"Master, should we cut into that low-level wireless network to investigate?"

After Wang Wei heard what this guy said, he also felt that there was some truth. At this moment, he also wanted to know where the circle covered by the wireless network was.Where can such a powerful wireless network appear?Immediately, he opened his mouth directly to the system and said, "Start the communication scanning system, check the source of this wireless network signal, and intercept the signal of this wireless network by the way, I want to know who is the publisher of this wireless network? He released What is the purpose of this wireless network?"

"Di, the communication scanning system is activated"

Wang Wei didn't care too much at this time, but No. [-] in his mind was sluggish at this moment. The next moment, a powerful current fluctuation began to spread rapidly to the outside world.

Chapter [-]: Low-level wireless networks appearing in outer space

"Master, although the wireless network is a low-level technology, it is encrypted on top of this low-level technology,"

"Could it be that Intimacy can't be cracked or is an intruder's low-level wireless network?" After hearing this, Wang Wei was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect that the system would give him such news, and this news Or through the number one mouth.

"Haha, that's not it, but the encryption method is somewhat similar to Zhuangzi of Anti-rubbing Network, and in this encryption, there are some interference systems that interfere with the outside world."

"The outside world interferes with the system, don't tell me..."

"Master, your guess is correct, the reason why their spaceships could not pass through this place before, and their spaceships' signals were interfered with, but those interferences completely covered their politics at this time, this kind of interference It may also cause their spaceship battleship to get lost in this star field in this place, and be hit by some space turbulence and some unknown objects in the starry sky. one try"

No. [-] suddenly sent back such a piece of information in his mind. Wang Wei was also speechless at this time, and then he continued to ask No. [-] in his mind:

"Is the powerful energy we detected before this thing, and is the signal interference we detected before also related to this object?"

"Hehe master, this joke is not funny at all. The things we sensed before were not from this place, and the things we sensed before were not such low-level signals at all."

"Oh, since it's not the low-level signal we are sensing now, what is it? Could it be that when this place is very close to the earth, other things will appear? Or when we are still far from the earth. When there is a certain distance, will there be some dangers?"

"Hehe master, you are wrong, the thing we found before is not very far from the place where we were before, but when we walked from that place, we really didn't see that thing again, we have to explain What, it means that the thing just disappeared in an instant, and what we are encountering now is not the thing before, and even the first episode of the network we encounter now seems to have nothing to do with that thing.”

After listening to No. [-]'s explanation, Wang Wei was also speechless at this time. She really did not expect that this low-level signal was not the signal from the place she had detected before, and even said that it had nothing to do with that signal, then What is the price detected by the spaceship and warship before?But he flew over safely all the way, but he didn't encounter anything. Could it be that when he defeated the guy from the mechanical family, don't say he was afraid?

"Di launched the outer space exploration news agency Miao Miao Di, scanned the outer space, and found no abnormal scan found a low-level network, one cut into a D-level network"

The voice of the system came out at this time, but Wang Wei was slightly stunned at this time. He didn't know what kind of network this low-level network was, and it could actually cause the loss of the spaceships and battleships of those people before. This shows that Their network technology is definitely not under the earth, or even above the earth, but why does the system say that they are low-level networks at this time?Qingqing Novel www.qingtxt.com

"Hehe master, the network on earth is really too simple, and the low-level network we are encountering now is also a very simple thing. Of course, this network does not really exist, compared to yours on the earth. The wifi of the two countries is even worse, but this network seems to have been launched in the air for a long time, and their technological level is definitely more advanced than the technological level of the earth.”

After Wang Wei heard No. [-]'s words, he was slightly taken aback. This world is really amazing. There are still people who can use signal transmitters to leave some messages in this outer space.And this message is just a signal they sent, but it can cause great damage to the earth, which makes him feel a little incredible, after all, no matter how backward the technology on the earth is, it will not be affected by a signal. Destroy a spaceship directly.

"Di, the first-in signal is successful, the low-level network is being connected, the network port test is successful, and the network entry point is successful, the total time spent is 1 minute 03 seconds"

After the system said these words, Wang Wei was stunned for a while, and then a guy's voice came from Wang Wei's ears:

"You, you, you..." The voice said dozens of words for you in a row, and Wang Wei felt a little helpless when he heard these dozens of women.

