At this time, those spider-men were quickly and completely swallowed up by his black holes, and swallowed them into his world, instantly converted into wormholes by the black holes in his body, and then excreted from the body through the white hole. , At this time, he didn't notice how many black holes appeared in his body, and he didn't know why his black holes kept shrinking at this time.

At this time, his body was once again enduring the kind of pain he suffered when he broke through. At this time, Wang Wei was frantically channeling the energy in his body into the battleship. At this time, the energy display meter of the battleship has begun to reach a state of full sprint energy, and even reached saturation, and at this time, the sound of the system came from Wang Wei's mind.

"Because of excess energy, it is now necessary to crowd out and activate the all-round detection data monitoring system, activate the battleship backup system, activate the battleship's all-round defense system, activate the battleship attack mode, activate the battleship..."

With the sound of the system being activated, at this time, Wang Wei felt that his body was already full of energy that was about to completely burst his body, and at this time he quickly vented it out.

Countless powers were quickly introduced into Zhandian at this time, but at this time in the battleship, various energies were activated. Of course, the energy transformed by Wang Wei at this moment was all metallic. And these metallic properties are also beneficial to me to a certain extent for the repair of the battleship. At this time, the battleship quickly absorbed the metallic energy that he had turned upside down. The next moment, the battleship began to have golden rays of light flashing, After the golden light flickered, the battleship was constantly changing at this time.

"The first battleship upgrade system is activated"

There was such a sound in Wang Wei's mind, and the next moment, Wang Weibin saw that in front of him, at this moment, rows of numbers kept appearing, and those numbers were countless secondary codes at the moment. At this time, these secondary codes are constantly showing changes and reorganizations, and the battleship in front of him is also rapidly changing at this time. Wang Wei originally wanted to be farther away from the battleship. Fighting with these spider men, but these spider men are so crazy, there is no way, he once again created a large vacuum in this place.

The battleship seemed to be stimulated by something in this vacuum. At this time, it began to automatically upgrade, and those machines and spiders that were constantly bombarding him were constantly absorbed by Wang Wei at this time. Then he discharged piles of iron ore, and those iron ore was once again given to Greece by the warship. Wang Wei himself did not know how many such spidermen he had killed, and even he did not know how many of these machines he had killed. The guy on the planet doesn't even know how many iron lumps he has expelled.

The eight people in the battleship were originally in Chaohuang, but at this time, they really felt the whole sway of the battleship, and then they saw the situation outside, and saw Wang Wei alone supporting it. , and at this time, the densely packed spiders were continuously beheaded by Wang Wei, and the beheaded spiders dissipated directly.

"Wang Weiwei is indeed Wang Weiwei, and it is really unusual." The bearded man said such a sentence at this time, and he killed him at this time, but he raised his mouth and said proudly:

"That's right, don't look at how powerful our great Wang is. If these people above our team go outside, it is estimated that they will all be killed by these mechanical guys in an instant." Novel

"Dusha, what you said is wrong. What is your family Wang Wei? When did Wang Wei become your family?" At this time, a guy with a pointed mouth and monkey cheeks said such a sentence, and Du Sha glared at the guy, and immediately said:

"He is not from our family now, but I believe that with my appearance, my beauty, and my virtue, Wang Weiwei will definitely like me, and one day I will become Wang Weiwei's wife. Then you will envy me."

"Che, as for Wang Weiwei's wife, you don't even look at you, so don't be sentimental, okay?"

Another guy said such a sentence at this time, and Dusha was also angry at this time. She looked at the guy in front of her with resentment, and did not say anything.

"Duke, try one more sentence, believe it or not, I'll unscrew your ears"

After being silent for a while, Dusha put her hands on her hips and looked like a shrew, until the guy named Duke in front of him said, but the gambler pouted and didn't say anything more at this time. , She still knows Dusha very well. As long as this woman doesn't get angry, she can say anything. If this woman gets angry and angers this aunt, it will be really bad. If this aunt gets angry The entire spaceship, the battleship will be fried.

"Oh, it's okay, if you are so angry again, then it is estimated that Wang Weiwei will directly drop you from this spaceship." The guy sitting in the corner who had not spoken, said at this time With such a sentence, Dusha was stunned after hearing what this guy said. The next moment, he returned to his previous appearance again, and then he glared at Duke fiercely. .

"It's all you. If I leave some bad impressions in Wang Weiwei's heart, then you will take full responsibility"

After hearing this guy's words, Duke hesitated slightly. He really didn't know that Dusha in front of him would be so unbearable, that he would be so loyal to Wang Wei. Du K's heart was also full of slander at this time, and he didn't say more.

