is known to outsiders, then I don't know what kind of envy it will look like. The joy in his heart now is that. It is also beyond words. At this moment, he has completely forgotten everything. Biquge China

He threw himself into that feeling, and what he felt at the moment was not only the inexhaustible power, but also the feeling that made him feel comfortable.

No. [-] wondered if it was because he saw that the master was completely immersed in that feeling at this time, and had no time to care about anything, but he was also shocked at this time, watching the changes in Wang Wei's body in front of him. , and he was constantly sweating for Wang Wei in his heart. He sincerely hoped that Wang Wei could become stronger, because only when Wang Wei became stronger could he be able to develop better.

Of course, his heart was a little unhappy at this time, because Wang Wei's progress was too fast. If Wang Wei had progressed for a while, he might not need his help, and it might even be at that time. Wake up the sleeping main system. At that time, he may disappear into this world. No. [-]'s mood is complicated at this time, but it makes Wang Wei feel it. At this time, Wang Wei smiled slightly. He didn't say much.

At this time, those energies are constantly pouring into the perfect body, and the perfect body is also constantly changing at this time. At this moment, his heart is a burst of pain.

I don't know how long it took before Wang Wei woke up from that feeling. When he woke up, the first thing he did was ask the number one in his mind.

"How is it? Has my current strength reached the realm of the middle stage of Emperor Wu? If I really reach the middle stage of Emperor Wu now, if I encounter dissatisfaction, can I easily knock him down? "

"Master, don't be too happy first, it will take a long time to consolidate your realm. If your realm improves too fast and your cultivation can't keep up, it will cause you to feel empty. At that time, you may be You will be troubled by this, and if you can’t keep up with the realm? Your breakthroughs may be limited in the future.”

After listening to No. [-]'s words, Wang Wei was directly dumb at this time. He really didn't know what to do, but now that he has reached this point, he has no way out.

Chapter [-]: The Middle Stage of Emperor Wu

After thinking about it, he also chose to be silent. Number [-], in his mind, was still silent at the moment, and Wang Wei didn't say anything more when he was here.

After carefully sensing the problems on his body, Wang Weicai let out a long sigh, and then he said:

"Hello, how far are we from the position of the battleship now?"

"Master, according to your current location, distance, and where you want to reach, then you need energy, dozens of star fields, and in this star field, your safety can also be guaranteed to a certain extent, after all, you are now You are already in the middle stage of Emperor Wu, and with your current walking distance, it takes about five to six hours."

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