After Wang Wei heard No. [-]'s words, he was slightly confused, and then he asked, "Hello, how many hours are my legs now?"

"Master, your walking distance is about 30 stars per hour, and one star is equivalent to [-] hectares according to the conversion unit on your earth."

After hearing this number, Wang Wei was really stunned. He never thought that his current footsteps would reach such a level, and his mind could be equivalent to [-] hectares on the earth, [-] hectares. , what a terrifying number that is. Now Wang Wei is a little shocked when he thinks about it, but the shock is still shock. He is still more interested in these things.

His current footsteps can actually reach such a fast speed, if it is above the earth, doesn't he say that he can circle most of the earth in one hour?How could such a speed not shock him?

But in addition to being horrified, Wang Wei became depressed at this time. It would take him so long to walk in this place, and it would take a few hours for you to reach the battleship so fast in this place. What does this mean?It shows that he is still a little too fragile, and that he still has no way to achieve the legendary teleportation.

And six hours is equivalent to half a day. In half a day, he is still a little worried about what happens on his battleship. After all, the eight people on the battleship are from other people. The characters on the battleship, will they do something to their battleship, or they are not familiar with themselves, if they go to their battleship to do some damage, then...

Wang Wei couldn't imagine it, so at this time, he also quickly accelerated his pace, but at this time, the number one word in his mind came out again: Qiqi Chinese website www

"Oh, by the way, master, do you want to know what those eight guys are doing in your battleship?"

After Feng Wei heard what this guy said, he was even more entangled. At this time, he suddenly felt that his heart was tight. These eight guys were really uneasy. On top of his own battleship, he was really doing little tricks.

At this time, Wang Wei hurriedly asked:

"What's the matter? What are those eight guys doing on top of my battleship? Shouldn't they be dismantling my battleship?"

"Hehe master, that's not so, the eight of them are on your battleship, and the comrades who started looking for where is the cockpit of the engine room? The peaceful battleship actually doesn't have any cockpit cab or anything like that. This battleship is purely a virtual digital fantasy. Do you think they are very interesting? On your battleship, you can't find your own friends, and your battleship can be said to be only you You can control it yourself, that is to say, no one except you can control your battleship, and no one can even do any damage on your battleship. Your battleship is absolutely safe at this moment, and you The firmware on the battleship is also quite strong. Even if they have been in the battleship for ten days, they can't find the hatch of your battleship, including other places in your battleship. They can only be there. Sitting in the Warship's Guard Room"

Wang Wei heard a lot of long-winded words from No. [-], but he finally figured it out by now. His battleship actually has powerful abilities, and the defensive power of his own battleship. , that was beyond his imagination, and even he was worried that these people would completely dismantle his battle line. Now he can be sure that politics can be at ease, even if these guys are in their own Even if they flip over their own battleship, they can't even get out of the door, they can't get out, you can still have How can it be dismantled.

Wang Wei can be regarded as having peace of mind. At this time, he didn't say anything more, and quickly accelerated his pace, running towards the direction designated by No. [-] in his mind. No, at this time, it was also about Wang Wei's actions, and it was also a moment of silence, but he didn't say anything, but quickly presented a pair of pictures in front of Wang Wei, when Wang Wei When I saw this pair of pictures, I was suddenly stunned for a while.

Foucault saw the eight guys sitting in his battleship with a depressed look, and they were still muttering something.

"Do you think this is the trap set by those aliens? They trapped us in this place just to make us suffer in this place. You see that in this place where we are now, it is fundamental Can't find anything, when will the technology on our earth be developed to this level? And we can't find anything in this place. The time has passed, and the guy hasn't come back, they We don't know what it means, at least we don't know how to face the next thing, if they do anything malicious to us, then we may just come out of the wolf pack and enter the tiger's mouth. La"

Big Beard said such a thing at this time, and the other people were all silent at this time. They didn't know what to say. The problem is that they can't find it now, how can they control it? This battleship, even they themselves don't know how to make this battleship start.

Chapter [-]: Suspicion

"I shouldn't. We should be in a special space now. Maybe this place was built by him. I once felt an aura similar to ours in him." At this time, such a sentence was said. After hearing Persian's words at this time, other people were all slightly stunned. At this time, they did not expect that Persian would actually say such a thing, and The neck can actually feel an aura similar to them from the person's body, who are they?Those are all from various countries on the earth, in various fields, the most dazzling new stars, and even the most powerful astronauts.

Of course, those powers in their bodies absolutely have the upper hand at this time, who can have the same breath as them, so who is this person?He is definitely not the kind of person from other places, the same, they all come from the earth, but when did the earth have such a powerful human existence?At this time, their faces were full of disbelief, and then a guy said:

"Didn't you say it came from the earth?"