"Master, this is because this message was released by people. This air has reached hundreds of years, and the transmission of these hundreds of years of information has extended to this space. All you can hear is the constant The repeated word, of course, if you want to continue listening, you may need nearly an hour."

"Why an hour? That's a bit too long, could you shorten it a bit?"

After Wang Wei listened to No. [-]'s words, he was speechless for a while. He directly interrupted No. [-]'s words and said.

To be honest, it took Wang Wei an hour to hear this guy say this in outer space. If he encounters some good things in this place and transmits it back to Earth, then it will take another hour. What will be the situation?

"Yes, that is, I directly translate the things transmitted from this signal to you"

"Damn, what are you waiting for?" After Wang Wei heard No. [-]'s words at this time, he was also full of anger in his heart. He never thought that there was such a big shortcut to take, and this No. [-] would actually be at this time. So long-winded, if Xiaokui was in this place, he would never be so long-winded.

"The translation function activation system is importing this thing into its own storage space, and the translation continues"

The system's voice came out at this time. Wang Wei was also a little speechless when he heard this sentence. He really didn't know how to say it. At this time, the system would also be infected by No. [-]. Great, that's a lot of nonsense.

Chapter [-]: Information Content

"Translation was successful"

"What the hell did that guy say?"

"Where are you? I found a planet without an owner in this place, come and help." After No. [-] said this, Wang Wei was completely stunned. They found a planet without an owner in this place. I feel like I'm in a bad mood, and it's still getting people to come to support. What's the situation?Could it be that these guys discovered a new continent in this place?

"Start the exploration function and carefully find out if there are any new planets or unowned planets in this area"

"The d system shows that the new map is the actual Gamma galaxy, and there are only 27 planets that have been excavated in the Gamma galaxy, and there are countless planets that have not been excavated. There are no main planets and no domain planets in this place. Uncountable. From the analysis database of the new system of warships so far, it has evolved to 24 digits, and it may even be larger than [-] digits.”

After hearing the system say such words, Wang Wei was also a little bitter. He really didn't know what kind of concept this was. How could there be so many undiscovered planets in the Karma Galaxy? And this planet has been discovered by only 27 planets that have masters yet.

How could Wang Wei not be surprised by this?At this moment, Wang Weina was so shocked that he couldn't be more shocked. He didn't expect that there would be so many planets without owners in this world, and he didn't even think that there would be so many new balls in this world. find.

"Find me where this signal is coming from"

Wang Wei directly took a breath, and immediately erased the thought in his heart, and immediately spoke to the system.

"The system is detecting the signal source drip source lock"

The sound of the system came out at this time, and Mawei was also excited at this time. He really wanted to know where the signal came from, and who was the person who sent the signal?What does he want to do?Does this guy want to rule this undiscovered, unruled planet in the Gamma galaxy?

"Found that the source of the signal came from the earth"

After hearing the system's words, Wang Wei was stunned for a moment. This new account actually came from the earth. Who is going to attack the earth?Why are they sending such a message at this time?Could it be that someone wants to unify the earth, or that someone wants to enslave the earth?

Wang Wei was thinking like this at this time, he really didn't understand, what was the situation with this guy?

Immediately, he thought of what Number One said before. Number One once said, um, the network of this surname is sent by a low-level network, and this low-level network is already higher than the modern earth, that is to say, making this The strength of the Internet publisher has exceeded his imagination, and he even has a feeling that this guy who sends a signal to outer space is just to notify that guy, but for some reason, the signal is in the air floating for nearly 100 years.Worry-Free Literature Network www.5uwx.net

So how terrifying is this civilized planet?Are they completely beyond the modern technology of Earth?How powerful are their technological levels?Wang Wei was unable to determine this point.

Of course, what did the owner of that source mean by saying this?What do you want to do?Wang Wei also had a headache at this time, and then he remembered Duma Duma. In this star field, the reason why he can be king and hegemony is that he wants to take all the planets in this fairyland. He even wants to kill all the creatures on all these planets. I don't know if he kills all the creatures for sacrifice or for what he wants to plot?

At this moment, Wang Wei came up with such an idea, and the next moment, he opened his mouth to No. [-]. :

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