After the battle outside lasted for more than an hour, Wang Wei let out a long sigh, and then he looked around. The heart here turned into a vacuum at this moment, and those At this time, the Spider-Man disappeared completely, leaving a pile of scraps on the ground, and these scraps seemed to be automatically discarded by the battleship without energy.

Chapter [-]: Battleship Upgrade

At this time, Wang Wei was bitter for a while. He really didn't know what to do, and quickly walked towards his battleship.

"The director has good news for you, the battleship is now upgraded"

"What battleship has been upgraded, and what does the current battleship look like?"

"Yes, the master battleship has been upgraded, but the new upgraded battleship is now somewhat different from your previous battleship. The internal capacity of the battleship has increased dozens of times at this time, and the defensive function of the battleship is at this time. It has been enhanced, and other functions of the single ship have also been completely increased, and even the attack power of the battleship has been strengthened in all aspects.

Wang Wei was speechless when he heard No. [-] say these words to himself in his mind, but at this time, he didn't say anything more and quickly opened the battleship, and the whole person went inside.

"The Great King"

"The Great King"

The price of the hair was increased at this time, and he kept talking to Perfection. After hearing what these guys said, Wang Wei really smiled slightly, and it was a response to these guys.

"You are all people on Earth, everyone is the same, well, you don't need to be polite, but what I want to say to everyone is that my battleship is going back to Earth now, but I don't know what your previous battleship is. What's wrong"

After hearing Wang Wei's words, Dusha hurriedly replied:

"Master Wang, haven't you already implemented the moon landing plan before? After you successfully completed the moon landing, the countries above the earth also sent some exploration teams to probe the surrounding environment, so we A few people also had nothing to do, so they were recruited to take the first step to detect the surrounding environment. It is because of this that we are still patrolling in this outer space. I don’t know why, but we encountered a powerful airflow. Interference, and this powerful airflow interference surrounded all our battleships, so our battleships completely failed at this time, and the next few of us were a little panic, but there was no way, we could only suffer like this , we don't know what happened later, but when we woke up, we found that we were already on the battleship."

After hearing Dusha's words, the other people were all speechless for a while. Dusha is also true. They have to give everything to the majority and even want to reveal their old bottom to Wang Wei.

Wang Wei frowned after listening to Dusha's words.

As expected, there are things in this outer space that can shield some detection, and even shield some prices similar to spacecraft detectors, and these objects will indeed make the spacecraft completely sink in this place.

If you want to return to the earth, you must pass through this place, but if you pass through this place, then you must have a strong psychological preparation. Of course, Wang Wei is somewhat prepared at this time, but when he hears them After saying that, he still frowned slightly, but he didn't say anything.

"Oh, if this is the case, then you will take my battleship, and I will take you back to Earth." Read the book

"Boot Back to Earth"

Wang Wei said such a sentence at this time, and then the system began to control itself, and flew very quickly in one direction at a very fast speed.

By chatting with these guys, Wang Lei can be considered to be really acquainted with them.

Of course, they also introduced themselves separately, and Wang Wei also remembered their names.

The bearded guy was called Robert, the yellow-haired one was called Martha, and the little guy was called Duke.

The one who is missing an eye is called the captain. No one knows what his real name is, but everyone calls him by his nickname, the only female Tussa, the one who wakes up first is called Persia, and the one who is lame , but it is called Wang Er.When Wang Wei heard the last guy, he was slightly taken aback, but fortunately he also knew that there was a guy from Xia Dong.

After getting acquainted with each other, they also reported to each other where they were and the abilities they used. Wang Wei started to arrange several people according to their different abilities and their areas of expertise. After some work, Dusha, a woman who seems to be overflowing with spring, is particularly clingy at this time, constantly clinging to Wang Wei, and Wang Wei is also miserable.

Several times, Wang Wei almost couldn't hold it back, but at the last moment, he came to his senses. Of course, he also asked why Tussa had his photo, but Tussa was mysterious. He told him that this was a secret, and he couldn't tell him now, so Wang Wei could only cough and smile slightly.

The journey was quite pleasant. The group of them quickly left the star field and headed for the earth. Just as they were about to approach the earth, the voice of No. [-] came from their minds.

"The host found some low-level wifi"

When Wang Wei heard what the guy in his mind said, he was stunned. Although this place is relatively close to the earth, some low-level wireless networks have been found in this place. , This made him a little curious. He really didn't know that the wireless network coverage could reach such a long distance. Could it be that the current technology of the earth has developed to such a point?

"Did something happen to the D-level wireless network? Why is there a low-level wireless network?"

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