"If I don't feel wrong, then he must be a human being from the earth just like us, but I don't understand why he has such a powerful ability, let alone why this person can be in this space. Walking, and how can he have such a powerful warship? I really don't know about these things."

At this time, all people are all promises, and at this time, a guy with blond hair continued to speak at this time:

"According to what you said, this person should be a very mysterious person, but what mysterious person is there on our earth? Who can have such a powerful power?"

After hearing this guy's words, the other people also made a slight roar, but at this moment, Dusha was staring at Persia:

"Can you tell me about the likeness?"

It was only a slight stun, and then he opened his mouth and directly told the moment when he saw Wang Wei and Wang Wei's appearance, but when Dusha heard this, her face was revealed. There was a look of joy on his face, and the next moment, he took out a crumpled photo from his arms and put it on the photo. At this moment, there was a man with a bright smile at this time, and at this time he was in his arms. In front of him, the man's expression was still as bright as a flower, and the man was still very handsome, and there was a kind of pride on his heroic face.

"Is that the person you're talking about?"

At this time, the other people all stepped forward to look at the photo, and Persian was also staring at the photo in front of her at this time. After a long time, her mouth was wide open, and then she said:

"It's him, you, how could you have a picture of her?"

All the other people gathered around at this time, and they also looked closely at the photo in front of them, and immediately exclaimed.Yoyo Book Union

"He, he is Wang Wei, this is the current super scientist on our earth"

"How could it be him? How could he be able to walk in space, walk in space? Who are those people? If he can walk in space, wouldn't our earth's technology be a priority? It's absolutely impossible for him to be walking in space, I think you may be mistaken."

"That's right, Wang Mei is the idol in the hearts of all our astronauts. How could he appear in this place? Besides, you look at how poor we are, but he rescued us, neighbors. Do you think this is something that such a high-minded person can do?"

At this time, everyone was silent again, and after a long time, a guy said at this time:

"Do you think that Wang Weiwei came to this alien domain, and then got lost in this alien language, but happened to meet us, and then rescued a few of us?"

The yellow-haired guy of that person asked such a question at this time. The other six people were all silent for a while at this time. Only Persian stared at Dussale in front of him at this time. When Dusha was here, it was a heartbeat. Maybe other people didn't notice Dusha's heartbeat, but Persia definitely noticed Dusha's heartbeat in front of him. At this time, he was a little jealous of Wang Weilai. .

Persia has liked Tussa for a long time, and even the first time he woke up, he thought of Tussa, but now Tussa is looking at the photo of another man, and at this moment, his face is fascinated with such a smile At this time, Persia was also jealous for a while. If that guy was really Wang Wei, then he really didn't dare to do anything?Now that Wang Wei hasn't come back, he has to find a way to get Dusha to leave here quickly, but how should he leave this place?They searched this place for so long and couldn't find any clues about the half body. What should it take for a while? If that guy comes back, then...

Persian's jealousy was obvious at this time, but now he has no way to face it, the goddess in his heart seems to be the guy named Wang Wei, is that a special liking for him?It seems that the goddess in front of him is very likely to fall in love with Wang Wei at the moment when Wang Wei appears. He can't tolerate such a thing, but he can't tolerate it, so what can he do?

Persia fell into a kind of helplessness and distress at this time.

"Well, there may be this, but I don't know what happened to Wang Weiwei in this alien language? If Wang Weiwei is really on this, then can all of us be able to How about a safe return to Earth?"

Dusha said such a sentence at this time, and the next moment he thought about it, the more he thought it was possible, so he started to quickly take out a small powder box from his arms, but he took it. With this powder and fluffy, I kept smearing foundation on my face, and even took out an eyebrow pencil at this time and began to draw my eyebrows, lipstick, etc.

"Love yellow hair, what about my current appearance?"

Chapter [-]: Tussaud's Spring

Dusha was posing in front of everyone with her head scratching and posing, and Huang Mao was also a little surprised when she saw Dusha's appearance at this time. Dusha is the most beautiful among them, which is recognized, but they did not expect that Dusha would be there. After putting on makeup, they are actually so beautiful. Seeing this beautiful figure in front of them, some of their male hormones naturally rise.

Huang Mao unnaturally swallowed his saliva at this time, just remembering it, and replied naturally.

“Everything is beautiful”

At this time, Dusha giggled and then spoke directly. :

"Oh, do you think Wang Wei likes me when he sees me?"

The seven guys were slightly stunned at this time, but at this time, they set off against the Dussa in front of them, which is a male hormone.

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